MyFitnessPal Community
Category List
Health, Wellness and Goals
Get help and support with starting your MyFitnessPal journey.43.8K discussions 406.7K comments Most recent: I can’t figure out serving size in recipe builder by mlee07412 1:19AM
Ask questions and get help from other members on anything health and weight loss related.
Share your favorite recipes and healthy cooking tips.47.5K discussions 616.6K comments Most recent: What do your meals look like (show me pictures).... by acpgee January 5
Share fitness tips and exercise suggestions with other MyFitnessPal members.
A place to discuss broader wellness themes like sleep, meditation, mindfulness and overall wellness.430 discussions 5.1K comments Most recent: Welcome to the MyFitnessPal Community: Sleep, Mindfulness and Overall Wellness by Nova January 5
For those using MyFitnessPal to maintain their current weight.6.5K discussions 130K comments Most recent: Welcome to the MyFitnessPal Community: Goal: Maintaining Weight by Nova 1:23AM
For those using MyFitnessPal with the purpose of gaining weight and body building.8.6K discussions 127.1K comments Most recent: Welcome to the MyFitnessPal Community: Goal: Gaining Weight and Body Building by Nova 1:26AM
You are not alone! Get motivational help and support here from other MyFitnessPal members.
Discuss highly debated health and fitness topics.1.3K discussions 114.2K comments Most recent: CDC obesity map in America - why are some geographic areas more impacted than others? by iradi8 January 5
Social Corner
Shoot the breeze & chat with members.96.4K discussions 4.9M comments Most recent: What are you doing RIGHT NOW??? by R3d_butt3rfly_ 1:29AM
MyFitnessPal Information
Updates and important announcements from the MyFitnessPal team.22 discussions 6 comments Most recent: Master MyFitnessPal: Quick Tips & Features videos on YouTube by Nova January 2
Have a great idea? Share your feature suggestions and app improvement ideas here.1.2K discussions 3K comments Most recent: Edit misspelling of food items in the database by UniqueName2024 1:28AM
Popular Tags
- Accountability 1,669
- Motivation 1,400
- Friends 1,096
- Exercise 980
- Weight Loss 810
- Food Logging 773
- Health 762
- Fitness 755
- Weight Loss 740
- 50+ LBS to Lose 720
- Diet 709
- Challenges 619
- 100+ LBS to Lose 525
- 10+ LBS to Lose 461
- Wellness 447
- Lifestyle 413
- Food 394
- Nutrition 381
- Intermittent Fasting 379
- Low Carb 304
- Recipes 296
- Macros 285
- Bodybuilding 253
- Mindfulness 249
- Keto 228