Which holiday coming up are you most excited for and why?



  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    I'm excited for Christmas but only because I get to go home & see my family. I really miss being able to go home for Thanksgiving, but I AM excited to make myself a turkey dinner of just the things I like - and excited to have lots of leftovers, all to myself!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I'm least excited about Halloween. Spending money on candy for other people's kids that really don't need to eat that much candy anyway doesn't excite me. I'm not a huge fan of kids anyway. Plus, we have a dog that freaks out every time our doorbell is rang and we have to physically hold her back so she doesn't bolt out the door and cover whoever is on the other side with puppy kisses. So, we'll be the jerks with our porch light off yet again this year...not that that'll stop parents from letting their little brats ring our doorbell anyway. Don't these people know the universal sign for "*kitten* off* on Halloween?

    I'm excited about Thanksgiving because food. I'm excited for Christmas just because of the holiday feels. This is the first Christmas where my husband and I are both employed full-time and no one is a poor college student. We haven't bought Christmas gifts for anyone in several years because of that, and this year I think we'll spend my Christmas bonus on little gifts for each other and next year's HOA fees. Ah, being an adult sure does suck sometimes.

    Are you sure you don't like Halloween? Because you would make a perfect witch.

    Hahaha I thought so too! Geez.

    Care to explain why someone not liking kids is offensive to you? Are all women supposed to turn into mush when a kid is present? Also, you two are not so quick on the uptake if you didn't realize that most of that I said was with tongue firmly planted in cheek. I mean, our light will definitely be off, but it's not as if I'm going to sic my dog on some random kids. Get over it.

    Oh no, she doesn't love kids. What a MONSTER! Oy...