Diet pop - is it really bad for you?



  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    are you looking for a reason to keep it or give it up?

    After my initial thread run, I lowered the diet pop issue on my priority list. However, I have made some adjustments and have been drinking water more as I do believe that too much of anything isn't good for you.
    I have seen several others asking questions on other threads that I think may benefit from some of the information here.
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    free1220 wrote: »
    I need diet cola to give me a much needed sweet "hit" daily.I find it keeps me off the cake and candy....most of the time.

    Yes I feel this way also. I have a pretty serious sweet tooth and having something that tastes sweet with no calories helps keep it on check.
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »

    I am thrilled to be off the caffeine, delighted to have an extra 500-600mg of sodium to play with and do not miss the munchies. My teeth are happier, my body is definitely happier and I have more money.

    Never going back. (I hope. Knock on wood.)

    Good for you. Glad to hear you have made that change for yourself.
    I have decided to more aggressively address a serious cutback in caffeine and diet pop consumption in Stage 3 of my plan which is due to start as soon as I drop another 16 lbs.
    It's great to hear from someone that already made the change and feels so positively about it.
  • Slasher09
    Slasher09 Posts: 316 Member
    I used to be a die-hard diet soda fan as my mom switched our sodas to diet when I was 12/13. I almost never drank regular soda unless I was splitting one at the movies with my boyfriend. However, I stopped drinking it while pregnant, as my OB advised against artificial sweeteners, and when I tried drinking them again after he was born they started triggering migraines (which I had semi-regularly before getting pregnant). Now that I don't drink them anymore I notice that I really don't have migraines like I used to. It could be a coincidence, but aspartame seems to affect me negatively.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    edited December 2014
    BRaye325 wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »
    How much is a lot of diet soda? Is diet soda taking the place of plain water?

    IMO having to have something sweet all the time is a bad habit. I have a diet soda everyday, I also drink lots of plain water everyday. I don't need something flavored or sweetened (fake or otherwise) all day long.

    I do drink a lot - like 75-100 oz/day.

    75-100 oz. of diet soda per day is excessive if you ask me. Perhaps try limiting yourself to one or two cans per day.
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    I used to drink diet coke constantly, and it always made me want chocolate because it tasted so good with it. It's just not worth it, find a cordial or fruit juice instead.
  • popsicklestar
    popsicklestar Posts: 166 Member
    There are a lot of conflicting opinions from the scientific community on this topic. Based on the research I've read and my personal experience, I feel that it is not that harmful in small amounts, but of course, it would be healthier to just drink water. I definitely wouldn't drink it too frequently. I like to drink it at times where I feel snacky and want to eat something, but I'm not really hungry and don't really need to eat. So, I kind of use it as a weight-control tool. There are also certain foods that I feel it compliments really well, like popcorn and pizza, probably because I grew up eating those foods with soda as a kid. I'm kind of sensitive to sugar, so non-diet soda makes me feel kind of crappy. I genuinely feel it has helped me meet my weightloss goals.
  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    lewispwest wrote: »
    I used to drink diet coke constantly, and it always made me want chocolate because it tasted so good with it. It's just not worth it, find a cordial or fruit juice instead.

    Just funny that you mentioned chocolate exactly because that's something I don't enjoy with diet colas. I like salty things with mine, but that's a fairly new development.

  • josul75
    josul75 Posts: 41 Member
    It's fine. I'm losing on average 2lbs a week, drinking 2 cans of Coke zero a day. I also take calcium, iron and omega 3 supplements every day too, though. Nothing wrong with diet drinks at all.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    edited December 2014
    josul75 wrote: »
    It's fine. I'm losing on average 2lbs a week, drinking 2 cans of Coke zero a day. I also take calcium, iron and omega 3 supplements every day too, though. Nothing wrong with diet drinks at all.

    75-100 oz. of diet soda per day? I beg to differ.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Ross36 wrote: »
    Soda is mainly bad for your bones whether it is diet or regular. It has high levels of phosphates which decrease the Calcium levels in your plasma, so your body responds by releasing parathyroid hormone. This works at the bones to release calcium. The hormone also inhibits your kidney's ability to reabsorb the calcium in the plasma, so basically you are peeing out your bones.

    Always choose water!

    That story works for me. :)

    Seriously it was the phosphate thing that helped me ditch them about four months ago. Tasted one with sugar last weekend and it was like so bad tasting. I guess it was my sugar craving that led me to drink the stuff for 50 years. Tab was the first diet drink I remember.

    I now by phosphate by the gallon and spray it on rusty things to create a hard protective coating. :)

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    BRaye325 wrote: »
    One of the changes I've been advised to make is to cut back or eliminate my diet pop. I don't have any real evidence that it is bad for me...

    That's because there isn't any.
  • bswith22
    bswith22 Posts: 13 Member
    You can drink diet pop, but NOT as a replacement for water
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    It's bad for me. Artificial sweeteners trigger my migraines, and fizzy drinks make me bloaty. But if it doesn't bother you, go for it!
  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    There's nothing wrong with it. Diet soda is just water, color, flavor, sweetener, sodium and citric acid. If you're worried about it, you can get one of those machines to make it yourself.

    I have lost weight drinking nothing but coffee with artificial sweetener in my coffee and diet sodas and i have also lost weight switching the diet soda to water. The only difference is my sodium intake. Diet soda sometimes has more sodium to help offset the bitter aftertaste of the sweetener. Sodium enhances sweet flavors.

    I also noticed no difference in cravings for sweets. I want them all of the time no matter what. Now that i am not getting the sweet soda i find it easier to want other sweets and also easier to fit them into my day because i am not getting all of the soda calories. No real difference in the end, just replacing one thing with another.

    @laurend224 Still waiting to see if artificial sweeteners trigger my migraines like you. I cut them out a while ago and have recently added them back in. 3 weeks and no change. I am happy because i like sweeteners but at the same time disappointed because i have yet to find a trigger.
  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    bswith22 wrote: »
    You can drink diet pop, but NOT as a replacement for water

    Why not?
  • Alessa71
    It's unsettled, but in terms of "pairings" (earlier in the thread), I must say diet coke with a chocolate or PB Quest bar is my favorite afternoon treat (or if I'm really throwing caution to te wind, Pure Protein Double Chocolate). Reminds me of soda and candy at the occasional movie as a kid.
  • fitmama0914
    I used to drink 5 or 6 cans of regular pop a day, at least, and then coffee in between. When I logged back into mfp, I completely stopped drinking pop and aimed to drink 64 ozs of water, with a cup of coffee in the morning and evening. It could be coincidence, but I lost a lot of bloat. Then, for a few reasons, I stopped drinking water, and ended up drinking nothing but coffee all day again. And then I added about 8 to 10 ozs of diet pop a day, and now I feel bloated again. So it could be the pop, or it could be the coffee, but either one probably isn't great outside of moderation.