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Will you log foods on Thanksgiving or no?



  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 530 Member
    I log all my meals, Thanksgiving will be no different. BUT... I do now make crustless pumpkin pies and use fat free evaporated milk, so that the most high calorie part of the meal is still calorie friends. ;-)
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    I'll be doing a giblet gravy detox cleanse on Thanksgiving day, so no logging needed. :|

  • JillianRumrill
    JillianRumrill Posts: 335 Member
    i'll maybe attempt some semblance of logging but i won't be relying on its accuracy. i'll likely do a long run in the morning and then drink a lot of wine and fill up on appetizers as per usual.

    I'm so jealous, I wish I could get a run in :( but the weather tells me otherwise and I have to get the house ready for guests.
  • KenzieTeague
    KenzieTeague Posts: 10 Member
    Likely not. It's one day and I actually have never been a thanksgiving food lover, so it won't be hard for my to practice some self control. Maybe I will get up early and get a work out in, though.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    I'll be doing a giblet gravy detox cleanse on Thanksgiving day, so no logging needed. :|


    To actually contribute something, I'm one of your friendly northern neighbours and we had Thankgiving last month and I don't ever log it (not when I was losing, not in maintenance like I am now.) However, I make sure that it is one meal, and not four days of snacking and stealing leftovers and bathing in wine and/or gravy. It's only when I kind of throw up my hands and stop exercising self-discipline for days/weeks on end that I suddenly can't get my pants buttoned, and I've learned my lesson.

    For me what works is to enjoy the day but get back to normal afterwards and not turn the entirety of the holiday season into a gluttonous free-for-all.

    I usually pick 1 event per week at this time of year when I can indulge and not track, but if I have more events than one in a week, I have to make it fit into my day and not go over. I'm a petite person and it doesn't take much to upset the balance for me, so I do try to be cognizant of what is happening (and weigh myself weekly) so I don't end up having to cut hard in January since it's such a bummer.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Yes, I log every day.
    I have logged the past couple of Thanksgiving holiday meals.
  • emilyofmysfamcottage
    I will be logging, but it's with the knowledge that I'll more than likely be going over. I don't cheat often, so this will be one of those times. But I'm not stressing about it---I'll save that for the morning after when I have to walk it off :smiley:
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    Yes, Im logging and not having my usual indulgences (stuffing smothered in spiked cranberry relish). I'm having some physical health issues and eating like that , even if it's one day will cause me discomfort. In a way I'm counting it as a blessing, because I still am 20 from goal, don't need it to be any more than that.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    No. It's just the one day. The same will be true for Christmas.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,144 Member
    No, I don't and this statement applies to Xmas eve and day, and to NY eve and day too. And it doesn't matter if I cook the meal or if I eat at somebody else's house or at a restaurant.

    I don't eat many of the holidays treat or plates/meals anyway because they are usually cooked with cinnamon :s So I save a lot of calories just eating turkey and vegies.