I want to like lifting, but the results depress me.



  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I have broad shoulders (because of bone structure). Weight lifting and specifically focusing on shoulders has only managed to add one inch to them in the last year. Ignore the comments and learn to love your body.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    broad shoulders are sexy.. on both sexes.
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I appreciate the comments and such, and know others have had a similar struggle with their body image. I'm not sure what I did wrong to be flagged for abuse, but I would remove the post if I could.

    You ladies are in awesome shape. I also just naturally have broad shoulders. I have never played sports. I didn't start strength training and attending a gym until I entered college over a decade ago. I've just never received a positive response on my overall physical appearance, so forgive the depressing moments I'll have here and there.

    Again, thanks for suggestions and replies. I will check out Strong Curves.
  • CallMeBacon
    CallMeBacon Posts: 196 Member
    Just echoing the above.. I, too, have broad shoulders, but let me tell you.. I would never let that keep me from lifting. Makes my waist look smaller, but more than that - lifting keeps me *happy*.

    I get all kinds of comments from family and friends - ranging from supportive to "you shouldn't lose more weight, you're too thin" or "your arms look like you're a guy".

    I find it's usually the ones that hate their bodies the most, that feel they need to make negative comments on mine.

    Do what you need to do for you, in order to be healthy and happy. And screw the ones that judge you for it. :)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I have broad shoulders (because of bone structure). Weight lifting and specifically focusing on shoulders has only managed to add one inch to them in the last year. Ignore the comments and learn to love your body.

    You're the bee's knees too, fyi.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I have broad shoulders (because of bone structure). Weight lifting and specifically focusing on shoulders has only managed to add one inch to them in the last year. Ignore the comments and learn to love your body.

    You're the bee's knees too, fyi.

    <3 Thank you!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I have broad shoulders (because of bone structure). Weight lifting and specifically focusing on shoulders has only managed to add one inch to them in the last year. Ignore the comments and learn to love your body.

    yay- USMCMP's lats/back blown mine out of the water- and I totally didn't mean to turn this into a back/lat/shoulder thing- but yeah....and I adore that picture- so fab. drool.

    chicks with shoulders and lats.... le-sigh- so much win.

    And if you allow me (hell it's a forum I'm going to anyway)... expand- a woman's back is incredibly sexy- one that's well developed even more so- it takes SO much work for us- that when you see that it's a sight to behold- not just because it's *kitten* cool- but because you KNOW a lot of mothertrucking work went into it- it's worth drooling over and giving props- because it takes works.

    seriously. Work your back- work your shoulders- own that *kitten* and like I said- kick anyone in the face who says others.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I have broad shoulders (because of bone structure). Weight lifting and specifically focusing on shoulders has only managed to add one inch to them in the last year. Ignore the comments and learn to love your body.

    yay- USMCMP's lats/back blown mine out of the water- and I totally didn't mean to turn this into a back/lat/shoulder thing- but yeah....and I adore that picture- so fab. drool.

    chicks with shoulders and lats.... le-sigh- so much win.

    And if you allow me (hell it's a forum I'm going to anyway)... expand- a woman's back is incredibly sexy- one that's well developed even more so- it takes SO much work for us- that when you see that it's a sight to behold- not just because it's *kitten* cool- but because you KNOW a lot of mothertrucking work went into it- it's worth drooling over and giving props- because it takes works.

    seriously. Work your back- work your shoulders- own that *kitten* and like I said- kick anyone in the face who says others.

    Sorry! Wasn't intending on "showing you up" or anything. As you know, with nice wide shoulders and a lean waist (plus butt and quads) clothes look and fit incredible! I finally have an hour glass shape. Definitely own what you have!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    nah- I didn't think you were :) Just didn't want OP think we were like- running amuck. you know I love you <3

    and your fabulous back ;)
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    Ok you are both really making me envious. Im trying to build my back. What specifically are yall doing. I cant seem to isolate the proper muscles. Shoulders are pumped arms arms are jacked but baby lacks back ,help.
  • paj315
    paj315 Posts: 335 Member
    Jorocka and usmcmp I'm very jealous of your back! I NEED a back like that! Mine just never seems to develop much!!

    OP; Screw the haters! Ignore them period. Broader shoulders make your waist look tinier! That hourglass figure!!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    margannmks wrote: »
    Ok you are both really making me envious. Im trying to build my back. What specifically are yall doing. I cant seem to isolate the proper muscles. Shoulders are pumped arms arms are jacked but baby lacks back ,help.

    Deadlifts, lots of different types of rows (machine, low cable, one arm dumbbell, barbell with pronated and supinated grip, Kroc, t-bar, Pendlay), lat pull downs (every type of attachment including straight bar and D-ring), pull ups and shrugs.

    That just about covers most of my back stuff. I think the most helpful thing for back is to try to take the cheat out. The more chest supported things you can do or the more strict you can be the more you engage the muscles. That means you may have to drop some weight to keep the body English out of the movement (I video tape to make sure I use strict form).
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    I bow hunt so i do most of what your saying. I do just have a smaller upper body dna,im damn near boney and i hate that plus im old so it looks worse. I want to do a bulk but ive still got thigh fat so im hesitant. Do you do lat pulls wide grip or narrow? My goal is one unassisted pullup by my bday which is the 20 th. Im at 40 lbs on the assisted machine so im not gonna make it. But i can do the pistol grip pullup unassisted,so whoohoo. Just an ole lady wishing she wasnt.lo
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    And im sorry forgot to ask what do you mean by chest supported.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    edited October 2014
    margannmks wrote: »
    I bow hunt so i do most of what your saying. I do just have a smaller upper body dna,im damn near boney and i hate that plus im old so it looks worse. I want to do a bulk but ive still got thigh fat so im hesitant. Do you do lat pulls wide grip or narrow? My goal is one unassisted pullup by my bday which is the 20 th. Im at 40 lbs on the assisted machine so im not gonna make it. But i can do the pistol grip pullup unassisted,so whoohoo. Just an ole lady wishing she wasnt.lo

    Switch your assisted pull ups to negatives and weighted negatives for a while (You start at the top and just slowly lower down).

    I do lat pull downs with wide grip on the straight bar and when I do narrow grip it's with the D-ring handle.

    Chest supported just means you are laying down on a bench. The machine or plate loaded rows are basically the same thing.
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    Got it, i usually do the 3 pt dumbell row so the incline bench one is better. I changed gyms last spring and im still getting the hang of the equipment. Thanks
  • adamjgb
    I wouldn't worry about your shoulders. I can't think of a single time I thought to myself, "she'd be super hot if it weren't for her broad shoulders". The majority of men just aren't going to have a problem with it. :p
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Mostly these three:
    Pull Ups
    Barbell Rows
    Dead lifts

    Then when I am doing more split type work- these
    Lat press downs
    Lat Pull Downs
    Over head pulls (where you're on the bench)
    cable rows
    over head press

    I do love me some back work!!!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    paj315 wrote: »
    Jorocka and usmcmp I'm very jealous of your back! I NEED a back like that! Mine just never seems to develop much!!

    OP; Screw the haters! Ignore them period. Broader shoulders make your waist look tinier! That hourglass figure!!

    *kitten*, I'm jealous of their backs.

    I know I'd be at least 74% more badass with a back like Jo's or usmcmp.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    blazepurr wrote: »
    My question is, why have 2 people reported this thread for abuse?

    seriously? how? perhaps my excessive use of kicking people in the face- I dunno. lol

    I know I'd be at least 74% more badass with a back like Jo's or usmcmp.

    pish posh- I"m sure you're totally badass now. But we all know we have room to grow (LOL like- I always think how fab my back looks- then I go check USMCMP's and yeah- I'm like- back to work!!! room to push harder!!! )