


  • 808Trish808
    808Trish808 Posts: 122 Member
    thou shall not envy... LOL just kidding... every body is different...
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    No i was very inspired when i was reading the success and milestone threads here when i first joined Sept 2013 with 232lbs to lose. Year later with 13lbs left to lose i still get inspired by reading members stories.

    wow, that is great :)
  • wmcmurray61
    wmcmurray61 Posts: 192 Member
    Not really and I will tell you why: I stopped comparing myself to other people (as part of my spiritual journey) years ago. The truth is, no matter who you are, there is always somebody "better" and there is always somebody who wishes they were you. From the very beginning of my weight loss journey I decided that my most attainable goal was to try and achieve a healthier version of myself. I am 10 lbs away from losing 85 lbs which is only part of that goal. This is not to say that I never get jealous. I do. But then I give myself a good talking to and get over it.
  • 808Trish808
    808Trish808 Posts: 122 Member
    Not really and I will tell you why: I stopped comparing myself to other people (as part of my spiritual journey) years ago. The truth is, no matter who you are, there is always somebody "better" and there is always somebody who wishes they were you. From the very beginning of my weight loss journey I decided that my most attainable goal was to try and achieve a healthier version of myself. I am 10 lbs away from losing 85 lbs which is only part of that goal. This is not to say that I never get jealous. I do. But then I give myself a good talking to and get over it.

    true story!
  • DragonShoe_GCole
    DragonShoe_GCole Posts: 137 Member
    I can honestly say "no," based on the specifics that were outlined in the OP (i.e. person working HARDER than me and getting results I desire)... Now if I'm working just as hard (or even harder) than the person I'm comparing myself to and they're still getting better results, then yes, that would piss me off
  • Ehrmantraut
    Ehrmantraut Posts: 7 Member
    Jealousy is a natural thing, but also unattractive. I only feel jealous if I see people using LESS effort and getting better results, but then I find out things like one friend is bulimic, one is anorexic etc and I feel more sad that anything. Get inspired, get motivated, reach your goals, and then motivate others :)
    Anyone can feel free to add me btw
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited October 2014
    No, I don't get jealous of others who are doing better than I am. I have found over the years that it is a depleting emotion thus it works against me. I look for the common thread to what they did that worked for them and perhaps try some of those techniques myself.

    What I have learned is that a one-day 'failure' does not a life-time make.
  • ljashley1952
    ljashley1952 Posts: 273 Member
    I can only say that while it's normal to envy those who have more success, what about those who look to you for inspiration? They see someone who has lost nearly 100 pounds! There will always be someone who has lost more weight, is in better condition, has cuter clothes, writes better, has a better house or car. It's pointless to measure you own worth using someone else as your measuring stick. I occasionally have those moments too, but they are few and far between because I'm trying to focus on my own journey; trying to become the best me that I can be. I won't be the best at many things; maybe not even at anything, but will like who I have become and take my self-worth from within myself.

  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    I'm never feel jealous of someone if they earned what they have through hard work/skill, but I am jealous of people who do better than me but don't put in more work/aren't more skilled.