How often do you log meals?



  • goanothermile
    goanothermile Posts: 98 Member
    edited October 2014
    dlanghart wrote: »
    I'm curious to know everyone else's experience logging meals. My questions are:

    Do you log your meals everyday?
    How often do you forget (if you do) to log your meals?
    How long have you been logging meals?
    What causes you to keep logging or what caused you to stop logging your meals?

    Thanks for any insight!!

    Yes, I have been logging every day for 124 days.

    I try to be completely honest with my log. I don't believe I've ever forgotten an entire meal. However, I've probably missed a few snacks or drinks along the way.

    I keep logging food and exercise because it is working. I see the evidence. Logging food motivates me to exercise more because I see those calories expended. It also motivates me to look more deeply into my nutrition and make sure I'm supporting my exercise correctly. It is a challenge for me to hit the protein goal without completely blowing the cholesterol and/or sodium goals.

    Knowing I'm going to put everything in my log keeps me accountable. It is easier to walk by the office doughnuts when I tell myself "You're NOT putting that into your log." Crazy? Maybe. Seems like I should be saying "Don't eat that. It's bad." but I'm not there yet.

    Another benefit for me is when I'm planning on eating out. If I know where I'm going, I like to look at their website ahead of time and decide what I'm going to order and pre-log it. I make a better decision when I'm not staring at the menu, hungry, and drooling over the deep fried mega burger (or whatever). Knowing I've already committed it in my log makes it easier to stick with that choice in the heat of the moment. Obviously, this is much easier if they have nutritional information on their website.

    Once I reach my weight goal, I plan to maintain for a while and keep logging. However, I eventually want to wean myself off the logging routine. I hope to train myself to make better choices and know my limits without having to be so focused on it.

    If that doesn't work... then I'll go back to logging.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    [quoteDo you log your meals everyday?[/quote]
    [qoute]How often do you forget (if you do) to log your meals?[/quote]
    I never forget- the app is on my phone- I log every day- either first thing in the AM- or before I go to bed.
    How long have you been logging meals?
    201 days full time- I'm sure there was more before that- but this is the longest streak- and I'm totally on it to make sure I continue logging- purely for bragging rights on that little "XXX days logged" streak that pops up.
    What causes you to keep logging or what caused you to stop logging your meals?
    as above- I love having a big number- because size matters.
    the only time I don't really log something is if I have absolutely no effing clue- usually I attempt it and just assume I blew my calories- I'm going to add in some sort of "2000 calories for all you can eat sushi" type entry- because that would make more sense than me trying to SWAG my entries.

    easy peasy- almost everyone has a smart phone- usually you can get a good guess even if it isn't 100% accurate.
  • tinuz
    tinuz Posts: 1,123 Member
    After every intake.....
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I log everyday, except for when I went on vacation for a weekend in the summer.