Gaining weight
Hi. I'm 5 7" and 128 lbs. I just started working out two weeks ago and I want to gain weight by developing my muscles. Any tip for a beginner like me? Thanks!
Loosing weight since Covid-19 shutdown
Hi All, Since the state of MA went into shut down three weeks ago, gyms have closed and I’ve lost about 5-6lbs already. I’ve gone from 138 to 132-3lbs. My eating habit is not changed. I typically do 6-8 reps of heavy lifting at my gym - focusing on muscle groups each day (Mon- Thurs/Friday typically). Any advice on how to…
COVID 19 Dumbbell only StrongLifts 5x5
Hi everyone. I know different variations of this questions have popped up many times previously all over the internet, with people wondering if they can do StrongLifts with dumbbell only. Generally the answer is “you won’t have dumbbells that big at home”. So, because gyms are shut, I’ve invested in adjustable dumbbells…
Why is it
Why is it ...that when you're gaining weight no one says anything but as soon as you begin to eat right ...exercise and loose weight everyone got some kind of negative *kitten* to add........working on me for me 💯💯💯💯💯❣
How do I add muscle?
Hi everyone! I'm new to this whole working out thing. Would love tips and advice about gaining some muscle and strength! TIA!
Never Lifted Before sooooo
Any tips for a newbie? Gratitude and Blessings to you all 🙏🏼
Over 60 and needing Testosterone boost
I am 63 and feel like a boost in testosterone could help me in my muscle gains. Does anyone recommend any supplements that have proven to work?
Meal plan ideas
Hi folks anyone who can share their meal plans for weight gain. It would be a great help for beginners. Thank you. Off to hit the gym these days. Thanks in advance!
How to lose body fat %?
How do I lose body fat if I’m already at 19%?
Left glute not firing like right glute - advice?
So i'm 51 and had 'runners knee' in my left leg last year, and i got a heap of physio exercises to do. As a result i figured that my left glute just never quite felt the same as my right one. So when i'm doing lunges and similar glutey things (to a lesser extent squats), my right one feels to be doing all the work, but my…
Leg building excercises
Say what does everyone do for leg building excerises? Excluding squats and leg presses. I don’t have a leg press machine yet for my gym and I need to workout some bad pain in behind me knee before I can do squats again
Help!! The Gyms are closedd..
All the gyms are closed in my country, and thiss iss a terrible thing that could ever happen.. I got through a lay offf and I started to workout 1 month ago and am in a stage where I really reallyy should continue on what am doing anyone got any ideas or recommendations for a great workout I really don’t know what to do…
Confused on how to recomp
Hi everyone I’m 33yrs old, 5 1”, currently weigh 108lbs. My goal is to lose some body fat and gain muscle. I’m looking to do a recomp as I’m at a good weight but still have quite a bit of fat on me and very minimal muscle mass due to lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle over the last 8 years. (And also a very, very…
5'4 F 128 ...weight gain tips
Im 5'4 female, weighing 128 I would like to be 140. I don't want to gain much muscle, but I have been having a hard time gaining. I use maca root and considering adding apedamin
Final Physique and stat update (no contest appearance😔)
Today would have been the start of my one week dry out prior to prep, unfortunately due to the epidemic, shows won't resume until May 10th...stayed the course though. Final physique and stats: Unflexed and flexed: Bodyfat: 7-8% (fluctuates often, who knows) Chest: 45" Arms: 16.2" (up .4 inches from last year!) Waist: 27"
What I doing wrong?
For the couple of years I finally found a diet that not only helped me lose weight but also one I can feel happy to keep as a long term diet in my life. I was able to cut down about 20 pounds which was my goal and I couldnt be happier. I'm currently 5'1" at 115lbs. My new goal is to get cut, lean, and build muscle but…
Body weight programmes
Has anyone run you are your own gym or similar? I’m interested to hear your experiences. I’ve never done this type of training before but am considering it.?
Suspending Bulk During Coronavirus
Good morning, I have been bulking for about two months and am gaining at a good rate and making nice strength gains as well. However, with the new coronavirus restrictions there’s a good chance gyms will close soon. If my lifting regimen is put on hold from this change, I know that I can still stay active with running and…
Scared of becoming skinny-fat
I've been running Stronglifts 5x5 + accessory work for about 5 months now and still am not seeing much results. I gained about 9 pounds in those months (went from 140 lbs to 149 lbs), but I'm worried that it's all body fat. Pictures of me below (I made a mistake by not taking pictures in November/December when I started…
Ladies! Add me if you are currently doing a mass phase! I need motivation!
I've been in this lifestyle my entire adult life, but I've always been scared to death of eating in a surplus for muscle gains. With some research, lots of pep talks and "Listen to me, woman!" From my very knowledgeable husband (a bodybuilder and physical therapist) I'm finally doing my first deliberate mass phase. Well,…
Think I need a more streamlined program as Covid19 is leading to extra shifts at work. Suggestions?
So I work in an elderly care facility and due to the Corona Virus, they are needing more people there to do screening and other tasks. This will leave me at work far more often. I'm under the impression that I will be there for more than 50 hours a week, and with probably 2.5 hours daily of commute 5-6 days a week. I am…
Gaining muscle
Hi everyone, I've currently been going gym since August and have seen gains slowly.. but can I get some tips on the best protein meals to eat to help me build muscle more! I worry sometimes that I'm simply just putting fat on even though I go gym 4xweek. Thanks!
Progressive Lifting for a beginner/novice
Hi there, I’ve been lifting on a progressive lifting programme for about 5 months and have been really appreciating the newbie gains - I was faffing around on machines since March ‘19 and then actually started doing stronglifts 5x5 in October. I’m now at the point where I can’t add weight to my overhead press and my depth…
Macro Counts by day
I've had a long hiatus from MFP I was was maintaining or close to it, for a few years. Now I'm interested more in body comp since I'm 2lbs +/- of my goal weight. I am a PREMIUM user and I'm setting my macros by day. However, it's not M/T/W/T/F etc. It's a "Non-Training Day" or a "Training Day". Is there a way to rename the…
in a predicament trying to gain
i’ve always been super thin and tiny my entire life and i’ve been trying to gain weight for years to absolutely no avail but yesterday i noticed that i was a little bigger in the butt, thighs, and stomach. not a lot, but enough for it to be noticeable when i wore shorts instead of sweats for the first time in a very long…
Hello. I'm 58. I'm at a point where I can do 10 bodyweight chin-ups. I often watch Jeff Cavaliere's "Athlean-X" videos. I want to do weighted chin-ups to get more muscle. Cavaliere says weighted chins are good for back and biceps. If I do 10 weighted chin-ups with a 15-second pause after every 2 reps will I get better…
Workout shorts!
I need some new shorts which are squat-proof, not really short but tight fitting for my oly lifts (so running shorts aren’t any good). All the booty shorts are brief and I’d rather not flash that much of my thighs in public. I’m in the UK - any recommendations?
Bridgeport ct
Anyone need partner in Bridgeport
Spring/Summer Shred - Current routine
Noticed a lot or us are strapping down and committing to a spring/summer shred program, wanted to post mine with a compare/contrast to others currently working towards this goal: Alternate Full Body Routine (Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun.) CALORIE/MACRO GOALS (1450 NON-TRAINING DAYS) Goal: Time Under Tension Lifting Style Adaptation…
Beast Mode!!!
Prepping for Summer☀️