5’2 females, how are you maintaining?



  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    I'm 5'2", 49, and have been maintaining at about 120 for about a year and a half.
    I do a mix of cardio and strength training about 4-5 times a week, and although I haven't tracked in a bit, have maintained on about 1800-2000 cal/day.
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    5'1", 111-113 pounds. I'm 34 but it seems like my maintenance is low--1350 is my best guess. I workout 6 times a week (PiYO and You Are Your Own Gym). I guess everyone's different.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    ilfaith wrote: »
    I am between 5'2" and 5'3" and maintain around 105 (give or take a pound or two) on about 1400 calories. I play tennis a few times a week, plus yoga/pilates/barre classes, and a couple of "bootcamp" or HIIT-style classes. I try to get in some kind of workout most every day.

    But for the two weeks of my recent vacation, I didn't exercise at all and ate every carb in the NYC metro area (as it is hard to find good bagels and pizza where I live now.) Normally I walk a ton (like 10 miles a day) when I am in the City, so I don't stress out about skipping the gym...but this trip it was freezing...so we took Ubers everywhere. So now I'm working to shed the few pounds I gained over the holidays.

    1400 calories for maintenance?! That seems way too low. I am similar size and maintain on way more calories. I lost all my weight on 1500-1600.
  • annsw65
    annsw65 Posts: 7 Member
    Congratulations on ur weight loss! And good luck with long term maintenance! Obviously it can, and has been done! I’m 5’3”. Maintaining 115 lbs for 14 months and counting after losing 30 lbs in 4 months. Working out 6 days/week. 5 of those days are 60 mins lifting, 15 mins elliptical. 6th day is 60 mins elliptical only. 1800-2000 calories/ day. Lean protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs. Macro goals 30% protein, 30% healthy fat, 40% complex carbs! Working great for me. No setbacks yet! Be proud of yourself, keep it up and good luck!
  • astrony
    astrony Posts: 4 Member
    hey Guys, so inspiring to see a post just for us shorties at 5'2" ! I get teased all the time :)
    I'm 35 female, at 140 lbs and I work out 5 times a week (2 classes of spinning and 3 HIIT boocamps). I am trying to get to 120 lbs and keep my total calories deficit at 1200. I'm a vegetarian so it's hard to get my proteins but I aim for 30 protein, 30 fat and 40 carbs. I seem to have hit a plateau and the pounds are very slow to come off. Any ideas on where I can improve ? Sorry for the long post !
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,853 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    For the women in here maintaining at 1500 or below - is that before exercise? Because many of you seem pretty active and that seems kind of low. How accurate is your logging? Have you tried reverse dieting to slowly add calories to see if maintenance is actually a little higher? Most people that assume because they are petite they must eat low cals to lose and then maintain are often surprised to find that if they increase 50-100 cals at a time slowly, that their maintenance number is higher than they would have previously thought, and for those who are active, that's certainly the case, and even without strenuous exercise, just having a higher NEAT from walking and ancillary movement can have an impact on how much you can eat.

    that's a VERY interesting statement. I am only in maintenance now for a few months but I think that it IS true somewhat. I was surprised I was continuing to lose at 1850 a day when my TDEE calculator put me at that amount. The happy scale ap is also helpful to monitor so daily fluctuations do not appear so critical. In maintenance my daily fluctuations (I weight the same time) are actually a lot more than during loss. And not to say CICO is not the end game, but I notice that eating "clean" for me seems like I can eat MORE than if I eat junk. Calorie wise AND volume wise of course. I know we say a calorie is a calorie but some of the junk I think my fat cells like to grab on to. (just musing not starting an argument). 5'1.75" maintain at around 99-100 , 59 years old. Not really all that active although I do try to run daily.
  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    5'-2.25" almost at my maintenance goal, just a couple of pounds to go. I currently am at 129 and would like to maintain between 125 - 128. I am looking a head now to prepare for maintaining my goal once I meet it.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited January 2018
    A bit over 5’3 here and my data from 2017 puts me at about 1250 to maintain. My 5-10 miles walking a week + 2 to 3 miles swimming a week, + 2 strength training, +3 HIIT sessions + some misc. will increase that but not by much, the numbers suggest maybe 2-300 extra a day. (Apple Watch numbers (swimming discounted by 1/3 as I know the Watch is overestimating my swims) maybe 450 to 900 cals for weekly walking, 800-1200 for weekly swim and negligible for the rest, maybe 300 or so).

    I hope I’m wrong, but that is what 2017 data says. I’m trying to start maintenance this month with 1450 calories. I guess I’ll see.

    Since I can not be happy on 1450 a day I’ll be continuing to count calories weekly and do 5:2 fasting. So that will work out to two 500-600 calorie days and five days at 1800.
  • Armywife04_21
    Armywife04_21 Posts: 60 Member
    So update for me is that I am now down to 116, so 4 lbs down since I stopped being on a deficit at 120. I do have to admit that I don’t hit my daily 1720 calorie allowance everyday, nor do I eat my exercise calories (yet I should say). Stress and what not has decreased my appetite and sometimes I find myself eating at the same level as when I was on a deficit hence my continue loss. Bright side is that I can now have a range 116-120, that is if I don’t keep losing!
  • Piklad
    Piklad Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 21, dropped about 37lbs now weigh 122lbs :) I workout 5x a week, rest on weekends. Doing mostly cardio vids on the youtube, recently started walking and working a bit with weights. My calorie maintence intake is at 1,610. Would like to stay between the 120-125 range.
  • purpleannex
    purpleannex Posts: 61 Member
    So the conclusion is, if you're a 5'2" female, you have to count calories and eat tiny amounts for the rest of your life, if you want to maintain low weight. For those of you on higher maintenance numbers, 2300 kcal's, you can't even eat one pizza, that's one meal!
  • purpleannex
    purpleannex Posts: 61 Member
    edited January 2018
    So the conclusion is, if you're a 5'2" female, you have to count calories and eat tiny amounts for the rest of your life, if you want to maintain low weight. For those of you on higher maintenance numbers, 2300 kcal's, you can't even eat one pizza, that's one meal!

    Thanks! although I don't think that any of us would want to spend 2300 calories on one meal anyway - I definately would want more than one or two slices of pizza anyway at a time (I'd be stuffed after 2). When you're smaller it takes less to fill you. If we want to stay at our goal weight range then yes we do have to be vigilent but then so does anyone regardless of their height - they just get a few hundred more calories a day.

    Yes, it's very depressing isn't it! I'm a 5'10" man, and one 14" deep pan pizza isn't enough to fill me, I can convince myself that it's enough and I'm not hungry, but not full.

    Edit: like you say, the same applies to me, I can't eat 3 pizzas a day like I'd like to, washed down with 2litres of ice cream and 8 cans cider, so the reality is, if I don't want to be overweight, I have to psychologically starve myself (not medical starvation).
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited January 2018
    @purpleannex well I think we all can eat far more than we need, because something tastes really good etc. If you have a lot of salad on the side a few slices of pizza is completely filling and adequate. For you as a guy ok you can have a few slices more but it should still fill you up. I've got used to eating less. It is what it is.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I don't see it that way @purpleannex which is just as well :smile: