I can't stand veggies... help!



  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    I was doing really well last year and lost 45 pounds
    My main problem is that I can't stand vegetables

    Why is this a problem now but it wasn't last year when you lost 45lbs? What were you doing then that you're not doing now? Whatever you were doing then do that (assuming it's safe and healthy).

    I want to add I think the "I hate veggie" posters are always lying to themselves a little. Really? You hate ALL veggies? Every last one. Potatos? Sweet potatoes? Tomatoes (I know technically a fruit)? Or is it that those things are OK but when you stack them next to, oh, a greasy pizza or a 1/2 pound hamburger with 50oz of cheese they don't look as good.

    Yeah I agree. I bet the tomato ketchup on a burger goes down fine, and those fried onion rings....
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    I have a texture issue with some veggies, too (they either have to be raw, or mushy - none of this al dente partially cooked :p) but there are many I love and I've learned to eat a lot of the ones I don't by hiding them. I boil and puree parsnips or turnips and add a few to my mashed potatoes. I finely shred spinach, broccoli and carrots and add to meatloaf or spaghetti sauce. We do a lot of fruit smoothies with greens tossed in. I'll add squash puree to mac'n'cheese, and a lot of blended soups (like potato cheese soup, but I blend veggies in with half the potatoes for a nice creamy texture). Just think whenever you're making a meal "If I blended up some veggies, which might hide nicely in this dish?" and you'll be eating your greens (and yellows, reds, oranges, purples) in no time!
  • bamagirlintn1
    bamagirlintn1 Posts: 15 Member
    The only vegetables I like are the ones on pizza, dipped in ranch dressing or deep fried with cornmeal and flour. If a vegetable is in a casserole mixed with cream of mushroom soup, sour cream, topped with french fried onions or ritz crackers and butter...I am on board. Other than that...it is lettuce, all day all the time.
  • craftymommy
    craftymommy Posts: 57 Member
    Try, try, and try again.

    I love food and I love trying new foods. My general rule for myself is to try it prepared several different ways before completing writing it off. Okra I don't like. Have tried it cooked multiple ways. Just don't like it. I thought I didn't like beans (any beans), had written them off my menu after trying many times, but one day I decided to try some with adding bacon - practically licked my plate clean. I don't like mustard greens boiled, but I love love love them pickled.

    There's so many different vegetables and different ways to prepare them. Start with what you know you like - trying different veggie's prepared that way...and then keep venturing out one at a time. There will be vegetables you don't like, and there will be some you do. Do you have ethnic food markets near you? I've found that's another way to find a variety of different kinds of vegetables.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    2BeHappy2 wrote: »
    What about "hiding" them in lasagna or finely grind/puree and mix into your hamburger patties, do this with meatloaf too or mix it into your spaghetti sauce!
    Just get creative :smile:

    Agreed. I overdose on mushrooms this way (granted, I do LOVE mushrooms, but still, it's a good plan).
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    Shut up and eat them and be grateful.
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    Veggie purees. Steam veggies and then blend until smooth. Put a little bit in everything you cook. Gradually increase it over time, then blend it a little less each time you make it. You'll get the benefit of the vitamins and fiber while the taste is masked in the foods you like. Banana nut muffins with zucchini puree are amazing.
  • schle009
    schle009 Posts: 63 Member
    I never liked them either but they're okay now. I eat carrots and broccoli with yogurt ranch dip to mask the taste. Maybe if you can find some kind of powder or something to alter the taste and cook them so they're mushy? Cooked green beans with garlic powder are good... I also like onions on my sandwiches. And if you can stand lettuce, you can try to make salads and just add things slowly to see if it tastes OK -- that's what I did.
  • TrolleyRide
    TrolleyRide Posts: 64 Member
    Roasted, pureed (butternut squash soup, roasted red pepper soup, so good.), etc.

    Veggies aren't my favorite either, so I don't eat a wide variety, but I do try to get 3-4 a day. Just make a veggie smoothie, hold your nose and chug. And chase it with a piece of cake. Wait, not that last thing.
  • amcevers
    amcevers Posts: 12 Member
    You CAN train your tastebuds. I used to only be able to eat broccoli if it was drowned in butter or cheese. I forced myself to eat it without either one and experimented on ways to cook it. Now I like plain ole broccoli. I can't imagine covering it with butter or cheese now. I've disliked tomatoes my whole life. I'm learning to acquire a taste and no longer pick them out of things or order salads without. I'm still not a fan but I eat them anyway.