*sorry boys* - PMS help!

Hi ladies :)

I realize it could be hormonal, but I'm starving during PMS week and am looking for some helpful tips or even just some commiseration! My calorie goal is 1700 but I'm lucky to keep at 2000 during this time. I drink a lot of water (at least 60 oz a day). I'm not sure what else to do. Does anyone else go through this? I feel so defeated.



  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I am the same way. No matter what when PMSing it is impossible for me to feel full. To try and help it I up my protein I still stay within my calorie limit, you have to have some control over yourself.
  • daisymae850
    daisymae850 Posts: 127 Member
    I am right there with you on these questions, I am able to keep my calories down but still my scale says I gained 6.5 pounds in 1 day because of my "monthly friend".

    Is anyone else experiencing this??? If so any suggestions on what to eat to keep this gain down? Or what else I can do to not gain in the future? And will this gain go away once "she" goes away?
  • redrosepink09
    I once gained 7 pounds in two days! Its horrible you feel so bloated. And I couldnt stop eating. Im still trying to work those pounds off. My tip is STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN!! it just makes you want to eat.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I eat loads the first 2-3 days of my period. It's totally fine.
    What I try to do is not have any chocolate or bad snacks in the house and I stick to eating stuff like muesli with yoghurt or lots of fruit for when I feel like a bottomless pit. That way I know the stuff I am putting into my body is better for me.
  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    There are usually 3 days each month where I am starving because of PMS. I just eat more! Figure out your TDEE and eat as much as that if you feel hungry enough. I've kept on track with my weight loss despite the monthly annoyance, haha.

    Weight gain from water retention is totally normal too. Keep drinking water and try to keep your sodium levels on track, and you should be back to normal in a few days. I don't count my weigh-ins during this time because I know it's not fat, just water retention.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I am right there with you on these questions, I am able to keep my calories down but still my scale says I gained 6.5 pounds in 1 day because of my "monthly friend".

    Is anyone else experiencing this??? If so any suggestions on what to eat to keep this gain down? Or what else I can do to not gain in the future? And will this gain go away once "she" goes away?

    anyone else experiencing this? YES. Search "ladies only" or "TOM" and you'll find probably 300 topics on the very same issue.

    What to eat to keep this gain down: there isn't anything you can do, it's hormonal not metabolic

    What can you do to not gain in the future? Again, there isn't anything that you can do or eat or not do or not eat to keep it from happening, short of hysterectomy or menopause and those bring a host of troubles of their own. It's hormonal, it's going to happen. And...

    Will this gain go away once "she" goes away: Most, if not all of it, yes.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I am right there with you on these questions, I am able to keep my calories down but still my scale says I gained 6.5 pounds in 1 day because of my "monthly friend".

    Is anyone else experiencing this??? If so any suggestions on what to eat to keep this gain down? Or what else I can do to not gain in the future? And will this gain go away once "she" goes away?

    It's water weight caused from water retention during your period. It will usually go away by two or three days after it's over if you keep eating and exercising well.
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    Aw, I'm PMS'ing right now too... Been craving pizza with a thick layer of cheese, and tiramisu, root beer, hot dogs... Ugh I hate it lol. I've been reading that your body burns between 100-250 calories anyway when you're on your period, so a snack won't hurt I think!!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    This is normally where I would say something snarky and mean, but I am on strike two.

    Your cravings are caused, in part, by certain deficiencies, such as iron and calcium, and also because of elevated levels of cortisol:seratonin levels.

    To help combat this, eat some snacks with complex carbs and healthier fats, like peanut butter. To help raise your seratonin levels, exercise.
  • careyann19
    careyann19 Posts: 21 Member

    I appreciate the suggestions but I do all of these things.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Then raspberry ketones.
  • careyann19
    careyann19 Posts: 21 Member
    And no, snarky comments are not welcome from you in this particular thread.
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    I think that's my problem this week. It's almost TOM (any day now!) and while I haven't gained thanks to sticking to my calories and exercising, I haven't lost either which can be discouraging. I'm hoping that in a day or two I'll see more of a change but until then I'm staying under cals and working out as a distraction and way to stay out of the kitchen ;) Good luck!
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I think that's my problem this week. It's almost TOM (any day now!) and while I haven't gained thanks to sticking to my calories and exercising, I haven't lost either which can be discouraging. I'm hoping that in a day or two I'll see more of a change but until then I'm staying under cals and working out as a distraction and way to stay out of the kitchen ;) Good luck!

    My weight loss stalls or goes up a little during my period, don't worry, when it's over you'll notice it go back down again.
  • mrslosser
    mrslosser Posts: 54 Member
    It will pass... take it in stride. It is a part of life. :wink:
  • YourLotusFlower11
    YourLotusFlower11 Posts: 90 Member
    I am having the exact same problem this week. I have tried to exercise more to accomodate more food. Unfortunately pms makes me feel really tired too I just have no energy today and I have been miserable for most of this week. I was 90.1kg 6days ago and now it keeps fluctuating to 90.8/90.9kg. I am really struggling to keep to 1650cal goal this week. :(
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    And no, snarky comments are not welcome from you in this particular thread.

    I am not sure exactly what you are expecting here. There is no ancient secret that another woman can impart on you or it would be common knowledge. The best you can hope for is to mitigate the cravings, as I suggested, and use willpower to stave off what remains. Or you can give in to the cravings, binge, and try to make up for it with additional exercise or lowering your calories the next few days.
  • careyann19
    careyann19 Posts: 21 Member
    If you read my message, I was asking for advice OR commiseration. I did not ask for a miracle. Just some support and extra ideas. You seem to be trying to argue at this point and I'm not sure why, but chill. I don't think this is a topic you need to take a lot of stock in anyway.
  • careyann19
    careyann19 Posts: 21 Member

    Thank you for your replies and making me feel a little more normal! It's amazing how conscious you become of hormone fluctuations when you're trying to lose weight :) ill try the more fruit ideas etc. if I have to eat more ill make it healthy :) thanks again :)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    If you read my message, I was asking for advice OR commiseration. I did not ask for a miracle. Just some support and extra ideas. You seem to be trying to argue at this point and I'm not sure why, but chill. I don't think this is a topic you need to take a lot of stock in anyway.

    You are being overly sensitive. Reread what I wrote, there is no arguing.

    Also, this exact topic is posted multiple times per day. You may find commiseration in the others that were posted in the last hour if you take a loo, around.