Weight Watchers
My daughter just e-mailed me and wants the two of us to join Weight Watchers. Has anybody had any success with that program? Any input would be appreciated.
Breaking Free
Breaking Free When you feel down on your luck And unlucky in love And there's heartache all around Don't sink too deep Don't go down Don't weep The world needs you Your gifts are unique Someone will see You'll see Just what a fine future The future will bring.
comfort food junkie
Tonight I found my self faced with a big issue with my oldest daughter. I can not believe how programed my brain and body is to automatically seeking out junk food for comfort. When did this start?????? My mouth actually salivating at just merely looking in the food pantry. I feel like I should be in an A.A. meting or…
How to look thinner without losing weight
How to look thinner without losing weight Published by Viky January 20th, 2007 in Weight Loss. by: Lisa West It’s a general accepted idea that through exercise and proper diet we can lose weight, improve our shape and get healthier. There is nothing wrong with that, but there are also other ways which makes us look…
Laughter best medicine
We are suppose to be here to support each other and inform each other of different approaches etc. and I have found many new friends and lots of support. and different approaches. No one needs to be ruled better then the other or right or wrong. Absorb what you want to and disregard those that don't appeal to you. They say…
Takes time....
Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew. Saint Francis de Sales (1567 - 1622)
False Alarm
Well my pregnancy scare is over!! I'm so relieved!! but thanks again to all of you who gave me some tips and advice...I'm really excited that I can still stick to this fitness program....next time I get pregnant I want to be healthier than I am now!!
Song for you all
Money can’t buy you happiness Of this, I’m a believer There’s something I want, I must confess -- But money can’t buy that either ( I jus’ wanna be) Thin! -- I don’t deny it. Thin! -- I wanna try it Thin! -- but I can’t buy it. Guess I’ll have to di- di- diet Thin! -- not telling you lies. Thin! -- I want smaller thighs…
Negative calorie foods?
or something like that :) I asked a question about high volume, filling, low calorie foods and someone mentioned lots of fruits etc Can someone point me in the right direction on this site, to find a list of approved foods I assumed all fruits were OK, but I just ate a med. size banana and when I plugged it into my food…
Don't like the word DIET!
I don't know about anyone else but I HATE the word diet because it is so often connected with failure, short term results(to me personally anyway), crackpot ideas about eating only soup and cabbage and it sounds so scary and unfun! I mean the first part is DIE for crying out loud. I really wouldn't call following this…
Familiar with Los Angeles area?
So I decided to set a goal for myself. WHEN I reach my goal I am going to take my husband and I on a trip to Los Angeles. We've been once but want to go back and spend some time there to see the sights. Any suggestions of an area that I should look for a hotel? Something reasonable yet close to things so we don't get…
I weighed 133 a week ago and eating the same and exersing more this week i weighied in at 132.8!!!! i only lost 0.2 of a pound!!! I am so frustrated.. I had been lazy with the exersizing over the past two weeks and lost 3 pounds over the two weeks and this week i started excersizing again and i lost less!!! WHY!?
Mini Goals!
This time I'm trying something different....I'm doing little mini goals. I give myself two goals a week one on Monday and one on Friday. It helps me to keep on track over the weekend and also pushes me forward. I've always been waiting for weight loss but now I'm more pushing for it then waiting for it! :laugh: It's…
Hey everyone!! PLEASE help!
Okay-- I need some help. I am apparently the cover girl of the messages concerning not getting enough calories and losing weight too fast. Here is my dilema: I started this website 2 weeks ago. I work out about 3-4 times a week burning between 300 and 500 calories. My BMR is 1580. BUT, I kept my calorie intake between…
the 20 minute trick...
the portion control thing has really been a wake up call. i am sticking to recommended portions and still feeling hungry when i finish the portion....but.... i'm doing the 20 minute trick and it works!!! i'm waiting 20 minutes after i eat the correct portion, figuring if i still feel hungry at that time, i'll eat more. but…
I need energy
I have high blood pressure and I need to find ways to get energy besides exercising?
Lean Cusine
Somebody give me the low down on all the frozen meals. THey may only be 260 calories or 7 weight watchers points. BUt have you seen the sodium that is in those things.
Toronto people-have you seen this house.
This house, located near the intersection of Dufferin Street and Rogers Road is believed to be Toronto's smallest house. Occupying w hat usedto be a driveway, it's a one bedroom, one bathroom home that sits on a parcel of land 7.25 feet (2.2 metres) wide and 113.67 feet (34.6 metres) long and has an interior area of just…
A depressing scene
Anyone here ever arrived late at a cocktail party and everyone else is pissed, meatballs are being eaten as appetizers, and the topic of conversation is "death"?
Before and After Pics
I was just on The Biggest Loser website and saw before and after pics of peoples weight loss which is extremely inspiring. I was wondering if there is any way we have the ability to do this on this website? I know it can be posted on our profiles, but I thought it would be nice to have a "tab" we can click on where people…
in Hickory Stick heaven
Mmmm the saltiness of it...its so good. I really needed it though. I haven't had chips since before the holidays and even then it wasn't all that much. I dont buy chips for my home, so I don't eat chips or junk often. I have 2 hrs of bowling today, so maybe I will grab a nice salad for dinner and burn off my delcious…
does anyone know if they actually check up on foods that are added by members for accuracy?
Who's gone?
Sorry guys, I was watching American Idol and missed Biggest Loser. Who got voted off? I tried looking on line but it's not posted yet. I'm still going to weigh in tomorrow but scared of the results. I have been good on my calories but good ole' aunt flow decided to stop by for her monthy visit today. So there is no telling…
stay away from bruegger's bagels!!!
i stopped at bruegger's bagels on my way into work this morning and grabbed an "as-is" whole wheat bagel - obviously thinking it was the wisest choice of all offered. boy, was i WRONG!!! i looked up the nutritional information for said bagel to fill in my food log and found that i had just consumed 390 empty calories and 6…
UHG the dreadful weigh-in
Today is my/our weigh-in day....I have NOT done it yet....I always hate this day but I NEED to know. I am doin this littel challenge with my sister, who is 1500 miles away from me, and a school friend....so we all compare notes which keeps us honest etc.....well wish me luck..... :noway: dd
Grrrrr...please tell me what I ma doing wrong....?
I have lost weight:happy: .... and I do the little weigh in thing .... but on my main page it still says that I have lost 0 pounds:noway: ...which is kind of strange.... because yesterday it said I lost 1 pound...which was not acurate...but now it went to ZERO!! What gives???:angry:
Biggest loser
Who do you all think is gonna win this thing. I am thinking the Orange team .
A Question for All!
So, I have found that any time I try and eat right and exercise, I get gassy and bloated more often. Is this something that anyone else experiences? I used to think it was because I was consuming more fiber, but I really have no idea. Does anyone know why this is? And is there anything I can do to prevent it, other than…
Here is a great website with a great tutorial for wt. loss
Good morning, This site has a lot of information that I found I needed to help me understand how much to eat, what to eat and great calculators to figure it all out. The tutorial is fantastic for really educating yourself on all areas of getting healthy while losing weight. I just finished the tutorial and I learned…