How can DEXA scan be accurate representation of body fat percentage?
I am planning to get my bone density scan done, and i was hoping to find out my body fat percentage at the same time, since it's same test. But how the body fat numbers are accurately represent your actual percentage if they only scan your thigh and spine? For example, my spine is really low in fat, i believe, but my thigh…
Where to set protein macros
Trying to get some input on protein numbers. What do calculate your protein by? I've been reading .5-1.2 .... that's a huge range A lot of people say you don't need that much protein some say to build muscle you need more.... What's your 2cents Thanks
Do you say something?
Do you say something if you have friends or people in general say things about weight loss you disagree with or do you just let them do their thing? Does it matter how well you know the person if you do say something? Asking out of curiosity, I don’t say anything against it but also don’t agree. I tend to avoid getting too…
Proposal to raise entry fees in popular national parks
I'd love to hear what people think of this. So would the park service; if you have strong feelings, the comment period is still open. http://www.theolympian.com/outdoors/article180651396.html During that time period i]peak summer visitation season[/i, the entry fee would increase from the current $25 to $70 per vehicle.…
Should we use the original names for our mountains...?
The feds set a precedent in 2015 by renaming Mount McKinley to Denali. This is also a special case, as nobody actually referred to the mountain as McKinley, the official name was changed to reflect how people already referrred to the mountain. There's a debate locally about following this lead with other mountains. Rainier…
It's All Sugar's Fault
This is what my doctor told me today is the reason people are overweight/obese today. It's a very commonly used explanation on these boards so I wanted to open it up for discussion. He said that we (I assume he meant Americans, but I guess it could be expanded to Westerners in general) eat about the same number of calories…
Nutritional Ketosis and alzheimer's/cancer
Wanted to start a discussion regarding the use of nutritional ketosis when it comes to alzheimer's and cancer. Now, let me state that the below video from Biolayne is about Ketosis in general but he discusses some benfits of keto when it comes to the treatment (not prevention of) alzheimer's and cancer (knowing not all…
Never comment on someone's weight ever? Yes or No?
Just getting back after a long and complicated move. My mother came by on Sunday and commented 5 different times on my husband's weight. I didn't count--he did. He's been working day and night--working his "day job" and packing and then doing repairs on the new place to get it ready for us. He's been skipping meals and…
How would you convince someone you love to take their blood pressure meds?
I'm hitting the wall, time and time again. For the last three years my spouse knows that she has high blood pressure. It's controls pretty well by the meds, no any known or notable side effects that she's experiencing. Problem is, she constantly stops taking it, just quits, quietly, not saying anything to me. I notice at…
Google Maps calorie counts. Thoughts?
http://www.news.com.au/technology/online/social/an-experimental-feature-on-google-maps-has-turned-into-a-raging-online-debate/news-story/e400d323821fa58026dfc941cbd87dfc So I just read this. Google Maps rolled out, then rolled back, a feature which told you approximately how many calories you would burn on any given walk…
What the Health?
I am wondering if any of you watched the documentary What the Health? What are your thoughts?
Apple Watch series 2 or Fitbit ?
Which one better consider all factors except cost ? For tracking running and swimming.
Can diet affect your mental health?
So someone was telling me the other day about how mentally unwell people tend to have bad diets and a higher risk for obesity. I looked this up and it's somewhat true. However, this person claimed that these people were mentally unwell BECAUSE they had a bad diet. This didn't make sense to me. I always thought that the…
Do you have pre-diabetes? Simple online test to see if you do...
I heard a PSA on the radio - and went to their website. The test took less than a minute and seemed worth reposting here. BTW - My results based on my current stats were: 4 out of 10 - NOT AT RISK. I did the test a 2nd time and put in my old numbers, before I lost 75 pounds and was very inactive and got a 6 out of 10 or -…
Why is Freelee popular?
Seriously, based on the amount of research out there substantiating how the science works behind healthy nutrition and weight loss, how is this lady even popular? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZKDInabaPM She gets kind of kooky around 3:19 1. She claims eating less than 2100 calories a day places the body into a…
Giving Up Coffee?
How do you drink your coffee in the AM without blowing all your calories? This is super tough! I love it with cream & sugar. I'm looking for options where I can come in under 100 calories. This is my one splurge.
School Food Policies
I am in a mom group on facebook, and yesterday there was a post created that had me wondering what other parents here think. A child refused to eat the healthy snack that was offered to her. The deal was, if you eat your healthy snack, you can have a cookie. She was not given a cookie, and according to the mom posting, she…
Should women lift heavy?
So is the lack of sleep a key cause of heart disease, stroke, dementia, diabetes and cancer?
Meal planning is essential?
Today in my MFP feed a blog post from MFP starts out: "When it comes to losing weight, meal planning is essential." Personally I think that is just WOO. Essential for some folks? I'm sure. But personally I would probably fall off a 'meal plan' on day 2 of my diet. It is one of the reasons that Jenny Craig and its ilk are…
Hypothesis: Eating snacks just makes calorie compliance harder for most people. Discuss. ETA: After the very good question about most, I'm going to say a majority of the population. I don't really have a tighter definition in mind but am open to input.
Justice is what the judge had for breakfast.
I heard about this on a Radiolab podcast about free will, and thought it might be of interest here. AROUND the world, courthouses are adorned with a statue of a blindfolded woman holding a set of scales and a sword: Justice personified. Her sword stands for the power of the court, her scales for the competing claims of the…
Sugar addiction
This discussion was created from replies split from: sugar my problem.
You dont need to calorie count
I've heard this said in the forums a few times, along with "just eat intuitively" and "eat LCHF" When I asked how much I need to eat with LCHF I was tols "eat untill you are full. It's very calorie dense so you get full more quickly" Here is the problem with eating intuitively ... for some people it is not intuitive. I am…
Eating "healthy" and daily exercise doesnt' DEFINE being healthy
While I'm a big proponent of exercise and eating a well balanced diet, so many people think that's pretty much all one needs to just "get healthy". I will contest that there's much more to it than that. Here are other factors that affects one's health: Weight (especially if one is obese or very overweight)- there are lots…
Naturally thin
I have an honest question that I am not able to find an answer I trust online and I am really curious. Could part of the reason some people seem to be "naturally thin" be because their bodies process calories differently? I know for a fact that overeating put me where I am, I am not questioning that but I have always…
Do you think there is any nutritional advantage to eating organic foods to justify the higher cost?
Or is it mainly just marketing and advertising?
Hunger on college campuses: it's a real thing
hahahaha - what a bunch of hogwash. If this article is true, explain to me how the "Freshman 15" happens? I know - Lets just give 3 "free" meals a day to college kids to save them from starving to death on college campuses. GET A JOB! here is a link to the article…
Quit smoking or not when starting to lose weight.
I'm needing to lose a few kilos... lots of kilos ha ha & the myth of quitting smoking add extra weight, so my thinking is; do I quit smoking because I'm doing extra work to make my body healthy ( feeding it correct fuel & working it out to maintain strong body ) do I still continue to smoke so I avoid adding those extra…
Eating back your gym calories, yes or no?
Personally I don't ever eat them back unless I don't feel to great, I know alot of people say you should but alot say you shouldn't so how about you guys? What's your opinion?