gastric sleeve

I am in the process of having the gastric sleeve surgery i will know my surgery date december 16, 2014. I am looking forward to it but at the same time nervous.


  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Is it the long term side effects that make you nervous or just the initial procedure?
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Yeah, use the time before you sign that consent for surgery to do LOTS of reading.
    Especially check out the threads & groups here where people are talking about what happened after they had that surgery.
    There are lifelong problems that will result from it, and there's no going back.
    At least with a lap band, it's adjustable & removable and you still have all your body, all the absorption of nutrients, etc.
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Or you could just read the success stories on here, get motivated, get off your butt and exercise/walk, and stop stuffing your face with more food than your body needs. You can do it the natural have the tools.
  • MO5G
    MO5G Posts: 1
    Hi, I just had my sleeve done on 10/22/2014. I am excited to get going on my new journey, but nervous and could use some new friends that may be going through the same struggles I am having. Right now, I'm hungry. Dr. has me on 2 oz. of Clear liquids at a time. But the smells of the kids food is making me salivate. I know this will pass, but just is hard to handle right now.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Best wishes to you! I had it done 18 months ago and feel fantastic. I had researched both Gastric bypass and lap band and both just seemed like horrible choices for me. When I discovered VSG, I knew this would be the perfect option for me. I can now eat reasonable portions of food and feel satiety. With VSG you don't have any malabsorption like with bypass and once you are over the initial post surgery risk of leak/risk of DVT etc, VSG you don't have to worry about it like you do with band and with Bypass (no erosion, no malabsorption, no blind ulcers, no damage to intestine etc) I don't miss my full sized stomach AT ALL. I no longer obsess about food all day. I can now eat at a deficit without feeling constant hunger and misery. For the first time I can see myself eating reasonable portions for the rest of my life. The surgery isn't a quick fix or a magic bullet. It's just ONE more tool. You still have to track your food and calories, avoid grazing, be mindful of what you're eating, get exercise, etc.. the surgery just helps you consume smaller portions by restricting the amount you CAN eat and also making you not as hungry so you don't think about food non-stop. Just make sure you are mentally ready. I actually lost 70 pounds prior to surgery just to make sure I was in the right mindset because once you do it, there's NO GOING BACK.. EVER... it's a life-long commitment.
  • Tass175
    Tass175 Posts: 8 Member

    I am also in the process on having the gastric sleeve done. I am starting my weight loss now before I have the surgery. I have lost 80 lbs on my own in the past but gained it all back plus some. I think with the surgery I will be more likely to keep it off this time. My ultimate goal is to be active. I want to start living, and seeing the world around me, something I wasn't getting from my couch. LOL Anyways, if anyone has advice for me I would appreciate it.
  • nuvimi
    nuvimi Posts: 103 Member
    Tass175 wrote: »
    I am also in the process on having the gastric sleeve done. I am starting my weight loss now before I have the surgery. I have lost 80 lbs on my own in the past but gained it all back plus some. I think with the surgery I will be more likely to keep it off this time. My ultimate goal is to be active. I want to start living, and seeing the world around me, something I wasn't getting from my couch. LOL Anyways, if anyone has advice for me I would appreciate it.

    My advice is that if you want to be active, then get off your couch and be active. If you want to start living and seeing the world, then start living and seeing the world. These things have nothing to do with a weightloss surgery, and weightloss surgery isn't going to fix them.
  • Hi Im thinking about getting a gastric sleeve, and will luv to talk to someone that has it... Any one available for chatting? Thanks!!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    You will find lots of info and friendly people on also on
  • _Divalicious_
    _Divalicious_ Posts: 18 Member
    I am new here and am about to get the sleeve in a couple of month. im in my 4 month monitoring pre-op right now. passed the psyc eval and no comorbidities. Im so excited. Just need to lose some weight before the op to get insurance approved
  • Healthy2Be21
    Healthy2Be21 Posts: 6 Member
    I had my Gastric Sleeve done on March of this year. Since then I have lost 110lbs! I feel amazing and would never change anything. More than just the weight loss, I have a whole new look on food and definitely owe it all to the surgery. There is no way that I could have done it without this surgery and I feel like I have my life back. People that have not been extremely obese do not understand the way our minds think, I believe it is different. Some people have the power to do it by themselves but I was one who did not. I now feel like a normal person and food is no longer my whole life. I still have another 75lbs to lose. Feel free to add me as a friend and I'd love to help you through your journey as much as I can! if you'd like of course :)
  • skee80
    skee80 Posts: 20 Member
    Good luck on your december 14th surgery! I just had one done on OCT. 30th just over 6 weeks ago. I couldnt be happier!.. Everyone responds differntly to procedures but i can say for me it was a breeze. 2-3 days post op i was feeeling good and by the 4th day i was pretty much back to normal! (for what its worth down 58lbs since the procedure) :)
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I had the bypass done this past June. There was a lot of work to prepare for surgery, and a lot of work since, but I think my only moment of jitters was when I was on the gurney waiting to be wheeled in for surgery. You know, "OMG, OMG, what have I just done?"

    I am adjusting to this new life and let me tell you, being lighter being able to be active is so worth it.
  • ktpie76
    ktpie76 Posts: 24 Member
    Here is my group! Im a year out, give or take. Best decision ever!
  • kimlynn919
    kimlynn919 Posts: 316 Member
    this is very good reading, as i am considering the procedure. i joined my fitness pal in 2013, did good in the beginning, lost over 40lbs, diet and exercise...then life happened, a marriage, a move and i stopped counting calories and exercising and started paying attention to my new husband and my daughter and trying to keep things happy with them. Now that the adjustment period is over, I'm ready to start taking care of MOMMA!