Big muscles or lean body

bslaf Posts: 249 Member
i kinda want to take a poll on what women like more a guy with big arms, back and chest with a spare tire or lean body with a six pack and a smaller frame?


  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member
    For me it all depends on how tall he is. I think guys that are up around 6'2-6'4 can rock the bulk, but shorter guys look better on the leaner side.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I cannot do beer guts!
    Big no no!!!
    But otherwise I like lean/skinny or big muscle.
    Only exception is that guys with big muscles if they have an arrogant attitude because of the muscles.
    For some reason I relate big muscles to big arrogant egos and I can stand that.. such a big turn off.
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    Frankly for most guys your body won't give you a choice. I'm built tall and very lean. Nothing I can do short of juice will give me anything other than a lean look, despite several years of weight lifting and eating very big. I simply don't have the big round shape to my muscles, despite having plenty of tissue.

    The trick is in being happy with what your shape is after you've made it the best you can.
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    if your asking do we take it you are struggling to attract women ???

    Truth is different women are attracted to all sorts of different things but the one thing none of them can resist is a good listener !!!!!
  • d9123
    d9123 Posts: 531 Member
    If you're lifting for women ur doing it wrong
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I don't like spare tyres.
  • jjlibunao
    jjlibunao Posts: 78
    For me it all depends on how tall he is. I think guys that are up around 6'2-6'4 can rock the bulk, but shorter guys look better on the leaner side.

    I agree. Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) can totally get away with being big, but that look doesn't look well on a shorter guy. I like guys who are cut, but still look like they can run. That "top heavy body building" look is not for me. It's a turn off if guys can just "lift weights" but get winded walking up the stairs. I think the following guys have great bodies:

    Hugh Jackman
    Ryan Reynolds
    Channing Tatum
    Daniel Craig
  • kms1320
    kms1320 Posts: 599 Member
    I'm very happy with the way my body is turning out :-)
  • PeanutButterLuver
    It's all about personality for me.

    Answer to your question - I'd probably take the bigger guy with the spare tire rather than a lean dude.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    For me it all depends on how tall he is. I think guys that are up around 6'2-6'4 can rock the bulk, but shorter guys look better on the leaner side.

    First answer = my answer mostly.

    Most guys can look good with the lean look but only taller guys look good with the bulky look (only my personal preference).
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I've never really considered a partner based on looks. Good to look at is, just, good to look at.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I like both and either:)
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I've been in both categories

    I was the the 6'3" 242 lbs guy with guns and some significant muscle mass for more than 20+ years as I trained as a athlete.

    Now I trimmed down to 201lbs because of health reasons I can't carry that weight and function normally. I no doubt lost a lot of muscle this year but I have to admit I feel healthier & I think my body still looks like I can bring some thunder for being into my forties.

    Interesting topic OP

    I'll hang up and listen now....
  • Lifting_Knitter
    Lifting_Knitter Posts: 1,025
    My husband is a little guy and he has a little spare tire and I love how he looks....why? Because I do. :tongue:
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    If you're lifting for women ur doing it wrong

  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    I like leaner bodies... not into the "huge" muscles :p (definitely toned, and good muscle tone though, not just skinny)
  • ghhosstt
    ghhosstt Posts: 112
    i kinda want to take a poll on what women like more a guy with big arms, back and chest with a spare tire or lean body with a six pack and a smaller frame?

    ... based on pure aesthetic, the latter. However, if the first guy can make me laugh and the second one can't, then I'm going to be more attracted to the former.
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    I don't necessary like the body builder look. I mean the competitive guys. I like a strong healthy bloke. In some men, that is naturally lean and skinny, or lean and big. Some guys carry some stomach, but are active and strong. They look better than a larger guy that doesn't do any activity. You know how a week into to healthy eating and exercise a guy can just be more attractive ? Mostly though and this will seem 'safe' but a guy that is happy with himself, eats mostly good food, doesn't do any drugs , just is attractive. Whether it's as a friend or more. I naturally would love to see my husbands abs.......