Paleo question and recommendations



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I would fill the chest freezer with T-rex steaks. No idea about the pantry though as I don't think that they had preservatives any paleolithic era?

    but seriously, meat and veg pretty much. It's pretty much what I eat anyway + treats that fit macros.
  • eag264
    eag264 Posts: 116
    bumb for the interesting stuff
  • BlondeQtTexas
    BlondeQtTexas Posts: 97 Member
    It turns out I was allergic to wheat and dairy. So cutting these out along with grains, legumes and sugar has been a real game changer for me. I will never go back to eating the Standard American Diet (SAD).
    had an intolerance or allergy?
    Fruit has sugar btw

    Both. Wheat gives me unbearable asthma and the dairy was making it worse.

    I realize fruit has sugar..... but it's not table sugar.

    I eat a grapefruit or two every day. I need the carbs for my workouts. It's been awesome so far.
    In that case its a true allergy. It is just many people claim they have allergies but nothing really happens.

    I know. But there are also a lot of people out there who have wheat or dairy intolerance and do not even know it.

    Sometimes it's hard to tie in food with digestion issues or asthma, etc. It took me several years to tie it together. I read the book Wheat Belly years ago and that is when it clicked.

    I was not eating wheat when I started being Paleo. And was still have horrid asthma attacks and when I cut out the dairy it has improved a lot.

    Not every diet is right for everyone. I personally have had amazing results with the Paleo lifestyle and it makes me feel great so there is no turning back for me. I just wanted to share my personal experience with it.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    No science to back up this way of eating........not sure why you would do it....

    Love ignorance...

    You want science, read Robb Wolffs book the Paloe Diet if you want the science. He is a microbiologist....
  • robinrsimmons428
    robinrsimmons428 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for the info! I will sit down and take a look at it all!
  • AuntieKT
    AuntieKT Posts: 235 Member
    Oh boy... To the Original Poster: If you have any more questions I would recommend joining us over in the Paleo/Primitive Group and asking anything else there on that discussion board. Though there have been a few people that have given you some good advice on here, there will always be others that are super passionately against the diet for some reason without every even trying it themselves or really listening to someone who has.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    No science to back up this way of eating........not sure why you would do it....
    No science backing the Standard American Diet, really....

    Google "False Dichotomy"

    The universe can count higher than two.
    It totally can. Yup. Doesn't make my statement false.

    False? no.

    Strawman? Absolutely.

    I was going to make an analrapist joke, but I'm afraid it might fall flat.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    No science to back up this way of eating........not sure why you would do it....

    Love ignorance...

    You want science, read Robb Wolffs book the Paloe Diet if you want the science. He is a microbiologist....

    When I googled Wolff, I got this. :D

    He's a happy dude. Probably not the one you mean though.
  • Finnellappe
    Finnellappe Posts: 42
    My dad did the paleo for a few months and he lost a lot of weight quite quickly and felt really good on it. However, now he appears to be having kidney issues, such as cholesterol on the kidneys. I would advise getting a check up and discussing it with your doctor beforehand just to make sure you have no underlying issues that it might aggravate.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    No science to back up this way of eating........not sure why you would do it....

    Love ignorance...

    You want science, read Robb Wolffs book the Paloe Diet if you want the science. He is a microbiologist....
    Master nutritionist in the fitness community or a microbiologist... hmm..

    that guy i linked is a masters of nutrition for the american kinesiology and is one of the most respected nutritionists in the athletic and bodybuilding community.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    No science to back up this way of eating........not sure why you would do it....

    Love ignorance...

    You want science, read Robb Wolffs book the Paloe Diet if you want the science. He is a microbiologist....

    go back to school and quote me studies, articles, and clinical references. You side like every other brainwashed person on this forum that can only talk about books.
    "He is a microbiologist, he knows what he is talking about" LOL
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    My dad did the paleo for a few months and he lost a lot of weight quite quickly and felt really good on it. However, now he appears to be having kidney issues, such as cholesterol on the kidneys. I would advise getting a check up and discussing it with your doctor beforehand just to make sure you have no underlying issues that it might aggravate.
    The paleo diet shouldnt have caused that.

    May have been related to his health previously
  • Finnellappe
    Finnellappe Posts: 42
    Paleo diet can contribute to it via a high fat diet - Though I fully believe that people with no underlying kidney issues shouldn't have a problem.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Paleo diet can contribute to it via a high fat diet -
    s/#signs Though I fully believe that people with no underlying kidney issues shouldn't have a problem.

    You are linking stuff before understanding the pathophysiology of it.

    The connection is supposed to be
    hypercaloric state, high fat diet, increased blood pressure, increased SVR, increased renal fibrosis.

    It is more than simply high fat.
    You have to be hypercaloric/fat first
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    My dad did the paleo for a few months and he lost a lot of weight quite quickly and felt really good on it. However, now he appears to be having kidney issues, such as cholesterol on the kidneys. I would advise getting a check up and discussing it with your doctor beforehand just to make sure you have no underlying issues that it might aggravate.

    He had those anyway from stuff he did previously.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    My only concern of course is that you dont limit ANY essential nutrients in the diet of your children. I know you said you wouldnt be as strict. I know that paleo restricts dairy and it makes me a little worried that you might remove such a great source of calcium, riboflavin and vitamin D from their diet. Of course they get some great nutrients from carbohydrates mainly B vitamins. Please ensure they have plenty of fruit and green vegetables. Iron and B12 wont be a problem. However, dont limit any sources of fiber such as those that are in whole grains like barley, oats, and legumes. Not sure how young your children are, but keep exposing them to a variety of food keep introducing them to different ethnic palates and learning what the like to eat. Sometimes putting children on diets, when they are healthy, can set them up for a lifelong disordered relationship with food. I am a great example of over restrictive parents and a poor relationship with food. It could be a challenge for you having to prepare an extra side dish or two for the kiddies, but I think you can do it.

    Oh and please dont say good bye to the potatoe he's a great tuber! So full of potassium and b vitamins along with fiber and iron if you eat the skin. And to say goodbye to sweet potatos makes my heart ache. How can you kick out such a great source of beta carotene and fiber?!

    Can someone explain to me why the paleo diet cuts out tubers? Our ancestors were most certainly eating tubers and roots. They probably made up the bulk of the diet. In fact, if you look at indigenous tribes they eat mostly roots from casava in africa, taro root in the pacific, and manioc of south america

    I tried to read that mark's daily apple thing but he went off on a tirad about the lord of the rings and it frankly lost me.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    My only concern of course is that you dont limit ANY essential nutrients in the diet of your children. I know you said you wouldnt be as strict. I know that paleo restricts dairy and it makes me a little worried that you might remove such a great source of calcium, riboflavin and vitamin D from their diet. Of course they get some great nutrients from carbohydrates mainly B vitamins. Please ensure they have plenty of fruit and green vegetables. Iron and B12 wont be a problem. However, dont limit any sources of fiber such as those that are in whole grains like barley, oats, and legumes. Not sure how young your children are, but keep exposing them to a variety of food keep introducing them to different ethnic palates and learning what the like to eat. Sometimes putting children on diets, when they are healthy, can set them up for a lifelong disordered relationship with food. I am a great example of over restrictive parents and a poor relationship with food. It could be a challenge for you having to prepare an extra side dish or two for the kiddies, but I think you can do it.
    I was an example of letting them eat triple cheeseburger meals at the age of 13.. N=1
  • xachooo
    xachooo Posts: 42
    Surprised no one mentioned (or I missed it?) earlier in the threads the great reviews of the nutrition literature written by Gary Taubes.
    Supports some of what the paleo crowd says, from a macronutrient stand point. Regardless of your feelings about Paleo diet---he is an outstanding science writer.

    he reviews the scientific literature very well. Everything is referenced and if you were interested in seeing for yourself the actual studies, you can plug them into Pubmed. the truly fascinating result to me was the Women's Health Initiative. The diet prescribed did not help prevent invasive breast cancer, reduce colon cancer or anything it set out to do.
    in 2007 this was done (it was too late to be in the book)
    ok I digress---this is cancer stuff.
    But you get the idea that 'conventional' diet wisdom should probably not be swallowed whole and without questioning.

    Really, if you want to check out the data yourself about conventional diets, do pubmed searches and check out the science. It is shocking how basically untested ideas were passed off by our 'experts' as gospel, and there is little revision with updated information. The mistake is not so bad and the inability of people wedded to their ego driven ideas to change them when presented new evidence.
  • xachooo
    xachooo Posts: 42
    Some paleo people eat tubers and such. I think the concern (granted the all or nothing black and white view of it makes me balk) is that flooding your system with starch -> glucose --> insulin spikes. then the liver makes TGs and this affects LDL particles and all that.
    ancestral diets are really interesting. Compare the Maasai to the Sioux. Does anyone know if there has been a book ever written that just lists ancestral diets from around the world? Like hungary planet or What we eat?
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I'm just coming off a couple month experiment with primal eating (followed Mark Sisson's book, Primal Blueprint). I came to the conclusion that it's just not a good fit for me, but the experience did teach me about eating healthier. Because of it I've cut way back on eating out, totally cut out diet soda and other artificial sweeteners and I've cut back on processed foods. Op-I'd definitely say go for it and see how it works for you, even if you decided that it's not a good fit for long term, it may help you form healthy eating habits :)