Want to lose 5 lbs but not motivated



  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    srecupid wrote: »
    I want to lose 10 but hardly care enough either. I'm like right on the brink of overweight bmi and i know i could be better hell i was 10 pounds lighter prior to thanksgiving. It's just 1 pound a week is too much and .5 seems like molasses pace when i thought I was done with this crap. I think I'm gonna try to lose 5 and see how my pants fit and call it quits.

    I kind of feel like I'll never be done with it all. I know that anytime I lose focus, I end up gaining weight and I have to refocus to lose it again. It sucks, but for those of us who have a tendency to overeat it's just reality. I do feel good that I maintained for almost a year before reaching this point of wanting to lose again!
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    @victoria_1024 Yay! That's is so good that 1450 seems feasible.

    Also to be fair if I am eating fast food or at a restaurant etc I could totally eat 1450 in a single meal let alone a day, but I guess that still doesn't change the fact I feel sick after haha!

    Keep us updated on your progress.

  • straightsourzz
    straightsourzz Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2017
    Coffee and green tea are some of the best weight loss tools on the planet. This may sound like *kitten* but I kid you not. If you or anyone else feel like you cant follow a low calorie diet, use it to your advantage. A cup of coffee can easily hold you over for about 2 hours. Green tea as well. For coffee, I drink it strong, sometimes black, sometimes with a sugarfree coffee creamer. It doesn't matter. Even drinking it black makes you feel full. For green tea I use 16oz of water, and 2 bags with 0 cal sweetener. Meal timing, and planning also plays a role in sticking with low calorie diets. For example...I wake up. Make coffee. 2 hours later I prepare to workout, I drink lots of water, then I workout for 35 minutes. I drink water as I work out, so when I'm done, I don't have the urge to eat right away as I'm full from all that water. I then shower, and then I'll have some green tea. Then I get hungry and have my post workout meal. So as you can see, from the time I woke up, I managed to get thru around 4-5 hours of not focusing on eating, or feeling miserable. Boom, your first meal is complete. You still have 2 more. I generally try and wait 4-5 hours between meals, using coffee and green tea to help me. Also, keep yourself busy, and eat quality foods that will satiate your appetite. Good luck. Give it a shot.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,042 Member
    I find short-term goals help. I set a goal of decreasing my calories for just a few weeks. It's not forever ... it's just for the next 3 or 4 weeks.

    This week, I've dropped to 1340 cal, and I've lost 1 kg, but I suspect some of that was water weight.

    Next week, I may drop to 1325 cal.

    Then the following week, I might drop to 1300 cal and stick with that until the March long weekend. Then I'll take a diet break and assess where I am and what I want to do next.

    I'm also eating most of my exercise calories back, but if the weight loss slows, I'll drop that back to 75%.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,042 Member
    srecupid wrote: »
    I want to lose 10 but hardly care enough either. I'm like right on the brink of overweight bmi and i know i could be better hell i was 10 pounds lighter prior to thanksgiving. It's just 1 pound a week is too much and .5 seems like molasses pace when i thought I was done with this crap. I think I'm gonna try to lose 5 and see how my pants fit and call it quits.

    I kind of feel like I'll never be done with it all. I know that anytime I lose focus, I end up gaining weight and I have to refocus to lose it again. It sucks, but for those of us who have a tendency to overeat it's just reality. I do feel good that I maintained for almost a year before reaching this point of wanting to lose again!

    Yep. That's life ... unfortunately. Constantly watching. Constantly adjusting.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member

    I kind of feel like I'll never be done with it all. I know that anytime I lose focus, I end up gaining weight and I have to refocus to lose it again. It sucks, but for those of us who have a tendency to overeat it's just reality. I do feel good that I maintained for almost a year before reaching this point of wanting to lose again!

    Yeah unfortunately we are never done with it, we have to eat within our TDEE most of the time to remain the same weight or we would eventually gain. It's better to nip any small gains in the bud. Over time maintenance gets much easier, I'm in my 4th year and for the past year haven't needed to log at all - intuitive eating kicks in eventually I've found which is fab :smile: maybe this isn't the case for everyone but its true for me.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    srecupid wrote: »
    I want to lose 10 but hardly care enough either. I'm like right on the brink of overweight bmi and i know i could be better hell i was 10 pounds lighter prior to thanksgiving. It's just 1 pound a week is too much and .5 seems like molasses pace when i thought I was done with this crap. I think I'm gonna try to lose 5 and see how my pants fit and call it quits.

    I kind of feel like I'll never be done with it all. I know that anytime I lose focus, I end up gaining weight and I have to refocus to lose it again. It sucks, but for those of us who have a tendency to overeat it's just reality. I do feel good that I maintained for almost a year before reaching this point of wanting to lose again!

    Same, hence my 'I wanted to lose 5 lbs last year, only 10 to go' problem.
  • tahxirez
    tahxirez Posts: 270 Member
    I am feeling the Christmas creep! I want to lose about 5-7 to get back to my "happy weight" but I don't want to go with a set deficit because I think I'm feeling too restricted and I'm rebelling. I'm just going to try to nibble away in chunks of overages. Basically: Stay within my calories (I have been going over pretty often which is negating my under days), let a deficit happen naturally, and try and keep the cardio levels up as the weather permits. Hopefully with the warmer weather just around the corner I'll be able to up the activity and drop the weight.
  • FitBody3
    FitBody3 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. My lowest weight was 105 lbs but now I am up to 110 lbs and maintaining. I would really love to be 105 lbs again but my calories would be too low both to lose and to maintain :/
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I spent 2 years losing about 70 lbs and then maintained that for about a year and a half. I never got to my ultimate goal weight and this year decided I really wanted to get there and lose the last 10 to 15 lbs. It's been hard but I've lost about half of it so far. I had to cut my calories to about 1400 with a bit of leeeway on the weekend for a meal out and maybe a glass or two of wine. I've gotten used to the lower calories now, after about 3 weeks, but the first week I felt like giving up because I was hungry.........LOL

    I switched to eating 5 or 6 times a day and making sure I got plenty of protein in, close to 130 grams spread out over the day. I do strength training and some cardio and knew I needed the protein. I also cut way back on sugar as I had kind of drifted into more than I probably should have been enjoying while on maintenance. I'm trying to make my calories count more towards nutrition than pleasure for now and it seems to be working.

    I also added one more day of strength training to the mix and with the changes in diet I'm easily losing a pound a week or maybe even a bit more.

    Good luck!
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    When I see my weigh climb out of my ideal range, I hit it hard by dropping 1,000 calories from my diet. It's not that I need to drop the weight that quickly, since a week at a 1,000 calorie deficit should bring it back in range, its just that the challenge of trying to eat at that level makes it easier for me to motivate myself to do it.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,683 Member
    I have been maintaining a healthy weight for about 6 years, but there have been various ups and downs within that range, caused mostly by travel. I have been able to lose weight after a gain without counting calories by 1) increasing my exercise (I'm a runner and training for a race helps motivate me to increase my miles and do more cross training), and 2) cutting back on the high calorie foods that I know have been derailing my weight. I usually gain weight by eating out too often, drinking too much beer, and eating too many sweets. All are easy to control, and I do when I'm paying attention or not on vacation. As long as it's only been a couple of months, so the weight gain is only 5 pounds or so, it is pretty easy to lose what I need to without feeling like I'm on a diet.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Yep. I've been there before, a few times (e.g. pre-pregnancy, post-pregnancy, post med-change-weight-loss, post-holidays ...). What sometimes is I halfheartedly try for a little while and then something (like wanting to wear my skinny jeans) kicks in and motivates me to actually dig in and stick with it long enough to lose the 5 lbs. I did it most recently in January after the holiday weight gain. It only ended up taking less than a month (1350 cals/day plus exercise calories. I'm 5'7" and now back down to goal range of 130-133) and feels so good to be back there! (I spent much of the past 7 months 1-5 lbs above my goal range.)
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Yes. It's going/goes horribly for me. I can't get into a deficit to save my life.
  • yapdog
    yapdog Posts: 33 Member
    Following this thread i need to get motivated to lose 5lbs! I feel like my heads in the right place this week to do it!
  • crooked_left_hook
    crooked_left_hook Posts: 364 Member
    Thank you all! There's some really good advice here.

    I'm going to see how the 1450 goes for this week and if it feels maintainable. I could definitely just eat at a smaller deficit and lose weight much more slowly. I'm in no hurry to lose it.

    I also could try to increase my activity level again. It's been so hard with the bitter Minnesota cold, plus I've been sick like 3 times since December, and it's just dark and miserable so the motivation isn't there. I also lost my garmin activity tracker which was a bummer. Before I was actively trying to reach 10k steps so I know that was some added motivation.

    I'm doing well with today though! I prelogged most of my day and hopefully can get my workout in during my toddlers naptime!

    Ditto on the suck factor of Minnesota winters. Luckily I work downtown Mpls so I can log steps by walking the skyways during breaks, but getting motivated to go to the gym is H-A-R-D. Hopefully you've been taking advantage of the gorgeous weather this past week!
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    KT6377 wrote: »
    Thank you all! There's some really good advice here.

    I'm going to see how the 1450 goes for this week and if it feels maintainable. I could definitely just eat at a smaller deficit and lose weight much more slowly. I'm in no hurry to lose it.

    I also could try to increase my activity level again. It's been so hard with the bitter Minnesota cold, plus I've been sick like 3 times since December, and it's just dark and miserable so the motivation isn't there. I also lost my garmin activity tracker which was a bummer. Before I was actively trying to reach 10k steps so I know that was some added motivation.

    I'm doing well with today though! I prelogged most of my day and hopefully can get my workout in during my toddlers naptime!

    Ditto on the suck factor of Minnesota winters. Luckily I work downtown Mpls so I can log steps by walking the skyways during breaks, but getting motivated to go to the gym is H-A-R-D. Hopefully you've been taking advantage of the gorgeous weather this past week!

    Yes ma'am!! It's been amazing. Preparing for that Friday snowstorm that is apparently coming. :/