I wish I love running



  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    A) get off the treadmill and get out on some scenic trails or bike paths. Treadmill is SOOOO BORING!
    B) do it regularly for 3-4 weeks and you won't mind it as much... do it for another 3 months and you'll start to enjoy it!
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    ok that was supposed to be a B ) lol
  • kaseasteele
    kaseasteele Posts: 86 Member
    I used to hate running, but then I joined the military and I was forced to run to pass my physical fitness tests. I went from only being able to run a 13 minute mile to running 7 minute miles now, and I've run 16+ miles at a go. Because I was forced to do it so much, I learned to enjoy it. Now I run just because I want to and because it makes me feel awesome! And it's a great workout; you burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time.