Desk Job and Losing Weight?



  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    I work a desk job and am 70 lbs down in 10 months. Be strict and accurate with your logging and fit in as much physical activity as you can throughout the day. Walk before work. Walk over your lunch hour. Get exercise DVDs from the library and see what kind programs you like. See if you can bike to work.
  • mysmileighs
    mysmileighs Posts: 103 Member
    I also work at a desk job and 2 months ago when I started back here, I decided to get my eating under control first - start logging consistently and completely, and start developing a healthy relationship with food, then moving back to getting active again. I didn't really exercise, but I stayed within my calorie goal and got a handle on that.

    Just this week, I started back at the gym and I feel a lot more stable. I think changing one thing at a time helped me.

    As far as the workout at home: if you like exercise DVDs, there are a TON. I like pilates and basically anything using my body as resistance.

    You can do this!

  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I also exercise at home before work, doing DVDs. Sounds like you have some nice space to go for a walk or run as well.
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    I have a desk job too. I work out at lunch.
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    Like the others, I have a desk job as well. I either go for a walk over lunch or go to the gym that's nearby. Then in the nights, after I get my 3 kids to bed, I go to the gym again for another hour. You need to make the choice to fit activity into your day, regardless of how sedentary you are at work. Fitting it in isn't easy, but so worth it.
  • beckytcy
    beckytcy Posts: 135 Member
    I drink a lot of water so I have to go to the bathroom a lot lol

    Same here! Make excuses to get out of your cubicle and walk around.

  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I sit on my azz at work 8-1/2 hours plus 1 1/2 hours total in driving everyday. I walk during my coffee breaks and lunch as much as I can. At night when the kids are in bed I weight lift 4 times per week. I've lost 60 lbs total in just under a year. It can be done, you just have to make the time.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I make sure to take my workout clothes with me to work, put them on before I leave the building and head straight to the gym. That is only way I am consistent. I still convince myself sometimes that I will workout when I get home, but it rarely happens after I get home.
  • DonnaJones7
    DonnaJones7 Posts: 99 Member
    Start with little bits - little bits of movement wherever/whenever you can. But setting aside time in the day to actually sweat is important too, I think. I know a couple of people who have little pedal exercisers under their desk. Planning your meals is the most important, I think. It's too easy to get de-railed looking for other choices. Bring healthy food and plenty of it, don't starve yourself. Small changes you can live with forever should be your goal. I just started and a workout for me is the WiiFit at home. It's convenient and I like playing the stupid games and setting records and beating records. I'm so out of shape, I don't need a gym. Walking or doing with Wii is plenty. Eating smart is the hard part, and honestly, my friends on fitness pal are VERY motivating. I like to check in every day and when I see others are doing it right every day, I figure I better just keep going.
    - Good Luck! You CAN do it!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    caloric deficit = weight loss. Additionally, a lot of office workers, walk or run stairs at lunch.
  • starznholes
    starznholes Posts: 170 Member
    I work 50+ hours at a desk all week. I make it a point to work out every day for at least an hour. Eating at a deficit and getting my exercise on is what's working for me. ;)
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    As mentioned previously, lots of water = lots of bathroom breaks. Find a bathroom sufficiently far from your desk so that you can get some steps in on the way. Bonus if it's up or down a flight (or more) of stairs!

    I also was very careful about packing a known number of calories in my lunch bag every day, just to avoid excess snacking. Try not to keep snacks in your desk 'just in case' because boredom or stress might drive you to binge on them.

    Good luck! I went from a lab-based role where I was always on the run to a desk job and definitely gained some quick weight due to inactivity, but all of my weight loss has been while still doing my desk job, so it definitely can be done!
  • cstevenson86
    cstevenson86 Posts: 158 Member
    I too have a desk job - with no break! I eat lunch at my desk. I'm at my desk 95% of the day as well. I do Zumba after work! I think the key is finding exercise you enjoy, then it won't be as much of a chore when you have to go do it. I do Zumba for an hour a day, 6 days a week. I'm with the one lady who said to pack a gym bag, then you don't have to worry about the couch calling your name!
  • kcjchang
    kcjchang Posts: 709 Member
    edited October 2014
    Like others have indicated, you need to create a deficient and light exercising is not going to buy you much. Starting an exercise routine will help with your overall health but unless you are willing to devote the time and intensity to it, you just cannot burn enough calories verse just eating less. (Huge assumption built in below but just to illustrate the point).

    Calorie Burn | Duration | Burn/Workout | 3X/Week | Estimated Fat Loss
    5 cal/min | 30 minutes | 150 calories | 450 calories | 0.128 lbs
    5 cal/min | 60 minutes | 300 calories | 900 calories | 0.25 lbs
    10 cal/min | 30 minutes | 300 calories | 900 calories | 0.25 lbs
    10 cal/min | 60 minutes | 600 calories | 1800 calories | 0.51 lbs

    Calorie Burn | Duration | Burn/Workout | 6X/Week | Estimated Fat Loss
    5 cal/min | 30 minutes | 150 calories | 900 calories | 0.25 lbs
    5 cal/min | 60 minutes | 300 calories | 1800 calories | 0.51 lbs
    10 cal/min | 30 minutes | 300 calories | 1800 calories | 0.51 lbs
    10 cal/min | 60 minutes | 600 calories | 3600 calories | 1.1 lbs

    For some people, like myself, exercise does blunt hunger but I do between 6-8 hours of cycling per week averaging 16-17 mph. The point is, get you diet in gear and then slowly introduce exercise (and intensity) to enhance your overall health and keeping the pounds off. Incidentally, 5 cal/min is equivalent to slow jog or fast walk at ~4 mph while 10 cal/min is equivalent to running/jogging at ~6 mph (depending on your weight and mph to calories expended is for someone weighting around 130 for simplicity).

    I have a desk job also.
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    I also drink a lot of water and out of a fairly small bottle, so I have to get up to refill it often and also get up to pee often. I also bring in my road bike or my running clothes to work a couple days a week and get out over my lunch break. Besides that: park far away, take the stairs, go talk to coworkers instead of sending emails...
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    And I drink a cup of coffee in the last hour of work and go directly to the gym / trails after work, before I can get home and get settled in.
  • pethelpersfindahome
    I'm in the same boat. I have decided that I do my strength training ( 30 day ab challenge) before work and I walk at lunch time. and I bicycle at least twice a week. It seems to help me. Everyone is different but we all want the same. You can add me it you would like to be friends.
  • jane837
    jane837 Posts: 68 Member
    kemacc213 wrote: »
    I live in a very rural area so I need to find things that I can do at home. The closest gym to my house is a 40 minute drive from work and I live in the middle of where I work and where I would be able to go to the gym so it would be a lot of circular driving around large blocks of country-ness. I am interested in having more at home options though! :)

    I came from a super rural area, so I totally get your situation (I'm totally spoiled now with everything close by). When I didn't have access to a gym, I used to do exercise DVDs at home for cardio, and lately I've been using an app that I really like called Bodyweight Training: You Are Your Own Gym for strength training -- it doesn't require equipment, and it pops up reminders on your phone when it's time to do the workout. Good luck! :smile:
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    "Most weight loss occurs because of decreased caloric intake.
    However, evidence shows the only way to maintain weight loss is to be engaged in regular physical activity."

  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    edited October 2014
    I lost a fairly terrific private message from someone explaining how she eats up to 2400 calories per day in maintenance even though she's quite tiny mainly by moving. I think she had a fitbit so one thing that's easy to do is just walk walk walk everywhere. I know for me some meetings can be far enough that I rather just call in, but as I've become stronger and more interested in physical activity in general, I'd walk. I used to be the one waiting for others to visit the shop floor and other errands so we could combine things we need to look at or get done. Now, well, I still do that, but I also get moving and try to be the one asking folks if they need anything

    Anyway the lady would stop for a few minutes every hour - take a quick walk, do push ups, jumping jacks etc just anything to move. One thing I'm curious though, for those who walk a lot especially during lunch, I tried this once and wound up sweaty and stinky. How do you avoid this?

    My true source of activity is the gym. Personally I'm there for hours every week. I go after work. My drive is longish but my gym bag is already packed in the car and I do drink diet dew to keep me awake and alert during the drive and also to help me get through my workout. I also get McDonald's coffee on the way home again for the drive, but nowadays more as an awesomely tasty post workout ritual (40 calories of creamer lol)

    Weekends can also be used to get in a longer workout if your week days tend to be more limited for exercise