How do you ladies make it through PMS with calories?

Im only about a month in and PMS is kicking in full force and i am craving salty foods or chocolate. Want to stay in my calorie range and am having a hard time not eatig everything in sight. HELP!!! I have been trying to eat the veggies when i want to snack but its definately not curbing the cravings. LOL

Im going to need to put in extra long workouts to stay on track.


  • DarbiB
    DarbiB Posts: 88 Member
    I try to plan around the inevitable. I also crave salty food and chocolate around that time of the month. Have you tried the chocolate-covered pretzels from Whole Foods (the Whole Foods 365 brand that comes in a bag)? 8 of those is 150 calories, which isnt too bad, and its very satisfying! You get around 4.5-5 servings per bag, so I like to buy them and split the whole thing into 5 sandwich baggies for my lunches that week. Very convenient. Also they have them in both dark and milk chocolate!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I always do better when I know it's coming. Sometimes it sneaks up on me and for some reason I'm less able to deal with it then. I'm sure that's just a "me" thing though.

    For me, PMS is all about the comfort foods while staying within my calories and macros. Mac & cheese, bacon, sloppy joes, the kinds of food that I loved as a kid but don't make for myself as often. Something about knowing that I have these things planned for meals seems to let my mind ease up on the cravings.

    As for chocolate, I have it in moderation. I'll have a dark chocolate bar. Or I'll buy chocolate yogurt, or chocolate pudding packs (60 calories), or add chocolate powder to my Greek yogurt or my protein shakes (only 10 calories per spoonful).

    The other big thing for me to watch is my anxiety. PMS makes me fidgety, and when I get fidgety or nervous or anxious I want to eat. I look for hobbies that keep me out of the house or keep my hands busy (out with friends, knitting, writing, crosswords, etc.) and I try and take steps to keep my stress levels down during that week (for me that's journaling, reading, walks outside, or just sitting in the sun if it's a nice day).

    But, everyone is different in this regard and you'll have to play around and find what works best for you. The most important thing, imo, is to be mindful of what and why you're eating and to forgive yourself if you do slip up. It happens to most of us and it really won't make a big difference in the grand scheme of things. Focus on learning from it so that you can do better next time.

  • brandigyrl81
    brandigyrl81 Posts: 128 Member
    A few things that help me:
    -I buy those Pringles 100 calorie snack tubs and have it with a sandwich every now and then.
    -Try cooking some mixed veggies (I like to buy the Kroger frozen stir-fry veggies) and sprinkle some Morton's Light Salt, along with some garlic salt, onion powder, Mrs. Dash etc. I actually eat this pretty often.
    -For chocolate, check out the different weight watchers ice cream bars. They're usually low in calories. Or you can try making some Fat Free Sugar Free Jello Instant Pudding.

    The bottom line is, if it fits within your required daily caloric intake and your macros, it won't hurt to enjoy some treats every now and again to satisfy those cravings.
  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    I go with the Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. They are awesome. Normally vanilla but around shark week, chocolate is the go to.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    ktekc wrote: »
    I go with the Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. They are awesome. Normally vanilla but around shark week, chocolate is the go to.

    ^These are great! Also fudgesicles are around 40 calories each if you want a quick frozen bite of chocolate.
  • cmabnx
    cmabnx Posts: 76 Member
    peanut butter (or PB2 now that i've finally discovered it!!). lots of peanut butter.
  • Chrissy6302
    Chrissy6302 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you so much ladies, you all have some wonderful ideas that i hadnt thought of. I did buy some roasted almonds and flavored rice cakes for the salty treat, both very good. I bought the miniture Hersheys candy bars, less calories than a granola bar and more satisfying...if you know what i mean. LOL
    Chocolate covered pretzels would be perfect and had not thought of pudding.
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    I also crave salt so I eat 4-5 baby dill pickles. They are crunchy and 0 calories.
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    ktekc wrote: »
    I go with the Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. They are awesome. Normally vanilla but around shark week, chocolate is the go to.

    I'm totally grabbing these too! Right now I have the 100 calorie chocolate truffle bars. But i just KNOW that I'm going to want the sandwiches.

    I start craving meaty comfort foods like beef curry. My only problem there is the RICE! So many calories in all that RICE! I havnt quite figured out how I'm going to swing that one yet.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I ate at maintenance calories these past few days, just to let myself eat, and I figure it's like a training session for the future anyway. Thankfully I don't retain water around my period, so I'm still on track for losing about 1/2lb this week.

    And as for rice, I do 50/50 with rice and lentils. 1/2 a cup of each, boiled, is under 300 calories altogether, and lentils have awesome nutritional values. And my curry is steamed veggies and a can of diced tomatoes pureed with curry powder, garam masala, a dash of cumin and salt and pepper. Cayenne for a kick. So there's hardly any calories in the base, and I can add whatever meat I want.

    For me, curry is one of my go-to low calorie/high volume dishes because of all the veggies I put in :) carrots, potatoes, peas, red bell pepper, onion, garlic, and I don't use any oil or dairy products.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Pickles, workouts, and drinking lots of tea (very sweet teas) gets me through. I even have a chocolate hazelnut and chocolate coconut set of teas that really do taste chocolately. Dark chocolate is relatively low calorie and very satisfying.

    You can also freeze chocolate bars so that you have to eat them more slowly.
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    Research the meanings of different cravings...
    Chocolate cravings = Almonds
    Chips = (Calcium) Cheese, Broccoli, Sesame

    Try picking a healthy alternative.
  • Chrissy6302
    Chrissy6302 Posts: 14 Member
    engodwin wrote: »
    Research the meanings of different cravings...
    Chocolate cravings = Almonds
    Chips = (Calcium) Cheese, Broccoli, Sesame

    Try picking a healthy alternative.

    I will have to do this. Great to know.
  • engodwin wrote: »
    Research the meanings of different cravings...
    Chocolate cravings = Almonds
    Chips = (Calcium) Cheese, Broccoli, Sesame

    Try picking a healthy alternative.


    It also depends on what you typically hanker for.

    With me it's carbs out the ying-yang! lol :#

    So I just portion out xtra carbs around that time than I typically eat and I don't beat myself up if I end up having pizza twice a week instead of every other. I've found the more I tried to 'forbid' myself to satisfy my cravings the worst the cravings. (human nature I suppose).

    There's also some dark cocoa dusted almonds from Walmart that seems to satisfy the chocolate & something crunchy that you may want to try.

    Good luck!

  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Probably not what you want to hear, but I just work the calories into my day. I usually have ~200 calories left after dinner daily for a snack anyway. So I just have some ice cream or chips with that 200 calories.
  • blossomingbutterfly
    blossomingbutterfly Posts: 743 Member
    I usually just try to work it into my calorie intake for the day. That's the best way that I'm able to deal with it.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I eat salty foods and chocolate. :p As others have said - have some dark chocolate (break it into a small dish with a portion of raw almonds - awesome together!), and portion out a half serving of whatever saltiness you want. I weigh out a half portion of potato chips or chex mix or salted whatever, and put the rest of it away. If I know I'll still be hungry, I slice up an apple or some sugar snap peas and put those on my plate as well. Tummy is satisfied with the snack, the small amounts of the craved salt & chocolate does the trick on the craving, it all fits into my cals for the day, and I'm a happy camper. B)
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    engodwin wrote: »
    Research the meanings of different cravings...
    Chocolate cravings = Almonds
    Chips = (Calcium) Cheese, Broccoli, Sesame

    Try picking a healthy alternative.

    Nope nope nope. "Research" into the science of cravings is all broscience and Pinterest infographics. The (completely made up idea) is that if you're craving [insert high calorie food] what your body needs is [insert micro or macro nutrient]. None of this is based in science or even logic. People use food for comfort, for validation, for nostalgia. When I crave pasta, it's because I ate a lot as a kid, especially when my stomach was unsettled. Between fortified dairy and grains, and eating even the most processed foods, most people get most vitamins and minerals without even trying. You have to be a specific subset of the population (raw vegans, anemic people) to miss out on vital nutrients.

    The commonly passed around chart that you're referring to comes from the horrendously unscientific book called CHOOSE YOUR FOODS: Like Your Life Depends on Them. The author is a neuropath who believes in alternative medicine curing cancer. The book has a forward by Mercola, the king of quackery.
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    I never thought I would say this, but I go for a workout. I find the exercise gets rid of the symptoms (for a little bit anyway)

    Other than that, I probably eat a jar of pickles that week and I up my protein.
  • Chrissy6302
    Chrissy6302 Posts: 14 Member
    I think cravings are just that cravings, whether it be for comfort, stress etc... I need to just figure out a right way to satisfy it without overindulging.

    Work is the hardest for me, especially when i have down time.