Anthony's Daily Motivation (Living healthy & fit rest of your life)

10-15 minutes of laughing can burn up to 50 calories aside from power walking daily in the morning! so let's get happy and burn some calories!


  • proanthonylee
    proanthonylee Posts: 35 Member
    This is a little old fact I've learned along my fit journey - - - The less you eat sweets, the less you crave them! so if you are craving brownies, gummy bears, kitkat what ever it is, drink a flavored water, drink a coffee, chew a gum, stay away from that lump of sugar for 10 minute til your mind says, ok I'm good now~

    when you crave sugar, think of this tactic! hope it helps
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I concure - the waiting for 10 minutes really helps when cravings sweets. Also pre-logging, usually seeing those calories helps realize it's not worth it. Because once you start it is so hard to stop after eating 5 Halloween cookies on Friday and finishing a pint of Chunky Monkey ice cream, I need to not only get on the wagon I need to super glue my butt too it!
  • Blackdawn_70631
    Blackdawn_70631 Posts: 283 Member
    10-15 minutes of laughing can burn up to 50 calories aside from power walking daily in the morning! so let's get happy and burn some calories!


  • Fallenangelx111
    Fallenangelx111 Posts: 15 Member
    This is a little old fact I've learned along my fit journey - - - The less you eat sweets, the less you crave them! so if you are craving brownies, gummy bears, kitkat what ever it is, drink a flavored water, drink a coffee, chew a gum, stay away from that lump of sugar for 10 minute til your mind says, ok I'm good now~

    when you crave sugar, think of this tactic! hope it helps

    What's wrong with eating sweet's provided they are with in your calories for the day?
  • proanthonylee
    proanthonylee Posts: 35 Member
    I love sweets, I eat it but yes, limit to your allotted calorie intake is right. I don't want to binge eat the whole brownies, which I come across multiple times when working near bakeries. lol
  • proanthonylee
    proanthonylee Posts: 35 Member
    Ditch the Deprivation! Your goal is to be healthy, not get skinny and the best way to do that is by eating clean!
  • proanthonylee
    proanthonylee Posts: 35 Member
    Say "Hell NO" to SODA and FRIED FOODS today
  • proanthonylee
    proanthonylee Posts: 35 Member
    sometimes we skip workouts because it's easier to say I just don't have time right now....
    when will you have time then? when you lose your health? It'll be too late ~ late is never good.
  • proanthonylee
    proanthonylee Posts: 35 Member
    Half a workout is better than nothing, if your day gets crazy and you can't do a full session, do a smaller one.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Ditch the Deprivation! Your goal is to be healthy, not get skinny and the best way to do that is by eating clean!

    Not really.
    Say "Hell NO" to SODA and FRIED FOODS today

    Uh, no. If they fit into my day, I will enjoy them. Besides, I thought we were supposed to "ditch the deprivation."

  • proanthonylee
    proanthonylee Posts: 35 Member
    you can enjoy but it will take long long time for you to get rid of that muffin top buddy lol
  • proanthonylee
    proanthonylee Posts: 35 Member
    follow what many have done already my friend! If something isn't working out for ya, you must be doing it wrong! simple as that

    it may sound simple, it may sound redundant, but I'm going to say it again...NEVER GIVE UP!

    If you keep telling yourself this over and over again, your mind, body and soul will listen to you. it becomes a subliminal message inside your brain where habits form and it truely becomes your DNA for fitness, health and life itself.

    so keep reminding yourself to NEVER GIVE UP
  • proanthonylee
    proanthonylee Posts: 35 Member
    Monday is where you can lose it or gain it. It's all in the mind set of things.

    I used to hate mondays because it's right after your fun sunday.
    I dreaded mondays, but I welcome it now

    The reason is because i see monday as my fresh starting point, to remind myself again with the goal I've set a week ago, month, year ago. I use this day as a re-focus day, to recommit if I've lost the push somehow during that week.

    I never miss monday workout, even if it's just doing 10 min of running, crunch, or squatting. I do it, so I can have a fresh mind to start fresh on a new week of my fit journey.

    This way, I'll never quit, I'll never go back to how I looked and how I felt before. I have it now, why lose it?

    This day was meant for all of us start fresh and focus again.
  • proanthonylee
    proanthonylee Posts: 35 Member
    TODAY's motivation is a simple one...----BELIEVE----

    if you believe in yourself and know that you can do anything...put small efforts daily, then you will succeed in anything, you will achieve your goal.


    If you are going through a bad times now, if you are experiencing so much unbarable challenges, if you are just let down by the things happening around you and want to quit....believe again and push through. know that those challenges will always be there, but also know that it has not come to stay --- it has come to PASS.

    tell yourself everyday, I CAN DO THIS, I CAN DO THIS.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    this was way too peppy for 10 AM....or anytime really.

    You go guy! you go!
  • proanthonylee
    proanthonylee Posts: 35 Member
    ^^ make things happen today veganbettie! hey I love vegans so healthy
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    ^^ make things happen today veganbettie! hey I love vegans so healthy

    You can be an unhealthy vegan, just an FYI.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    603reader wrote: »
    ^^ make things happen today veganbettie! hey I love vegans so healthy

    You can be an unhealthy vegan, just an FYI.

    word. I think i'm okay though. :disagree: I hope..... :weary:
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    603reader wrote: »
    ^^ make things happen today veganbettie! hey I love vegans so healthy

    You can be an unhealthy vegan, just an FYI.

    word. I think i'm okay though. :disagree: I hope..... :weary:

    I didn't mean you in particular. It was a general you.

    I just dislike that people automatically think that vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, etc means healthy.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    Science... not even once.