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What are your unpopular opinions about health / fitness?



  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    I'm late to the thread (it's been a fun read!) but figured I'd throw in my two cents...

    I hate the "my coworker is trying to sabotage my weight loss by bringing in treats!" whine. And I don't just say this as a coworker who brings in said treats, I say it as a human being who has free will and doesn't have a paranoid chip on her shoulder, chocolate or otherwise.

    You are not so special, and the world not so petty, that Becky from accounting is trying to derail your – yes, YOUR! PERSONAL!– weight loss goals. Even if she is, you aren't tied to your office chair while she crams cookies fois gras-style down your gullet (if this is the case, I think OSHA would be a better organization to contact than MFP). Occam's razor would say that your coworker is trying to be nice and, also, you aren't the only person in the office, buttercup. Maybe Josh from marketing or that guy who delivers the mail whom you've never bothered to learn the name of would like an afternoon pick-me-up.

    The "solutions" to this "problem" are usually just as bad. I especially hate the, "throw it away in front of them, they'll get the hint" one. Again, I AM that coworker who brings in homemade goods, and based on feedback, I am a damn good cook. I've also lost 35lb in the last year. I love to bake (it's very soothing) but I don't have much of a sweet tooth so I undoubtedly make more than I know I'd eat for weeks. So, why not share the bounty? Honestly, if a coworker accepted a brownie and then made sure that I saw them throw it in the trash, I wouldn't "take the hint" that I'm not supposed to bring in treats. I'd be a little hurt because I put time, money and effort into doing something nice for the office and you're frankly coming across like a world-class kittenhole and remarkable egotist for no good reason. Even if your coworker is bringing in dollar-store doughnuts, they spent their money to be nice. Hell, my supervisor's treat last month sent me into anaphylaxis and I don't shout "murderer!" every time I see her (sometimes. Not every time.)

    Maybe I'm completely wrong. Maybe there really are Brazil-esque businesses where your coworkers surround you chanting "EAT! THE! CAKE!!! EAT! THE! CAKE!!!" and you get a zap to the cajones if you refuse. Is that what real office jobs are like? I've worked in non-profits my professional career, we're kind of the hippies of the corporate world.

    I personally think this cake culture is a damaging maladaption. It's not a "nice" thing to bring in fat pills. It's definitely a bad thing to do. But because we have a cake culture in offices, it's almost expected that everyone take their turn bringing in sugary, fatty foods with which to tempt each other. Also to order and share a cake when a coworker has a birthday...yuck. It's just not a healthy practice for us humans to have adopted and yet we have and there's all kind of societal expectations around accepting the food, taking your turn to bring in food, etc. The sooner gone the better.

    This is probably the saddest, most blinkered view of social behavior I have ever seen expressed on the forums here.

    Lol. I guess it would surprise you then if I said my bachelors degree was in Anthropology. Don't feel sad for me though! I feel sad for all the poor blue pill lemmings chomping down on cake and donuts in offices every day. I don't think cake culture should be banned, I'm pretty libertarian, but it would be better for us as a species facing an obesity crisis if we didn't have this cultural norm.

    Do you seriously think that people eat cake in the office on a daily basis?
    Is that how it is where you work?

    No, I meant it in the context of "every day somewhere, someone is chomping down on cake or donuts" not "everyday everyone is chomping down on cake or donuts"

    How precise. So since at least one in 7 billion people will eat cake today, we're all just lemmings. lol ok

    Blue pill lemmings who are blissfully ignorant of the real truth.

    Get the facts right, Carlos! Only red pill cake conspirists are down with the dirt on all the cake culture ish.

    I'm also taking the benign view of what the blue pill is. It could be translated in a more sinister political fashion.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    oh how I would love to write my psych dissertation on cake culture in the workplace....haha!

    Why not? Another theme would be how it intersects with the individualism of American culture...hence the primary defence being along the lines of "it's your choice to eat or not eat the cake" "just say no" etc. How does cake culture play out in societies that value conformity over individualism?

    I'm not American. It intersects with my culture of being a human who has always, throughout history, shared food as social bonding.

    May I ask, what you are then? Although many cultures have commonalities, there is no one 'human' culture.

    Can you tell me of a human culture where sharing of food in times of celebration isn't a thing?

    In China, the traditional food to celebrate a birthday are peaches and noodles, not cake.

    That is food though, right? Grains and sugar for the most part.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    oh how I would love to write my psych dissertation on cake culture in the workplace....haha!

    Why not? Another theme would be how it intersects with the individualism of American culture...hence the primary defence being along the lines of "it's your choice to eat or not eat the cake" "just say no" etc. How does cake culture play out in societies that value conformity over individualism?

    because it doesn't really fall into my focus area - but if I were going general psychology it would (my focus area was team dynamics)
  • Macy9336
    Macy9336 Posts: 694 Member
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    oh how I would love to write my psych dissertation on cake culture in the workplace....haha!

    Why not? Another theme would be how it intersects with the individualism of American culture...hence the primary defence being along the lines of "it's your choice to eat or not eat the cake" "just say no" etc. How does cake culture play out in societies that value conformity over individualism?

    I'm not American. It intersects with my culture of being a human who has always, throughout history, shared food as social bonding.

    May I ask, what you are then? Although many cultures have commonalities, there is no one 'human' culture.

    Can you tell me of a human culture where sharing of food in times of celebration isn't a thing?

    In China, the traditional food to celebrate a birthday are peaches and noodles, not cake.

    But still food...........

    Yes. Ok, I didn't want to go there but honestly, you are not using the term "culture" correctly. The definition of culture is the customs, practices and beliefs of a particular people or society. By definition, there can be no universal human "culture". So your point that all humans share food is merely pointing out a commonality between cultures. Sorry, but there it is.

    Pedantic straw clutching?

    Across all human cultures there are customs around the sharing of food at time of celebration. What those foods are will depend on the celebration and again, customs and the evolution thereof. It is a shared commonality amongst humans of different cultures. There. Better?

    That is a more accurate statement. Thank you.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    mmapags wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    oh how I would love to write my psych dissertation on cake culture in the workplace....haha!

    Why not? Another theme would be how it intersects with the individualism of American culture...hence the primary defence being along the lines of "it's your choice to eat or not eat the cake" "just say no" etc. How does cake culture play out in societies that value conformity over individualism?

    I'm not American. It intersects with my culture of being a human who has always, throughout history, shared food as social bonding.

    May I ask, what you are then? Although many cultures have commonalities, there is no one 'human' culture.

    Can you tell me of a human culture where sharing of food in times of celebration isn't a thing?

    In China, the traditional food to celebrate a birthday are peaches and noodles, not cake.

    Oh well, that makes all the difference in the world!! ( now where did they put that eyeroll icon....)

    Just don't invite any of the keto folks, don't want to be evil carb pushers.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    oh how I would love to write my psych dissertation on cake culture in the workplace....haha!

    Why not? Another theme would be how it intersects with the individualism of American culture...hence the primary defence being along the lines of "it's your choice to eat or not eat the cake" "just say no" etc. How does cake culture play out in societies that value conformity over individualism?

    I'm not American. It intersects with my culture of being a human who has always, throughout history, shared food as social bonding.

    May I ask, what you are then? Although many cultures have commonalities, there is no one 'human' culture.

    Can you tell me of a human culture where sharing of food in times of celebration isn't a thing?

    In China, the traditional food to celebrate a birthday are peaches and noodles, not cake.

    But still food...........

    Yes. Ok, I didn't want to go there but honestly, you are not using the term "culture" correctly. The definition of culture is the customs, practices and beliefs of a particular people or society. By definition, there can be no universal human "culture". So your point that all humans share food is merely pointing out a commonality between cultures. Sorry, but there it is.

    Of course you didn't.
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