2017 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • DoriLat
    DoriLat Posts: 2 Member
    Im not a pro, I'm not even close to it. Finally after many years of on and off trying, I have found myself and am working to become who I want to be. I might not be much help, but if there is anyone who is a total beginner, who just wants support and "as much as I can" help, Im here to help you. :)

    Im female, 24 and have lost together 8 Kg and moving to get the rest 22 Kg off. don't see myself stopping, feel confident. :)
  • angela15517
    angela15517 Posts: 52 Member
    I would love to be adopted! I've never had a healthy lifestyle, even as a kid, so I'm kind of lost. A little about me:

    I'm a 32 y/o mom of 3. I am 5'7", and 235 lbs. I've always been kind of chubby, but this is the biggest I have ever been. I have 2 trick knees so I really need to be careful about pivoting, sudden movement, strain on the knees etc. I am so TIRED of being fat, and the unhealthy lifestyle I lead. I have found that on my days off from work, all I do is SIT...really. That's it. I've only been on MFP for a week, and so far have done ok, haven't drank soda in over a week. But could really use some direction and advice. Thank you for listening.
  • smc0170
    smc0170 Posts: 56 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'd love to be a mentor for someone if they would like the help!

    I've lost over 70 pounds since I started on MFP back in November of 2013, and I can honestly say that losing the weight is the best thing I've ever done. I tried for years to lose the weight on and off and finally saw it through. I know that a lot of you can do the same.
  • zman10512
    zman10512 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi my name is Zach im 19 years old and currently 205 lbs. I used to be pretty fit and was sitting around 185 lbs and working out daily. About a year ago i lost a few very important people in my life and i completely stopped working out. I lost all my muscle and shot up to 225 lbs. I am finally back on my fit. I have a loving and supporting Gf and have been able to get down to 205lbs in about 2 months. Recently i hit a wall. I cant loose more weight. My goal was to work out until i hit 185 again and then start working on muscle so i have only been running. I am extremely determined but i am unsure as to what to do next.
  • moniquemallarifitness
    Hi everyone! I’d love to be a mentor to those who want motivation, support, and advice throughout their fitness journey.

    I’m a 26-year-old, 5’2”, 115lbs Canadian, with a goal of pushing her body to the best that it can be! I’ve been on MFP before, but decided to return in the hopes of helping others! I’m an avid weightlifter, I eat clean, and my philosophy is that discipline, perseverance and positivity are the keys to success. I also firmly believe in lifting weights (while increasing resistance overtime) and nutrition as the cornerstones of developing and improving your body. I am also going through my own journey as well, and I'm happy to share my journey (i.e. what I eat and what my workouts are) with you.

    I lead a busy lifestyle—I balance a 9-5 job, a 4-hour a day commute, personal life, and projects—all while making fitness a high priority. I believe that if I can do it, so can you. I mean, come on, we all have the same 24 hours as Beyonce!

    What I mainly look for in a mentee (aka, noob), is someone who is determined to push themselves to the limits in order to attain their own fitness goals. If you’re interested, feel free to leave me a message with a background of yourself and what your goals are, and hopefully, we’ll be a match!

    Cheers, Monique
  • WitchyKisses
    WitchyKisses Posts: 11 Member
    Noob Needing Adoption.

    Back at it again and would like to have a mentor this time. I plateau'd last time after losing 20lbs and when my doctor said I can't lose the weight on my own and suggested Gastric Bypass, I gave up and am almost back to my start weight from (I think it was) 2014. I have Spondylolisthesis and have been advised by my doctor that anything other than exercising submerged up to my neck in water will only damage my spine further.He also tried getting me into a wheelchair 11 years ago, so I'd like to push myself a little further than 'only in water' because quite frankly - public pools gross me out. As for diet, I either don't reach 1200cals or surpass my 1540cal limit.

    Age: 28
    Weight/Height: 208lbs/5'0"
    Current Goal: Lose 88lbs by 2018

  • BeUncommon
    BeUncommon Posts: 116 Member
    Hello everyone, I am looking for a mentor as well. My name is Tonya and from the UK. I am 47 years old and have struggled with my weight my entire life. I currently weigh in at about 28-39 stone. (approx 400lbs) I am 5'3. I have diabetes and other health issues (pain etc) I have been slowly trying to build up my walking using crutches. I have now joined here and also have a fitbit HR I have also had a knee replacement and the other knee is not very good either and will need replacing in the near future. I have a 12 year old daughter who is the light of my life and I really want to be a better roll model for her and hope to not be an embarrassment. I really need to change my life before I lose it. Any help would be appreciated.
  • phoenix71011
    phoenix71011 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi...is there anyone out there willing to adopt and mentor me? I'm a returner to MFP after a few years off and normally do this stuff on my own but having a mentor would help to stop me falling off the wagon again!
    Many thanks x
  • TGooo7
    TGooo7 Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi there, I am looking for someone who is willing to adopt me.
    I will be 28 soon, I'm 5'2 and 194 lbs.
    I am a Stay at home mother of 3. I have lost 8lbs and 11 inches this month by doing at home workouts and eating healthier.
  • bob_mck
    bob_mck Posts: 29 Member
    Would love to try out a mentor on this to see if it helps me keep on track of everything!.
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Food for thought:

    Do you guys ever assign mentors to MFP groups? I've seen several new groups crop up over the past couple of weeks that have been started by, and are populated with noobs. I think assigning a mentor or two to groups like these might be really helpful. They can help steer the group away from approaches that may not work and toward sustainable weight loss and/or fitness plans, and answer individual questions along the way.
  • zwmcewan
    zwmcewan Posts: 3 Member

    I would love to be able to find a mentor who can help me achieve my goals. Currently I'm 19 and as of now pretty underweight. During my first semester at college I got sick and lost a lot of weight but want to build my muscle back up again. If there's anyone with personal training experience to help me find a plan to follow would be great! I am interested in doing some kind of training that focuses on strength and functionality, similar to what fire fighters and police officers do. I am very self motivated and my nutrition is in check as well. I eat only whole grains, fruit, vegetables, meats, and nuts. If there's anyone out there that can help me that would be great!
  • breathless575
    breathless575 Posts: 140 Member
    I am looking for someone to adopt me. Ideally, my mentor would be someone who can teach me about weight loss while being encouraging, but also harsh at the same time (tough love). I recently came back to MFP after putting on 10-15 pounds in just a couple months. It is frustrating because none of my clothes fit me anymore. I know I need to lose weight, and I would like for someone who is successful at this to help show me how it's done. I struggle with self-control and eating sweets. I started couch to 5K yesterday. I'm 5'4", 130 lbs, and 41 years old.
  • sumrdream
    sumrdream Posts: 25 Member
    Any Paleo eating mentors? New to Myfitnesspal but not new to the paleo way of eating. Would love to connect with others for motivation and inspiration and new recipes! :) I'm 50 years old, need to lose 50-60 pounds and would like to make some friends here.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Food for thought:

    Do you guys ever assign mentors to MFP groups? I've seen several new groups crop up over the past couple of weeks that have been started by, and are populated with noobs. I think assigning a mentor or two to groups like these might be really helpful. They can help steer the group away from approaches that may not work and toward sustainable weight loss and/or fitness plans, and answer individual questions along the way.

    We don't but its a lovely idea - will consider for future adopt a noobs and feel free to share with mentors groups needing an experienced leader.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Giant thanks to our new mentors!!!!

  • EurosHolmes
    EurosHolmes Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to find somebody to mentor me, so if you have patience to hear "I can't do it, I'm going to die before I reach the goal..." I'm your girl :)

    About me:
    I'm a 25 year old from Poland, currently at 169 lbs. Ideally I'd love to go down to ~132 lbs till the end of June, but really anything below 145 lbs will be good in my book (I'm 5' 8"). I'm a total noob, this is my first attempt at weightloss ever, so I have no clue what I'm doing. Mainly I'd love to have somebody to tell me how to tone my body and build some strength in core muscles (they're practically non-existent atm) and throw some useful recipes my way, since I've been living off of pizza and frozen fish for the past year (plus I guess Polish cuisine with its amount of fat in everything doesn't help either).
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    Ooo! Pick me for mentor!

    31 years old and I want to feel challenged...it would pretty be cool to get back into coaching/advising...I miss it!

    Here's what you need to know about me:

    -Been a member of the MFP community since 2012, and have always tried to remain a helpful component in the community and forums here.
    -NASM certified personal trainer since 2010. I have advanced certification in nutrition. The certifications expired in 2012 as I did not choose to spend the money to renew them. My day job is in the financial sector. I have no aspirations of making any more money from health and fitness...so I'd like to think this is something I'm doing to give back to a community that has given so much to me.
    -Have a university background in biology (organic chemistry) as a part of my double major along with finance at the University of Illinois
    -My passion has always been human performance. (not only a student, but a true practitioner of the concepts)
    -I have been weight training since the age of 16, though I have only been very serious about it for 11 years.
    -I have had clients from commercials gyms, martial arts classes, power lifting competitors, crossfit athletes, and womens weight loss support groups.
    -Proficient in the "big three" lifts. Understand human kinetics especially in relation to compound movements.
    -I've also had to deal with being naturally overweight my entire life (as genetics has cursed me). But I am a true and firm believer that the relationship between a trainer and a trainee can be the difference between success and failure. I achieved my goals under the tutelage of an 80 year old cancer survivor and long time bodybuilder - Gusti Ives...an experience that I am sure has shaped my life in more ways that he would ever know.

    Before you ask me for help:

    -I don't believe in any project too simple or small, but I have an extremely keen nose for bullsh*t especially in dieting and exercise. I'm looking for those looking for serious direction and commitment with a good understanding of how to use MFP to log calories and exercise . Let's agree that wasting each others' time is the last thing we want.

    -I will not mentor anyone that is not actively engaged in routine exercise and has been so for an extended period of time (at least 3 months)

    -I can handle many clients at once but please understand that I do have a day job and a girlfriend and a dog (who is getting chubby, actually).

    Please consider me for the role of mentor. Thank you all!
  • ginamisa
    ginamisa Posts: 20 Member
    I am a noob to keto... just started learning about it. It's a way way different mindset, eating way then any conventional diet for sure. I've been doing it probably since New Years week. And lost 11 lbs... however been stalling here and there... so really could use a Keto Mentor. :-)
  • mbat1052761
    mbat1052761 Posts: 1 Member
    I need a mentor to help keep me accountable. I'm 64 yrs. young and live in eastern IA. I've lost 26 lbs. so far. need to lose another 40 lbs before the doctors will do surgery on my back
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