I need help with a fitness/exercise plan?



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    What you have still not done is basically talk about the gains from simple newbie progression as oppose to 5/3/1 program.

    ^^^ Agreed.

    5/3/1 is a progressive overload protocol. Are there simpler alternatives to 5/3/1..... Yes. SS and SL being the 2 mentioned previously. Are they better then say 5/3/1? I would say no. They both accomplish the same thing which is getting strong. With SL and SS you squat every session. Some people would get bored with that. As with 5/3/1 you are not squatting every session plus you have your accessory lifts that you can change it up so it can keep one interested. I myself was on SL for 2+ years so I am very familiar with the plan and the SL community. But for me to say that SL is better then anything else out there for a beginner I feel is not 100% accurate.

    Question for you. SL is deadlift 1x5. How much you gain in the two years on your deadlift? I love to deadlift so one working set a week i like to lift more than that.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Question for you. SL is deadlift 1x5. How much you gain in the two years on your deadlift? I love to deadlift so one working set a week i like to lift more than that.

    I started out DL 275 and my best lift is 365 conventional DL to date. I am a speed skater so we are training 4 days a week doing HITT style sessions and lifting 2 days a week. I'm sure that had I just lifted I could have seen better gains in strength. I could have thrown in an extra day to lifting and had some down time to recover.
  • tiffany5446
    tiffany5446 Posts: 20 Member
    I would try to get some good cardio in at least 3 to 4 times a week (running on the treadmill, eliptical, bike) and strength training 2 to 3 time a week. You can either use the machines (there are usually instructions on the machines explaining how to use them) or use free weights. Yo can Google strength training routines. You will find free weight routines and machine routines. This site will really help with keeping track of your diet. Hope that helps a little.
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    5/3/1 isnt a beginners program.

    What is your reasoning for thinking 5/3/1 is not for beginners? It is a 4 day split that focuses on the 4 multi joint movements (Squat, DL, Bench, Standing Press) that would get anyone strong. Is your reasoning due to the fact that the accessory lifts may confuse a new lifter? Yes SS and SL are super easy because Mehdi and Mark map out what exactly to do, but to come out and say that 5/3/1 is not a beginner program I feel is not accurate. With just a little homework a new lifter can find what lifts to do for the accessory lifts and have a solid program to start out with. There are also lots of different spreadsheets and smart phone apps out there to help make suggestions on the weight to use.

    ^this. If yall actually read the 531 books you would know that there are multiple beginner templates. 531 is so versatile that literally EVERYONE could utilize it in one form or another effectively.