Desk Job and Losing Weight?



  • joshpass
    joshpass Posts: 82 Member
    I lost 160 pounds with a desk job. All you have to do is burn off more than you eat and you will lose. You can do that with exercise or not. Doesn't matter as long as you are in a deficit. Obviously exercise has other tremendous benefits so I highly suggest it.
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    I drink a lot of water so I have to go to the bathroom a lot lol

    Was going to suggest this! 2 birds with 1 stone!!
  • aSaltandBattery
    aSaltandBattery Posts: 82 Member
    jane837 wrote: »
    I've lost more than 100 lbs with a desk job - it's tricky to be active during work hours, so I try to use my commute time and lunch break as times to get moving. I always go for a walk on my lunch break, and living in a city, I'm able to take the train to work in the morning and then walk home (4.5 miles/90 minutes) in the evening.... I know that's not always viable for folks with long car commutes, but it works for my situation. Biking to/from work could also be an option for you. Additionally I try to hit up the gym most weeknights right after work, and I deliberately switched to a gym that is on the same street as my work. I used to go to a gym that was closer to my house, but I would have the whole commute time home to talk myself out of it, and as a result I used to skip going a LOT. :smile:

    I live in a very rural area so I need to find things that I can do at home. The closest gym to my house is a 40 minute drive from work and I live in the middle of where I work and where I would be able to go to the gym so it would be a lot of circular driving around large blocks of country-ness. I am interested in having more at home options though! :)
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    edited October 2014
    I drink a lot of water so I have to go to the bathroom a lot lol

    Was going to suggest this! 2 birds with 1 stone!!

    Same here. Drinking a lot of water is healthy, plus then you have to get up to keep refilling your water bottle/glass and keep going to the bathroom. On my way back from the bathroom I don't go straight to my office, I kind of do a big loop to get back to my little office hole, it adds maybe 100 steps each trip, but that can add up quickly!
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I workout in the morning. I get up at 6:15 and workout for about 30-45 minutes. And then it's done. And I have nothing to worry about. And if I have energy/time in evenings I'll try to fit in a 20-30 minute cardio session. It's difficult to get up that early, but it really does help set the tone for my day (that and reading my bible in the mornings - but that's another topic). I have more energy, my mood is good, and I attribute that to morning workouts and morning worship.

    Good luck!
  • aSaltandBattery
    aSaltandBattery Posts: 82 Member
    engodwin wrote: »
    deksgrl wrote: »
    If your job requires you to sit at a desk, can you schedule 5 minutes out of every hour to get up and move, run up and down the stairs or take a walk? Do you get a lunch break so you could take a 20 minute walk? Park farther away from the building?

    In the evening, do you watch television? You can march or jog in place for 20-30 minutes. Or every commercial break do jumping jacks. There are a lot of things you CAN do, you just have to decide to do it.


    Check out the 7 Minute workout app - can do this in your office if need be

    Park at the back of the lot, take the stairs, walk to talk to people instead of email/call, Walk X steps prior to sitting down for lunch. Get up Every 60 minutes - even if you just walk to door and back get up.

    Thank you for the 7 minute workout app, I hadn't heard of it before.
  • aSaltandBattery
    aSaltandBattery Posts: 82 Member
    __drmerc__ wrote: »
    Lots and lots of caffeine will motivate you to move around more at work

    I don't drink coffee or soda. Mostly water, unsweetened tea, and spearmint tea. I made it through grad school without coffee so I don't want to start now lol
  • joshpass
    joshpass Posts: 82 Member
    just exercise at home. that's what I do. you don't even need any equipment unless you want to lift weights. I spent maybe $500 for my home gym and I can do basically everything that I did when I was going to a "real" gym. Nobody has a clue that I don't go to a real gym. You can get just as fit at home as you can at a gym. Look up the at home workouts. is fantastic as well.
  • aSaltandBattery
    aSaltandBattery Posts: 82 Member
    I drink a lot of water so I have to go to the bathroom a lot lol

    Was going to suggest this! 2 birds with 1 stone!!

    :p I love this! I have been starting to drink more so we will see how it goes
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I have a desk job as well, sitting 8 hours a day. Eating at a caloric deficit is what is most important, but because of my inactive job I try to stay active on my breaks and outside of work.

    I use the majority of my breaks to get some walking in. Most days I have almost 5 miles in before I leave for home (sometimes more, sometimes less). I then workout in the evening (it used to be morning, but I've found getting out of bed to be too hard lately) for about 30-45 minutes.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    brdnw wrote: »
    i'm a software engineer, so i'm infront of a computer all day, and when i'm done, i go directly to the gym, i workout every single day of the week. It's either you want to workout or you want to choose to not change. it's pretty simple. walking around your office won't do anything for you, you have to put in effort.

    I have to agree with this. I work at my computer all day in IT. I go to the gym every morning. You have to want to do it either way. It's not like you're going to burn a crap load of calories walking back and forth to your desk.

  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    kemacc213 wrote: »
    I work at a desk 90% of my 8 hour shifts, 5 days a week. Occasionally I will get out and about around the building that I work in, but most of my responsibilities are on the computer or filling out paperwork at the desk. I know I have to want to change, be the change, motivate myself and actually do what needs to be done to lose weight. I know I have to eat less calories, eat foods that are more nutritious and make conscious healthy choices.

    What I am looking for are tips and supportive advice so that I can continue on my journey.

    Does anyone have any methods for getting more activity/calorie burning in while at work?

    On the weekends I am much more active hiking, doing yard/house work, and just moving around more in general.

    Any help is greatly appreciated :)

    What are your break situations? I have a job 8-5 with two 15 minute and one 60 minute breaks. We have a loose dress code so no one cares if I do a full workout on lunch breaks, which I do sometimes. If I don't want to change, or can't, I still get up and go walk on all my breaks. Or that's the intent, anyway.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You "burn" calories 24/7...even when you're sitting down. I have a desk job too...I just make sure I get regular exercise 5-6 days per week and I look for other ways to improve my NEAT like parking further away from the office building, taking the stairs, using the facilities and break room on the first floor even though I'm on the 3rd, etc. I also make it a point to be off my *kitten* when I get home...I make sure I'm up and cleaning or cooking or working in the yard or playing with the kids, etc. I don't usually sit down for about 2-3 hours after I get home.
  • marinabreeze
    marinabreeze Posts: 141 Member
    I have a desk job also. I've started to incorporate workouts before work because generally speaking, when I get off work I am not motivated to go anywhere else but home. My DH and I also do an exercise DVD routine together (DDP Yoga) before we go to bed, so working out doesn't necessarily mean going to the gym.

    If you're wanting to stick to exercise, it just has to become a part of your routine like going to work. The other thing is that there is a cliche that weight loss wars are won and lost in the kitchen, and it's true. You don't have to even exercise to lose weight - it does help, but the majority of weight loss comes from what you put in your body.
  • rrgumby
    rrgumby Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2014
    deksgrl wrote: »
    You can lose weight just by eating less. Or, by moving more. Or by both eating less and moving more.

    If your job requires you to sit at a desk, can you schedule 5 minutes out of every hour to get up and move, run up and down the stairs or take a walk? Do you get a lunch break so you could take a 20 minute walk? Park farther away from the building?

    In the evening, do you watch television? You can march or jog in place for 20-30 minutes. Or every commercial break do jumping jacks. There are a lot of things you CAN do, you just have to decide to do it.


    I have a desk job (7.5h/day x5days a week):
    -wake up 4:40am and workout before work (too tired to do it after)
    -use the stairs every day (work on 5th floor); also to increase the amount of times I use the stairs instead of filling my water bottle in kitchenette on my floor I walk down to the main floor cafeteria. I strive to do them at least 4 time a day.
    -walk everyday at lunch (approx 3km in 30 min); I do laps around the parking lot (even in the winter)

    It's totally doable :) good luck!
    I drink a lot of water so I have to go to the bathroom a lot lol

    Was going to suggest this! 2 birds with 1 stone!!


    so true with all the water I drink LOL
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    If you can afford it, they make under-the-desk exercise bikes. A few minutes here and there would really add up over the course of a day.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    I'm a desk worker too, so I walk at lunch, walk to and from the train station, take the long way walking to the kitchen, take the internal stairs... I'm also just aware that, unlike when I was working in hospitality, I am quite sedentiary at work so I just have to make up for it outside those hours.
  • 808Trish808
    808Trish808 Posts: 122 Member
    brdnw wrote: »
    i'm a software engineer, so i'm infront of a computer all day, and when i'm done, i go directly to the gym, i workout every single day of the week. It's either you want to workout or you want to choose to not change. it's pretty simple. walking around your office won't do anything for you, you have to put in effort.

    I totally agree. I work at a desk 8 hours a day get up for lunch/restroom break/files, etc. Unless u plan on running around your office, you need to want to make that change. :)
  • Mavenly
    Mavenly Posts: 23 Member
    I'm a desk-jockey too. I work-out on my lunch break. I have a stupid commute, so working out before/after work are just too much to think about. I'd be either up at 5am, or not starting dinner until 10pm. I'm lucky enough to not be a clock-puncher, so nobody cares if I take 90min lunches as long as I meet my deadlines.

    Depending on your budget/office - think about little ways to make yourself constantly micro-active too. Standing desks are around $300 now, just liftable platforms that sit on your existing desk. Under-desk mini-bikes are as cheap as $30, more if you want cool functions. There are entire exercise routines than you can do in 30min using only office furniture too. Try tricep dips on an office chair - it's a workout! :)
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    I work a desk job and am 70 lbs down in 10 months. Be strict and accurate with your logging and fit in as much physical activity as you can throughout the day. Walk before work. Walk over your lunch hour. Get exercise DVDs from the library and see what kind programs you like. See if you can bike to work.