MyFitnessPal Community
Category List
Health, Wellness and Goals
Ask questions and get help from other members on anything health and weight loss related.
Post and share tips, nutritional advice, discuss ways of eating and more.
176.1K discussions 2.6M comments Most recent: How do I see the total fiber consumed by AnnPT77 12:28AM
Share fitness tips and exercise suggestions with other MyFitnessPal members.
232.6K discussions 2.7M comments Most recent: enter an exercise from the exercise database into my exercise diary by spiriteagle99 1:33AM
A place to discuss broader wellness themes like sleep, meditation, mindfulness and overall wellness.
For those using MyFitnessPal with the purpose of gaining weight and body building.
You are not alone! Get motivational help and support here from other MyFitnessPal members.
Social Corner
Shoot the breeze & chat with members.
96.4K discussions 4.9M comments Most recent: So this is a Cyber Cafe What'll be? by LindaK125 1:30AM
MyFitnessPal Information
Updates and important announcements from the MyFitnessPal team.
15 discussions 4 comments Most recent: Master MyFitnessPal: Quick Tips & Features videos on YouTube by Nova January 2
Have a great idea? Share your feature suggestions and app improvement ideas here.
1.2K discussions 3.1K comments Most recent: Cycle-linked calorie goals for women by dusk411 February 15
Having trouble with MyFitnessPal? Get help from other members here.
2.7K discussions 9.4K comments Most recent: Why is weekly diary wrong? by terricameron22 February 16
Popular Tags
- Accountability 1,703
- Motivation 1,429
- Friends 1,126
- Exercise 1,014
- Weight Loss 843
- Food Logging 800
- Fitness 785
- Health 780
- Weight Loss 774
- 50+ LBS to Lose 749
- Diet 727
- Challenges 631
- 100+ LBS to Lose 534
- 10+ LBS to Lose 474
- Wellness 453
- Lifestyle 425
- Food 416
- Nutrition 397
- Intermittent Fasting 383
- Low Carb 311
- Recipes 307
- Macros 296
- Bodybuilding 258
- Mindfulness 254
- Success 235