Oreo coma

I am a 5’3’’ pretty active female and my goal range is 120-125. On January 1st of this year I weighed 163 and have really buckled down to lose the weight. Every time I get to 125 I seem to go a little crazy eating particularly with the dessert. I’ll go through my entire day and stay in my calorie range and then eat an entire sleeve of Oreos. I don’t even like Oreos that much


  • katherinewease
    katherinewease Posts: 35 Member
    For some reason it didn’t post the ending of my post!!
    Who here has these kinds of self-sabotaging tendencies? How do you deal with them?

    Also- what kind of lower calorie sweets do you eat when your craving sugar??
  • katherinewease
    katherinewease Posts: 35 Member
    edited October 2017
    @orangegato My husband has to keep them in the house- I’ve never really wanted them but lately since they are the only sweets, that’s what I go for! Maybe I’ll have him hide them lol
  • Jancandoit7
    Jancandoit7 Posts: 356 Member
    I LOVE sweets! I don't buy cookies or baked goods at all because I too would eat a whole sleeve of Oreos. Can't eat them if ya don't have them! I eat yogurt with berries, chocolate graham crackers, apples mixed with a little cinnamon sugar, Kind Bars, Halo Top ice cream-stuff like that. I do leave enough calories to have one of these little treats every night- I like having a small dessert an hour or so after dinner.
  • katherinewease
    katherinewease Posts: 35 Member
    @Jancandoit7 Thanks for the advice! I definitely need to start doing this. I think I’m just getting sick of “dieting” and need to switch it up some.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    I tend to binge like you late at night, too. Crackers or chips or cookies. I would eat fairly well during the day, but go off the rails late at night sometimes.

    One thing that helped me is intermittent fasting. I can easily go until 2 or 4 pm in the afternoon before my first meal. A second meal sometime around 7 to 9 pm. No late night binges because I'm still full from that second meal.
  • orangegato
    orangegato Posts: 6,570 Member
    @katherinewease For sweets I like Yasso fro yo pops. They're 100 calories and have great flavors. Enlightened low cal ice cream pops or pints are ok too. I like pops better b/c mentally I can tell myself it is done, that's it, don't go for more. Harder to have self-control w/ a pint. Many people here love Halo Top, but I found the Birthday Cake Flavor inedible and I haven't tried any other flavors.
  • NadNight
    NadNight Posts: 794 Member
    I let myself have regular treats (gingerbread flavour ice cream with caramel sauce, gingerbread pieces and fudge chunk from Lidl...mmmm). I think the key is in the word 'maintenance'. You need habits you can sustain and depriving yourself of the yummy stuff doesn't seem like a habit you can keep up for very long. Enjoy your treats regularly to try and prevent binges and just try and balance it out with days of lower calorie foods or more exercise. Enjoy!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I overeat every week. Usually more than once. I just lighten up on other days to offset it.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Exactly.....I tend to look at my caloric needs in more of a weekly perspective....and not a daily perspective. So, if I overdo one day I can underdo on another day and - for the most party - balance things out.

    Now, let's look at why you are doing this? Not picking on you. We have all done this. What do YOU think is the cause of this?
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    I try to plan my evening treat much earlier in the day and log it. Then everything works around that and I can look forward to it and enjoy it guilt-free.

    I also like decaf flavored coffee in the evening. My go-to is Crazy Cups Decaf Peppermint Mocha (I buy on Amazon) - it's just decaf coffee with calorie-free flavoring. I add a small amount of milk or creamer and it has such a great aroma and just enough flavor. It (a) keeps my mouth and hands busy (b) provides some of the stimulation that a dessert would (c) has become a signal that I'm all done eating for the day.
  • Jancandoit7
    Jancandoit7 Posts: 356 Member
    @Jancandoit7 Thanks for the advice! I definitely need to start doing this. I think I’m just getting sick of “dieting” and need to switch it up some.

    You'll figure it out- we all have weak moments-just move on. I'm sick of watching everything I eat too, but I'm more sick of my fat body :D I made a light version of apple crisp today that looks pretty good- see I already have a dessert made for later- BUT I only made 2 servings- for me and my hubby- no seconds available.
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    I just try to eat appropriate portions of the calorie dense stuff I like so I don't miss them and feel tempted to binge. I think part of this experience should include learning how to eat, say, 2 oreo cookies, during a normal day and workign it into your overall diet so it doesn't sabotage you OR make you feel guilty.
  • eschwartz1094
    eschwartz1094 Posts: 1 Member
    Grapes, I can’t eat enough to do any real calorie damage. My stomach isn’t big enough.
  • katherinewease
    katherinewease Posts: 35 Member

    Exactly.....I tend to look at my caloric needs in more of a weekly perspective....and not a daily perspective. So, if I overdo one day I can underdo on another day and - for the most party - balance things out.

    Now, let's look at why you are doing this? Not picking on you. We have all done this. What do YOU think is the cause of this?

    I am definitely a stress eater, which I know is terrible. I also have a tendency to have an “all or nothing” attitude- and not just with food! But when I eat I either need to be on a strict plan or it’s a complete free-for-all. I am not good with “maintenance.” I don’t know if I could just eat 2 Oreos lol @shaunshaikh

  • jasummers76
    jasummers76 Posts: 225 Member
    orangegato wrote: »
    Maybe avoid having foods that you binge on in your house. So there is no temptation. Just log it all and get back on track the next day.

    Try doing this in a house with four kids a wife a mother-in-law who all enjoy treats and do not deal with a weight issue as I do.

    My two younger ones bring those packages of six Oreos to school daily. I will not lie I have stolen a package or two but regret it. I mean it is 320 kcals and six doesn't even really fix the Oreo jones. So I will come down even a couple nights ago grab a package think, look at MFP on my phone and see how that would affect my daily goal and will put them down and grab two saltines dip them in my cottage cheese and take my butt back to bed.