MyFitnessPal Community
Category List
Health, Wellness and Goals
If you're new to MyFitnessPal please post a message here and say hello!
394.1K discussions 1.9M comments Most recent: New here and learning to navigate the app by grigsbyrn 10:09PM
Ask questions and get help from other members on anything health and weight loss related.
260.4K discussions 4.1M comments Most recent: Unable to drop weight even after calorie deficit and active lifestyle by Conseza 9:40PM
Share fitness tips and exercise suggestions with other MyFitnessPal members.
232.6K discussions 2.7M comments Most recent: "TLFC" exercise and accountability support! by DiscusTank5 7:08PM
A place to discuss broader wellness themes like sleep, meditation, mindfulness and overall wellness.
For those using MyFitnessPal to maintain their current weight.
6.5K discussions 130K comments Most recent: How do you decide a maintenance goal? by varianval February 5
For those using MyFitnessPal with the purpose of gaining weight and body building.
You are not alone! Get motivational help and support here from other MyFitnessPal members.
153.1K discussions 2.6M comments Most recent: NON WW & WW NEWBIES, OUR NEW LIFE, THE START OF SOMETHING WONDERFUL by fabgeekmom 9:58PM
For those looking to start or join a new challenge.
8.1K discussions 585.9K comments Most recent: 100 day Challenge #22 February 04.25 – May 14.25 by the_reflex 9:46PM
Social Corner
MyFitnessPal Information
Updates and important announcements from the MyFitnessPal team.
15 discussions 4 comments Most recent: Master MyFitnessPal: Quick Tips & Features videos on YouTube by Nova January 2
Have a great idea? Share your feature suggestions and app improvement ideas here.
1.2K discussions 3.1K comments Most recent: Add "Added sugars" information for daily/weekly totals by svelte2011 9:35PM
Having trouble with MyFitnessPal? Get help from other members here.
2.7K discussions 9.4K comments Most recent: Paid for premium not recognized by my fitness pal by durden 5:46PM
Popular Tags
- Accountability 1,696
- Motivation 1,423
- Friends 1,122
- Exercise 1,003
- Weight Loss 833
- Food Logging 792
- Fitness 780
- Health 777
- Weight Loss 769
- 50+ LBS to Lose 742
- Diet 722
- Challenges 631
- 100+ LBS to Lose 531
- 10+ LBS to Lose 469
- Wellness 452
- Lifestyle 420
- Food 410
- Nutrition 392
- Intermittent Fasting 383
- Low Carb 308
- Recipes 302
- Macros 294
- Bodybuilding 256
- Mindfulness 253
- Keto 234