How to encourage without hurting feelings?



  • Kiyy
    Kiyy Posts: 91 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I'm new to MFP and I'd like to be interactive and helpful to my MFP pals. I've noticed some people seem to think they're eating healthy by simply cutting calories. Problem is, the calories they consume are garbage calories.

    How would one kindly say, 'you're under your goal, but the food you're eating is absolutely terrible!' without hurting feelings?

    One friend of mine told me to kick her rear if she needed it so I told her and she was receptive. She started to change than she openly decided to stop. She changed her goals. Bit i think it's a learning process. Another friend complains of being Hungary all the time. she is convinced she has something wrong with her. Through My own failure I learned that for me my hunger was related to the processed foods that I ate. Flower, sugar triggers me and stimulates my brain to want more. All I can do is help educate people but sometimes we are not ready to face our issue. For me I know im getting it but im not perfect so I got let go and work on my own issues.
  • Kiyy
    Kiyy Posts: 91 Member
    I say tell her!! Just be when nice doing it. If she wants to change she will if not let it go. For me I thought about deleting the friend that just complains about not loosing weight all the time and doesn't do anything to change but I hang on just to see if she ever gets it plus Every day i look at her diary It encourages me to stay on track. I use to eat the same crap It kept me addicted and I wondered why I was Hungary all the time.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    The only time I comment "negatively" on someone's diary entry is if they are eating well under 1,200. And even then, I only ask if everything's okay, since the cals look low that day. I never comment directly on someone's food choices, unless something they did is something I'm interested in and want to have more info on (ex: a recipe).
    Other than that, it's none of my business how someone chooses to eat. All I like to see is that people are meeting their personal goals, and are fitting whatever their hearts and stomachs desire into their daily calorie goals.
  • cich86
    cich86 Posts: 13 Member
    Tell her to look at the nutritional tab on the app!!! Its informative, and side skirting the direct accusation of her not being nutritional
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Different people have different ideas about what is right to eat. Just looking at a food diary doesn't explain why the person made those choices or if they are happy with what they are doing.

    You could just tell the everyone you've befriended what is working for you. You could talk about quick, easy healthy meals and snacks you love. Write posts or blog about it. Post links to good articles.

    I wouldn't directly comment on her food diary unless she asks for input on it or is complaining about not losing or feeling unwell all the time. Then you could say that you noticed she eats fast food pretty often and suggest some changes that might work better for her. Don't call her food junk or garbage.