Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    3) Walk dog after work / errands. Walked 3 miles on beautiful evening, saw 2 ducks swimming and 2 deer. Dog was super happy b/c then I took her to Petco, and she always gets a treat. :smiley:

    Do you live in the country around here? I would love to find somewhere to talk where I could see wildlife. One of the reasons I don't like walking now that i live in the city and not out in the country near the woods. Sounds wonderful! Was a beautiful day yesterday!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    shenna333 wrote: »
    Just for today: Friday

    Relax. Being uptight does not help me solve world hunger-I settled down, didn't solve world hunger. Didn't solve anything, but feel better :)
    Find the good in those around me and compliment them on it-I'm trying!!!!! Really should compliment people more..... I'm cheap and it's free :o
    Be thankful for the great life and all the love I have-Birds are singing, weather is mild, and I'm upright.

    Should be a nice day with all the kids. Soccer game, and some sort of fashion show later. Love it when I'm out with the babies and they are looking and acting all cute and stuff. <3 Somehow lost another pound...between the beer drinking and emotional eating, I am feeling pretty darn proud. Maybe, just maybe, I am making some changes I can actually live with.

    It's really hard to not be uptight when there is so much stress around you that you can't do much about. I've been dealing with that too. I finally have reached a point where I tell myself that it's out of my control, it's temporary and to just relax and let it go. It's hard, but it really does help me feel better and remain in a calm place. Hang in there! Everything is temporary. ;) (I know, easy for me to say, right?)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Goals for Sat
    - Be in the green like yesterday! Yes.. by 3 calories :sweat_smile:
    - Get some shopping in! - no partner was unwell!
    - Stay within the carb/sugar and fat intake yes I think so
    - Meditate - didn't get a chance!
    - Exercise! It's a lovely sunny day in Cheshire so must make the most of it! - unwell partner so no, but did walk dog!

    Look at you go! You're doing way better at this than I am! Nice...

    Not gonna lie, it's only because we have no food in :(
    Enoughfor OH and girls but nothing really for me and I refuse to eat potatos rice or bread or pasta now!

    I've been having ryvitas wth my tea :sweat_smile:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Well, it looks like I didn't post goals yesterday, which is probably a good thing since I would have failed them all except getting my step goal in. I have to approach this differently, with very specific goals and a plan to achieve them because I have become too complacent with not doing what I need to do. My health depends on this for one thing, and so does my energy and general everyday life. I have to cut out the sugar habit. I have to. So....no more chuffing down bags of chocolate candies just because they're there! I may as well have had a feed bag on yesterday.

    Just for Sunday
    1. Journal every bite
    2. Eat only natural food. Nothing processed.
    3. Meal plan for week (including packed lunch & snacks) and go to grocery store
    4. Cut up veggies for the week and store in serving-sized baggies
    5. HYDRATE with water. No more caffeine today. 80 oz. No wiggle room. I'm physically feeling the effects of dehydration because I have been not doing this.
    6. Do not be a slug. Get your @$$ off the couch and DO SOMETHING! It's going to be 71 degrees in Wisconsin today. DO NOT WASTE THE DAY AND THEN WHINE ABOUT IT. (Who, me? LOL)
    7. Smile and greet people today everywhere you go. Positive attitudes bring positive things.
    8. Sew on the quilt a little bit later today. Doesn't have to be a lot, but just make a little progress. You'll be happy you did.
    9. Read my Simple Abundance book and gratitude journal before bed.

    Not exactly a simple list. Pretty darn long. But i need to do something. I have been going the wrong direction for a month. Not cool...

    Happy Sunday everyone! You're all doing really good and it's inspiring me to get my derriere in gear too!

    2017 Word: Serenity.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Not gonna lie, it's only because we have no food in :(
    Enoughfor OH and girls but nothing really for me and I refuse to eat potatos rice or bread or pasta now!

    I've been having ryvitas wth my tea :sweat_smile:

    Been there. It sucks but it's healthy!
    What are ryvitas? I have seen you and Slittlemeister both talk about these. Are they like a cracker or something?
  • dph118
    dph118 Posts: 89 Member

    Just for you! A photo from my hike this morning of the castle ruins in Kallmuenz.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Oh my gosh! What I wouldn't give to actually see some real castle ruins! What a cool thing to do! You made me smile and you made me dream all with this one sentence! That would be a perfect day to me. *sigh* ;)

    You should visit the UK, it's full of ruined things :) So many I think we're quite complacent about them!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited April 2017
    dph118 wrote: »

    I am so jealous! I really miss our garden. We had a 3000 square foot garden when we were in the States, but can't have one here in Germany. I really do miss my fresh produce and all the canning I used to do. :neutral:

    My garden is only 100 square feet, but I get a LOT of my food out of it.

    I'm not feeling much gardening enthusiasm this year...but I do like to eat, so I am slowly getting things together. I had little peas poking through the soil today. :)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I swear that I updated Friday and posted Saturday goals, but they seem to have disappeared. How odd!

    Anyhow, Sunday:

    1. Track all food
    2. under 75G carbs
    3. plan and pre-track exercise for the coming week
    4. 30 minutes gardening and work on garden planning
    5. salsa and bachata...at least 60 minutes
    6. pack for trip next week
    7. 10+ cups water
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Well, it looks like I didn't post goals yesterday, which is probably a good thing since I would have failed them all except getting my step goal in. I have to approach this differently, with very specific goals and a plan to achieve them because I have become too complacent with not doing what I need to do.

    Do you think you might be setting too many goals? You tend to set quite a lot.... maybe it would be easier to set 1-2 goals consistently and get into a habit with them rather than trying to do lots of different things? Like, really focus on sugar for a while without worrying about water, then move onto water when turning down sugar has become more habitual, etc?

    I'm a bit of a hypocrite here because I tend to set lots of goals myself..... hey, it's easier to give advice than take it :)
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @OConnell5483 @Bex953172 Ryvita are low calorie crispbreads.... they're a bit like crackers, but much lighter! They're about 40 calories each and they do actually fill you up. I tend to keep them in my filing cabinet at work because then I can eat them if I'm super hungry but I don't like them enough to snack on them if I'm not actually hungry... which is what would happen if I kept other things in there...... I think they are a UK thing only as the website is .co.uk but you might be able to get them in larger stores? https://www.ryvita.co.uk/products
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    @OConnell5483 @Bex953172 Ryvita are low calorie crispbreads.... they're a bit like crackers, but much lighter! They're about 40 calories each and they do actually fill you up. I tend to keep them in my filing cabinet at work because then I can eat them if I'm super hungry but I don't like them enough to snack on them if I'm not actually hungry... which is what would happen if I kept other things in there...... I think they are a UK thing only as the website is .co.uk but you might be able to get them in larger stores? https://www.ryvita.co.uk/products


    They're made from rye
    You can get loads of variations, original, Mediterranean, sesame seed (the ones I get)
  • mary_clinton6
    mary_clinton6 Posts: 74 Member
    1. Only have 1 serving of sweets overnight at work
    2. Drink 40 FL oz water
    3. Eat salad

    I feel like my goals are so redudant... how do you change em up?
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Goals for Sun
    - Be in the green! :) yep!
    - Stay within the carb/sugar and fat intake :) Carb: 86/167g, Sugar: 40/50g, Fat: -4g
    - Meditate - noo not waking up early enough! You cannot meditate at all when you have a baby and toddler :cold_sweat:
    - Get outside! It's supposed to be the hottest day of the year so far!... it was NOT the hottest day of the year! Did not go out!

    Goals for Mon
    - It's my weekly weigh in to see how I'm doing! Wish me luck!
    - Be in the green!
    - Get some food in the house before I starve myself to death!!
    - Set alarm for 7am - walk dog then meditate
    - Stay within Carb/Sugar/Fat intake.

    April Goals
    March Weight: 12st 6lb
    Current Weight: 12st 5lb
    Target Weight: 10st 7lb
    Lbs to lose this month: 4

    Strive for progress, not perfection.

    Have you ever tried Scandinavian Bran crisp bread?
    They're really low calorie, low carb, low sugar, low fat but high in fibre 4.9g/serving. So after 2 you will have reached your daily fibre intake! (So don't eat more than that!)
    But they taste like *kitten* and are like cardboard!
    Makes a ryvita look like an amazing treat!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    1. Only have 1 serving of sweets overnight at work
    2. Drink 40 FL oz water
    3. Eat salad

    I feel like my goals are so redudant... how do you change em up?

    I feel like my goals are always the same

    My trick is I try someone else's goal that I like the look of!
    For example I tried @OConnell5483 75g of carbs! Which was a nice bit difficult challenge, so difficult in fact I made damn sure she did it as well :sweat_smile:
    But because I completed it I now do it daily (or as close as)

    So for example you could use one of mine and do 10mins meditating (literally just a YouTube vid that you listen to)
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @Bex953172 Hmm they don't sound very appealing :) Might be worth checking out for the fibre though.... i'm not very good at getting that in...
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    @Bex953172 Hmm they don't sound very appealing :) Might be worth checking out for the fibre though.... i'm not very good at getting that in...

    Lol they are pretty bad
    You'd have to find a VERY tasty topping and just power through haha
    I'm the same with fibre which was why I thought of getting it!
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member

    Just for today: Saturday
    Water 8 glasses. Smashed it yesterday probably because I didn't list it lol-I wrote it so of course not.
    Don't be a slug. I am able bodied. Put it to use!!-was good til the evening
    Enjoy family day. Be thankful for them. Love on the babies- :)

    Soccer game was fun. My grandson made five goals. Superstar!! Being that he is only 3, then proceeded to have a meltdown because someone else on his team actually got the ball and made a goal hahaha. Spoiled much? They were so cute in their little fashion show! Downside, out all day eating and only sort of being mindful on portion sizes. Craving a Big Mac for three days. Grateful it was only half a days worth of calories. BBQ birthday party. Thankful I was at least at maintenance. All the while knowing full well what this does to my progress. Didn't even set goals today. There is always tomorrow?
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member
    shenna333 wrote: »
    Just for today: Friday

    Relax. Being uptight does not help me solve world hunger-I settled down, didn't solve world hunger. Didn't solve anything, but feel better :)
    Find the good in those around me and compliment them on it-I'm trying!!!!! Really should compliment people more..... I'm cheap and it's free :o
    Be thankful for the great life and all the love I have-Birds are singing, weather is mild, and I'm upright.

    Should be a nice day with all the kids. Soccer game, and some sort of fashion show later. Love it when I'm out with the babies and they are looking and acting all cute and stuff. <3 Somehow lost another pound...between the beer drinking and emotional eating, I am feeling pretty darn proud. Maybe, just maybe, I am making some changes I can actually live with.

    It's really hard to not be uptight when there is so much stress around you that you can't do much about. I've been dealing with that too. I finally have reached a point where I tell myself that it's out of my control, it's temporary and to just relax and let it go. It's hard, but it really does help me feel better and remain in a calm place. Hang in there! Everything is temporary. ;) (I know, easy for me to say, right?)

    As always, thanks for your support and words of wisdom!! I just keep thinking, who the heck raised these Neanderthals? Oh yeah...... Ignoring them seems to make it worse. Everybody out!!! Take the mutts with you! Well, on second thought, dogs and babies can stay. Adults get out! Hahaha. But then what would I complain about? Well there is always work ;)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    I am back, and oh How I need to start being accountable again!! I had to go back so far and read - so much happens when you are not on here for a week!

    @slittlemeister - welcome back! We have all missed you, and so happy you are back with us.

    I love all the goals you guys are making - like the under 75 carbs, and sugar grams! I am going to incorporate those in my daily goals. It is going to be hard for me to get all the carbs and sugar out of my system after a week of not watching what I eat. I don't even want to get on the scale!
    I love that we are borrowing each other goals - and helping each other to stay accountable!!

    And all the new people on here -- so happy to have you join us! We all learn so much from each other. You are all doing so great!! Now, tomorrow morning, I get back to posting my goals again!!!

    But .... in the week off .... I did have a blast with the grandsons. They have so much energy - non stop! I'm sure you young mothers know this first hand, but for a 67 year old grandma that is not used to little ones - they wore me out! But .. in a fun way!