2017 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • germanshepher1
    germanshepher1 Posts: 4 Member
    Nood here, adopt me :)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited January 2017
    Much thanks to @RunRutheeRun who has adopted 3 folks and is no longer available for new noobs.

    I'm happy to be a mentor to 1 person.

    I'm Ruth, 47, 5 ft 2 1/4", average weight 128lbs, from Northern Ireland. Married 28 yrs, have 2 adult sons, work full time in accounts.

    I've been on MFP since May 2012, my goal was to lose 20 lbs which I did, went on to lose a few more and been in maintenance since Dec 13 :smiley:
    I'm active in general, work out week days a combination of running/walking and lifting. A sedentary day for me is 10k steps.

    Imo I'm in the best shape ever and feel I can offer sound advice to newbies :smile:

    But... none of this half starving oneself nonsense! I'm small and lost weight consistently eating 1600-1800 calories. I firmly believe that we have to make small changes which become lasting habits to keep the weight off for good. Eating too little makes us feel deprived which eventually leads to just giving up (As I found after years of yoyo dieting).

    If anyone is interested send me a PM with an FR.

    I don't log my meals any more and don't post to my news feed either any more but I'm happy to support someone and will happily comment and share pointers/tips.

    I eat ALL foods but practice moderation.


  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    If anyone needs me, my offer as stated above still stands. Just shoot me a friend request with a little bit about you (preferably more than just your name), and we'll get you on the road to health.
  • Fairlieboy
    Fairlieboy Posts: 84 Member
    I'd like to help anyone and be a mentor. Been a mentor to business people for years so have an appreciation of how to be supportive & a couple of years ago wrote a book on why diets fail for 80% of people . Have done the journey myself with 15kg loss, & then 8 back but now on mfp again.
    So happy to help.
  • kimandgarybolton
    kimandgarybolton Posts: 30 Member
    edited January 2017
    Would love to be adopted :-) I need a mentor to kick my butt
  • 2017Jupiter
    2017Jupiter Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hello everyone!
    I would like to be adopted by whichever mentor wants me!

    I'm currently trying to strenghten my core and lose 20kg/ 44lbs. I'm struggling to understand why there is so much sugar in my macros...because I stopped eating anything with added sugar. There's sugar even in greek yogurt, that's just sneaky.

    I'm into clean eating and against anything low fat. No diet soda for me either. Real food.

    My ideal lifestyle would be low-carb-ish (to help with PCOS) if I ever get rid of that sneaky sugar in them macros

  • jaje01
    jaje01 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi you wonderful people!

    I'd love to be adopted! I'm 48, vegetarian and have spent the past 12 months being completely sedentary due to some (ongoing) joint problems (ankles and knees). My weight is now at 80 kg and I realistically would like to shift 15kg in time. I'm mindful that high impact exercise is out for me, for now, but I would love to crack this. I'm actually pretty ashamed of how out of shape I am so some advice/support/wisdom from someone whose travelled this road would be so very much appreciated.

  • joemama68
    joemama68 Posts: 8 Member
    I would love a mentor if anyone is up for a challenge!

    I am 49yo male with a goal of losing about 25 pounds and get stronger. I used to be an avid lifter and gave that up due to a shoulder injury about 18 months ago. I can go more into that if need be. I work a desk job and don't eat the best at the moment, however it would be nice to find someone who can offer me motivation, encouragement and some pointers! I don't have access to a gym, however I do have a full squat rack with 400 pounds of weight and dumb bells at home to use.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    edited January 2017
    @Djproulx has already adopted two noobs and no longer has availability. Thanks Djprouix for being an MFP mentor!

    I am willing to be a mentor to 1 or 2 noobs again this year.

    I"m 59 yrs old and struggled for many years to balance a demanding job and an active family life. After several failed attempts, at 54 years old I succeeded in losing 45lbs with the help of a trainer. I have changed my lifestyle and become very active. Over the last 5 years, I've been very involved in running and triathlon as my fitness improved. I've competed in a significant number of races including several Half Iron distance (70.3) triathlons. I currently train 9-12 hours/week in the winter, more during racing season. My goal races this year include the Virgina Beach Marathon and Ironman 70.3 Lake Placid. I'm currently focused on dropping a bit more weight to help me get faster.

    Several things about me as a mentor:

    1) I'm a communicator. I won't write something or pat you on the back every 10 minutes, but I will try to provide insight, support, or a blunt directive, depending on what I think you need.

    2) I am an active learner when it comes to things I enjoy, such as running, triathlon and food. I enjoy learning new ways to use food as fuel.

    3) I will be invested if you are. I'm still learning myself, so I would enjoy a mentor/mentee relationship where someone is counting on my help and also questioning me from time to time. I love to learn from others, too.

    So, if you are interested, feel free to pm me.
  • onunka620
    onunka620 Posts: 4 Member
    I am newly active . I've have lost weight numerous of times. But my main hiccup is keeping it off . I would like a mentor that would be able to help me achieve this goal. I need my confidence back. I would like a mentor.
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