Does running get easier? Feeling pathetic and don't want to give up again....



  • aussieems
    aussieems Posts: 14 Member
    Wow, thanks everyone... I'm totally blown away by your responses.... After a 13 hour working day, I got home, changed and tried again... Thinking positively and I feel better than ever, it's tough but I got through it and finished less exhausted than ever before. Thanks for all the encouragement everyone. It's helped. Thanks x
  • Flips37
    Flips37 Posts: 81 Member
    Great job on your post-work run!

    I am just another voice to add to everyone who has said it's mostly a matter of getting past the mental obstacles. I am by no means a "seasoned runner" and I have also started and stopped several times in the past. This time seems to be sticking though and I have found that YES, for me, it has gotten easier. I realized that I can run a mile straight at a decent (for me) pace and not feel like I am going to die anymore!

    For me, it was about consistency and over-ruling the voices in my head that always want to skip a run or put it off til tomorrow, etc. Even just a few weeks of 2-3, 30 min sessions per week were enough for me to feel significantly different after a month or so. Stick with it! It DOES get better :smile:
  • Hophead43
    Hophead43 Posts: 1,634 Member
    aussieems wrote: »
    So the title pretty much says it.... I've tried and failed for years to "become a runner" I love the idea of running, but the practice of it makes me sick. I've started off with intervals, but as I'm running, all I can think about is my failures and if I hadn't given up, then I would be somewhere by now.... I feel like this every time I start again, and give up soon after.... How can I find the enjoyment in it? I really want to do this... I really do... Just tell me I'll get there and Itll get easier... Lie if you need to ;) anyone else starting out? I'm currently running (I relate my run speed to that of a tortoise) a 6km loop, in 3 mins run, 2 walk. It takes me about 55minutes to complete. I've tried C25K and it didn't work for me.... Any tips or thoughts?


    Just stay persistent!! I like to listen to comedy while I'm running, takes my mind off what I am doing and seem less boring. Just have to stick with it! By no means do I enjoy running but it certainly sucks less now than it did when I started! I have been able to get my mile down to a PR of 10:21. Your already faster than me!! Just keep moving!

  • lgriffithschall
    lgriffithschall Posts: 28 Member
    Congrats on running period (intervals or not)! I went from barely surviving 30 second intervals to over an hour of constant running during the last year and a half. I will echo other posters by confiding that it had more to do with pushing myself mentally than with anything I did physically; although, moderating your pace is absolutely necessary to completing longer runs. Another trick that I used when I first began was to tell myself I was going to run 'through just one more song' or 'past one more landmark'.
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    In 2003 shortly before joining the military I could only run 1/4 a mile then I would have to stop because I was tired and out of breath. When I left Basic Training I could run for an hour or so with out stopping and ran a mile and a half in about 11 min. It takes regular practice to improve. As others said you may be diving in too quickly. Start with the distance or time you can run now and add about 10% each week or two. It's okay to run slowly you don't have to be fast. Since leaving basic training 11 years ago I've found that my comfortable pace is about a 14-15 min mile and a half. I am not a fast runner but I've built up endurance and distance over time. Even after 11 years of running the first mile is always a bit rough. Just about every run I start I think to myself this sucks. It's hard at first but I don't give up. I keep running and usually around 1 mile I get into a good rythm. I have found things like running with music and running outside instead of on a treadmill make a big difference for me. So maybe try changing it up to see what works for you. If that doesn't help there is other cardio you can do.