I'M getting fed up with all this weight loss crap because really i dont know whats going on.



  • taylorblade
    taylorblade Posts: 261 Member
    Here is some images of me forgive me for posting selfies lol but this is my belly fat percent and how much muscle I have. But can somebody please tell me about how much belly % fat does it look like I have.
    Well... Both when it comes to progress. But i mean i enjoy working out its apart of my lifestyle now. Plus im a kickboxer.
    OP. You are a good looking young man. Nice muscle development in your chest, shoulders and arms. Based on your pictures I'd advise you to continue eating about 3000 calories (which seems to be maintenance for you), aim for 130-150 grams of protein per day and get a solid lifting program (Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5x5 for examples). Given that you are a 18 year old man who is pretty new to lifting, you should be able to accomplish a "body re-composition" easier than most. I know you have more fat than you want right now, and you don't want to do a bulk, so re-comp is what you want.

    What is it about lifting that you do not like?
    Because see the thing about it is I never seem to progress in weight lifting. Also people say when you stop lifting weights your muscles begin to sag on you and I don't wont that. I wont to have a perfect body for the rest of my life.

    Well dear, you are NOT going to have the perfect body for the rest of your life. No one is perfect, plus we all age. BUT no, your muscles will not "sag" if you stop lifting weights. However, if you really enjoy it, why stop? You could lift weights your entire life. Maintain muscle, strength, bone density, healthy, bad-*kitten*-ness, be able to eat more, for the rest of your life? Sounds good to me.

    What do you mean by progress? Increase weights, or improve your body composition? I'm guessing you didn't give yourself enough time to do either (since you are 18 and well, how much time could your really give it since you've only been alive 18 years?). It could take you a year to get the progress you want. If you do Starting Strength or Stronglifts you increase weight pretty much every time, so you WILL progress with weight and maybe, just getting stronger will be motivation to stick with it and will help you to not focus so much on actual appearance (but seriously, you already look good).

  • taylorblade
    taylorblade Posts: 261 Member
    MissJay75 wrote: »
    I can't tell from your pictures, but is it possible some of what you are calling 'belly fat' is just loose skin from when you were 60+ pounds heavier?

    No because loose skin would be lose. When i sit down my belly is jiggly. Also my stomach isnt long yet.
  • taylorblade
    taylorblade Posts: 261 Member
    Here is some images of me forgive me for posting selfies lol but this is my belly fat percent and how much muscle I have. But can somebody please tell me about how much belly % fat does it look like I have.
    Well... Both when it comes to progress. But i mean i enjoy working out its apart of my lifestyle now. Plus im a kickboxer.
    OP. You are a good looking young man. Nice muscle development in your chest, shoulders and arms. Based on your pictures I'd advise you to continue eating about 3000 calories (which seems to be maintenance for you), aim for 130-150 grams of protein per day and get a solid lifting program (Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5x5 for examples). Given that you are a 18 year old man who is pretty new to lifting, you should be able to accomplish a "body re-composition" easier than most. I know you have more fat than you want right now, and you don't want to do a bulk, so re-comp is what you want.

    What is it about lifting that you do not like?
    Because see the thing about it is I never seem to progress in weight lifting. Also people say when you stop lifting weights your muscles begin to sag on you and I don't wont that. I wont to have a perfect body for the rest of my life.

    Well dear, you are NOT going to have the perfect body for the rest of your life. No one is perfect, plus we all age. BUT no, your muscles will not "sag" if you stop lifting weights. However, if you really enjoy it, why stop? You could lift weights your entire life. Maintain muscle, strength, bone density, healthy, bad-*kitten*-ness, be able to eat more, for the rest of your life? Sounds good to me.

    What do you mean by progress? Increase weights, or improve your body composition? I'm guessing you didn't give yourself enough time to do either (since you are 18 and well, how much time could your really give it since you've only been alive 18 years?). It could take you a year to get the progress you want. If you do Starting Strength or Stronglifts you increase weight pretty much every time, so you WILL progress with weight and maybe, just getting stronger will be motivation to stick with it and will help you to not focus so much on actual appearance (but seriously, you already look good).
    See this is what i use to look like.
  • taylorblade
    taylorblade Posts: 261 Member
    Hey i have another question everybody? Can i go in head in do a refeed? Because when i started cutting and working out i have been keeping my carbs to 50 to 100g carbs a day for 8 to 10 months straight. Maybe thats why my fat loss halted. Because people say when you keep cutting for a prolonged period of time especially on carbs. Your leptin will drop and your metabolism will decrease. That might explain why i have so much massive cravings for carbs and fats and when i say i have massive cravings i mean i just want to eat everything in sight whether its junk food or clean food i just want to eat everything insight. Like..... LITTERALLY EVERYTHING!!! I mean its like this if i eat one piece of whole wheat bread... Then all of a sudden i will stuff my face with 3 to 4 more pieces and then i will eat oatmeal or kashi go lean cereal. And see the thing about it is i have alot of will power better then anybody else and when i first started cutting and working out and doing kickboxing i didnt have no problems. I could stop eating when im full or before im full. I would enjoy going to kickboxing and working out (which i still do) but now ever since i been working out so much and cutting so much... Its like my body is making me feel less motivated. Because now i always feel tired and stressed and hungry... But see i still keep pushing through all of that and i keep cutting and working out (stressing my body even more knowing i should stop) But see thats the thing about my mentality i dont need people to push me or motivate me or give me will power i naturally have that installed in me. Once i get started on something i just cant stop... I JUST DONT WANT TO STOP EITHER!!! I will keep going even if it kills me. Everybody keep saying taylor how do you do it??? Whats driving you to have such a mentality??? Well see im just like my father we have so much will power and determination. What drives me is my confidence i believe what ever i do in life i have to be confident. See i base my life off of confidence. Not anything else just confidence. Thats what makes me who i am. My determination to be confident at everything. I dont want to be better then no body or prove my self to anybody. Anything i do in my life i want to prove it to myself thats it ONLY ME!!!! lol but please forgive me with all this ranting i just wanted to give everybody a brief back ground about me.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I knew it authority nutrition is inaccurate
    Because everytime I look at that site for tips they always switch it up. But anyway tell me about my pics i just posted so i can get a good idea what i must do? What does my bf % look like because im not leaned yet and another thing i want to ask how do i get small lean thighs? Because i wouldnt look right if you have a lean stomach but big thighs.

    Taylor, if you go over to Eat, Train, Progress and ask your questions, you'll get the best help.

    You're at a good weight now. Lift heavy things. Eat at maintenance. You can get specific advice on macro composition and specific lifting routines over on the group.

  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hey i have another question everybody? Can i go in head in do a refeed? Because when i started cutting and working out i have been keeping my carbs to 50 to 100g carbs a day for 8 to 10 months straight. Maybe thats why my fat loss halted. Because people say when you keep cutting for a prolonged period of time especially on carbs. Your leptin will drop and your metabolism will decrease. That might explain why i have so much massive cravings for carbs and fats and when i say i have massive cravings i mean i just want to eat everything in sight whether its junk food or clean food i just want to eat everything insight. Like..... LITTERALLY EVERYTHING!!! I mean its like this if i eat one piece of whole wheat bread... Then all of a sudden i will stuff my face with 3 to 4 more pieces and then i will eat oatmeal or kashi go lean cereal. And see the thing about it is i have alot of will power better then anybody else and when i first started cutting and working out and doing kickboxing i didnt have no problems. I could stop eating when im full or before im full. I would enjoy going to kickboxing and working out (which i still do) but now ever since i been working out so much and cutting so much... Its like my body is making me feel less motivated. Because now i always feel tired and stressed and hungry...

    Read the stickies. I've been in this exact position-as have many of us on here. Eating "clean" only to binge and then go up and down in weight. You have a high maintenance-no reason you are not enjoying your food. Maybe look up IIFYM. Losing weight does not have to be this way.

    Your carbs are way too low for an active teenager. Again, read the stickies here or go to a reputable site like "eat right.org" and do some solid research. Ignore the arguments on this thread.

    You look amazing! You are judging yourself much harsher than anyone else would. You look like a normal, fit kid. You did a lot right-getting active,'playing with your calories and not starving, recognizing that you want to binge. Take the next step. Add some variety to your diet. Don't take two weeks off and binge; just keep your calories where they are but eat whatever you want. Look up IIFYM, or just do a search here, and learn to enjoy yourself again. You look good. Your progress is amazing. Push aside the BS and keep going!
  • rdfaye
    rdfaye Posts: 39 Member
    OP, didn't read all the replies, so sorry if I repeat. First, you are a good looking young man. And you have done a great job so far. Keep doing what you are doing, and you will get there.

    Second, some of those cravings are because you are a teenager. You may still be growing. Men can still put on height until around 20 or so. My kid is 19 and is 6'3” and 130 lbs. NOT ANOREXIC PEOPLE!. Built like every male in my family ever. And as to cravings, he can empty half my pantry in an evening and eat an entire pizza by himself. He walks a lot, but doesn't lift. When he has lifted, he does not get the muscle and definition you have. Everyone is different, but you just need to give yourself time for the belly to come off. You are looking very healthy, so keep!it up.
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    I think the fat guy bulk look you are talking about may be from steroid use. I don't know, just thinking.