MyFitnessPal Community
Category List
Health, Wellness and Goals
Get help and support with starting your MyFitnessPal journey.43.8K discussions 406.7K comments Most recent: I don’t know where to start!? by trainingbytrish 12:14AM
Ask questions and get help from other members on anything health and weight loss related.
Share your favorite recipes and healthy cooking tips.47.5K discussions 616.6K comments Most recent: What do your meals look like (show me pictures).... by acpgee January 5
Share fitness tips and exercise suggestions with other MyFitnessPal members.
A place to discuss broader wellness themes like sleep, meditation, mindfulness and overall wellness.430 discussions 5.1K comments Most recent: Welcome to the MyFitnessPal Community: Sleep, Mindfulness and Overall Wellness by Nova January 5
For those using MyFitnessPal with the purpose of gaining weight and body building.
You are not alone! Get motivational help and support here from other MyFitnessPal members.
For those looking to start or join a new challenge.8.1K discussions 582.4K comments Most recent: ❄️⛷️January Daily Logging & Weigh-in Challenge🛷❄️ by ozdeelite 1:01AM
Discuss highly debated health and fitness topics.1.3K discussions 114.2K comments Most recent: CDC obesity map in America - why are some geographic areas more impacted than others? by iradi8 January 5
Social Corner
Shoot the breeze & chat with members.96.4K discussions 4.9M comments Most recent: Welcome to the MyFitnessPal Community: Chit-Chat by Nova 1:17AM
MyFitnessPal Information
Updates and important announcements from the MyFitnessPal team.23 discussions 6 comments Most recent: Master MyFitnessPal: Quick Tips & Features videos on YouTube by Nova January 2
Have a great idea? Share your feature suggestions and app improvement ideas here.
Popular Tags
- Accountability 1,669
- Motivation 1,400
- Friends 1,096
- Exercise 980
- Weight Loss 810
- Food Logging 773
- Health 762
- Fitness 755
- Weight Loss 740
- 50+ LBS to Lose 720
- Diet 709
- Challenges 619
- 100+ LBS to Lose 525
- 10+ LBS to Lose 461
- Wellness 447
- Lifestyle 413
- Food 394
- Nutrition 381
- Intermittent Fasting 379
- Low Carb 304
- Recipes 296
- Macros 285
- Bodybuilding 253
- Mindfulness 249
- Keto 228