Pet Peeves (Fitness related)



  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    Menix8 wrote: »
    My co-workers, for always feeling the need to call me out on not eating any of the birthday cake. Really? Is that necessary?

    This, too. Why do you care so much what I do or don't eat?!
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    Grunting while lifting weights. I understand a little noise but the loud grunting is totally unnecessary and stupid!
  • erasure999
    erasure999 Posts: 30 Member
    What if Bob Ross was a serial killer, & he painted the landscapes of where he hid the bodies.

    "See that body part? Now it's birds..."

  • Winterlover123
    Winterlover123 Posts: 352 Member
    People that try to have a meaningless conversation with you in the gym when you have your headphones in and your obviously not there to chat.
  • redfiona99
    redfiona99 Posts: 116 Member
    If you go to the fitness club, you should actually do something before or even after taking a shower. Don't just come in to the locker room, take a shower, and leave.

    I may or may not have done that for the 3 months that the shower was out in my flat. Sorry.

  • erasure999
    erasure999 Posts: 30 Member
    MamaMollyT wrote: »
    People who flake on run dates. NO!!

    I have to totally agree with you MamaMolly.
  • erasure999
    erasure999 Posts: 30 Member
    Biggest pet peeve...friends that complain about not working out enough and not losing weight even though I offer them free access to my gym, 24/7.

    Other pet peeve, my wife saying "It's ok to cheat a little". Um, no! I've not been losing weight successfully by cheating a little.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    people who don't wipe down their equipment or put away their weights after they're finished.. who do they expect is going to clean up after them?
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Not being considerate or leaving the place as clean as you found it. So not re-racking weights, wiping down equipment, leaving your random crap all over the place. Swiss balls (at my gym) don't live in the squat rack.

    Two new ones, recently: 1. The guy who owns the squat rack, like, say, for over an hour. I know I should ask to work in, but the dude is moving plates and gear around like it's his occupation. Every set required more or less weight, or the addition or subtraction of a brace; 2. The guy who talks while leaning on the squat rack, adjusts the bench underneath it to make me think he will eventually do bench press, rests his water bottle on the safety arms... but never uses the damn thing (and I've been tentative about using it for 15 minutes).

    These things have driven me to be more bold in asking to use equipment at the gym.
  • brandigyrl81
    brandigyrl81 Posts: 128 Member
    My pet peeve is women who think they will look like a body builder if they start lifting weights.
  • BetterKimmer
    BetterKimmer Posts: 178 Member
    The ol" un-re-racked weights. And at my gym, weights that have been actually re-racked, in the wrong spot. 30lb dumb bell in the 20lb spot, which throws off the rest of the dumb bells and you have to go searching.

    And, yeah, it ain't my business, but the people lying on the cardio machines. If you have to lie down on the stair stepper to keep up, you are totally out your range of ability and being counterproductive. But, Hey!, you call yourself working out. lol
  • rungurl3
    rungurl3 Posts: 106 Member
    At my club, there is a gaggle of teenagers (one of whom is an EMPLOYEE) who hang around, draped over whatever piece of equipment I want to use, it seems, and prattle on about how they HATE yoga, and did you see so-and-so and blah!

    I snarkily asked them one time while they were draping themselves over a machine if they were DONE with it (even though they weren't actually USING it). It felt good!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    redfiona99 wrote: »
    If you go to the fitness club, you should actually do something before or even after taking a shower. Don't just come in to the locker room, take a shower, and leave.

    I may or may not have done that for the 3 months that the shower was out in my flat. Sorry.

    I have a friend who lives in his music studio without a shower. He signed up for the YMCA just to use the showers. He DOES work out a little bit first I think.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    My personal peeve is a specific person. He loads up every bar with a craptonne of weight, does one rep at each and leaves. WHY??? WHYYYYYYY????
  • efink85
    efink85 Posts: 19 Member
    I have a giggler at my gym. I can hear him with my headphones on. He'll use a cardio machine near mine, and giggle for 30 minutes straight. I'm assuming he's listening to a comedy routine or something, since it is literally non-stop guffawing. Nothing is that funny. This has happened multiple times.
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    What if Bob Ross was a serial killer, & he painted the landscapes of where he hid the bodies.

    "See that body part? Now it's birds..."
    "...HAPPY little birds."
    Not a rant, sorry, but this post and reply made me smile from deep inside!
    Grew up pre-cable days (yes, I'm that old.) and had only CBS for mom's "stories" and PBS. BR always came on after RomperRoom, Sesame Street, Electric Company, New Zoo Review (and one other, that I can't remember for the life of me.) Then nap time...Bob Ross was like 'ludes. Always calming.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Watching people machine hop at the gym. 5 mins here...2 mins there. LOL!
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    ...or the people holding up a machine because they're on their phone and not so much thinking about working out. Grrrr!! lol
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    redfiona99 wrote: »
    If you go to the fitness club, you should actually do something before or even after taking a shower. Don't just come in to the locker room, take a shower, and leave.

    I may or may not have done that for the 3 months that the shower was out in my flat. Sorry.

    I have a friend who lives in his music studio without a shower. He signed up for the YMCA just to use the showers. He DOES work out a little bit first I think.

    I suppose I should revise this statement. IF you are paying for the membership and want to take a shower and leave, go for it. What I'm referring to is if you do not pay for the membership. There is a number code for the door to get into my fitness club and I'm pretty sure this individual just "borrowed" it from someone.

    Ahahaha. I see what you mean. I wasn't really defending my friend much either though. He's like 33. He should get a shower.