Germany. What's not to miss?
7 days in Germany this summer... what shouldn't I miss??
I could eat about 30 in a row I think. Insightful I know.
Have you eaten anything lately that u Regret???!?!?!?!??!
Good afternoon my people of MFP! I just tripped up and flexed about 8 boneless (cajon flavor for those curious) wings from Wingstop and washed them down with a DIET coke. NO fries. No problem for the big brown awesomely tanned man right!?!?! ...........................Wrong cause I feel that salty sodium yucky feeling.…
Show me your art!
I am an architecture student and love to sketch and paint when I have spare time (which is rare!) but here's some of my stuff. I'd love to see yours!! Olympic Stadium in Berlin a very poorly photographed sketch of Michelangelo's La Pieta I had more, but the photos were too big. :(
i love today because (in 15 words or under)
its friday
What did the volcano say to the other volcano?
I lava you :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: your turn. share your cheesiest joke.
Choose my Chocolate! Insomniacs edition.
Okay , I usually do this during the day around lunchtime PST, but I'm hungry now. I have 50 calories left and it's almost midnight so I'm gonna count it as tonight---Friday. which should I have HALF of...? VERSUS
Ok...I get the whole not heating up fish at work thing...
But I seriously just got yelled at for heating up BROCCOLI!!!
Funeral stops at Burger King
Some guy in Pennsylvania died of a heart attack a few days ago and he loved his Burger King so much that the funeral procession went through a Burger King drive through. Everyone in the hearse got a whopper Jr. 15 minutes before he died he was joking on the phone with his daughter about eating his last burger. fast food at…
Anybody out there a pro-wrestling fan like myself? Seems like no one in my area is, however, I turn on the tv every Monday night and they're constantly packed out crowds lol - so there ARE some wrestling fans somewhere! Are they on mfp? :)
Help with sleep problems
anyone have any ideas about how to stop waking up 5-6 times a night? I don't have trouble falling asleep, just staying asleep. I have tried gaba, valerian, benadryl, nyquil, yoga, meditation, warm baths, herbal tea, ambien, and lunesta. I don't eat anything before bed, and if I do it is a small amount of fruit or veggies.…
That Crazy English Language
Someone sent me list of the crazy things in the English language and there were several related to food, diet, eating, etc. They gave me chuckle this morning... - can vegetarians eat animal crackers? - what was the best before sliced bread? - if you eat both pasta and antipasta, would you still be hungry? - one tequila,…
Gorilla VS Grizzly Bear
Okay, so i feel like ths would be the ultimate fight between animals, not like it would actually happen so please dont get all animals rights on me. they'd fight in a neutral territory that doesnt play to eithers strentghs or weaknesses, completley fair. Which do you think would win???
How many pets is too many?
One side of my family has 4 adults, one kid, three dogs, three cats, 6 snakes, about 15 rats, a lizard, and a frog in a 2 bedroom apartment. What do you think, excessive?
If you could buy 1 thing what would it be?
If you asked someone to buy you something , no matter how much it cost but it can only be one thing .. what would it be?
Hi. I live in London Ontario and I am moving. I have a treadmill that now needs a new home. FREE. First person to email me gets it.
Favourite childhood TV shows?
Thought I would start a nostalgic topic :) What was your favourite show as a child? Mine was Rosie and Jim :)
Panic Attacks!
Man. they suck I'll say. I actually had one today, and I was wondering if anyone else got them, what do you do? I always feel so run down after them, and kind of dull. How can I kickstart myself again?
What's your favorite....
Board game? Always loved Risk.
Truth in math...
:laugh: Happy Father's Day to all you daddies :heart: out there!
Is Tomato Juice so bad
that when I offered it to my team mates today, everyone just said. "Thanks, I'm OK". :brokenheart: If that was some chocolate snacks, everyone would have enjoyed, I'm sure :laugh: My workmates are great though, someone or the other tries to bring some mini treats every friday post lunch.... And I am just trying to slightly…
Happy Father's Day!!!
Happy Father's Day to all the dads on MFP !!!!!:happy: At this time let us also send a shoutout and best wishes to all the dads(and moms) in our armed forces, deployed in foreign lands to protect America's honor and safety!!! They are the best!!! Let us always keep them in our thoughts and prayers!!! :happy:
Plan, log as you go, or log at end of day?
, Hi all, Was just interested how the rest of you guys, fill your food diary. I am finding it works well for me to semi plan the days meals in the morning and amend where necessary as the day goes on. I find it helps with exercise too, while I try and get some exercise in every day, if I can see what the days cals will be,…
What are reasons why you don't jog?
For me it's because I don't want to play kick-ball at the same time.:embarassed: Also why I don't sit down real quick either :blushing:
Question for the (much) older crowd here
Nasty disclaimer before I ask this: If you're younger than I am, please don't tell me your thoughts on getting older. kthxbai. I try to get better every day with how I react to people and more importantly how I act upon those feelings. I still find myself in the "live and let die" camp on a lot of issues. I find it really…
Father's Day Gift ideas
Hope I don't get in trouble with hubby for posting this, LOL What would you want for father's day (describe either a present or how your ideal day would be). I need some ideas. I realize I don't have much time left though.
Honest opinions...
OK...I know this is a bit stupid...don't judge. Lol. Since I'm getting close to my goal weight, I was thinking about making another change in appearance just for kicks. My friends that I have known for years aren't necessarily the greatest judges since they're used to seeing me a certain way. Ok...what do you…
Things that should NEVER come in a 'diet' version!
Wowwwwwww, I just bought Cottees brand Diet Chocolate Sauce (it's sugar-free). I planned on putting it on some icecream tonight but curiosity got the better of me and I tried some out the bottle. I struggled to swallow it... it literally tasted like a spoonful of chemicals (probs was), had no noteable chocolate flavour at…
I'm seriously considering moving to Atlanta. I'm looking for the pros and cons of moving there. I live in Connecticut currently.Thanks!!!
Panda Express or Pei-Wei?
I've been a Panda Express advocate for well over four years. I recently stumbled upon Pei-Wei, and I'm not understanding why anyone ever compares the two. From visiting over 10 locations in Chicago, and 5 in Dallas, I'd have to say the quality of food at Panda Express is much higher than Pei-Wei. Namely the Orange Chicken.…