Who has lost weight with little or no exercise?



  • ljashley1952
    ljashley1952 Posts: 273 Member
    edited October 2014
    I'm interested in this thread because I was pretty diligent the first 30 days and didn't lose anything. I realized later that I had retained some water. Once gone I was down the couple of pounds that I expected to be. I don't get a lot of exercise due to knee issues. The wt loss for me is agonizingly slow, but I think younger people would lose faster. I just want to be losing and I can deal with slow loss, as long as it's happening.
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I just joined the gym a few weeks ago, but have lost 25lbs over the course of almost 4 months without it. Up until I joined the gym, I was just walking and doing very minimal. I still have not started anything serious at the gym (strength training) just yet.
  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    I've lost over 60 pounds in two years, without having a proper exercise regime, and I'm still losing. I believe that intermittent fasting, and feeding myself with proper nutrition have been key. I don't deprive myself of any foods, because I've never believed in diets. I just eat everything in moderation. I find that I don't have any cravings for snacks or junk food ever. I suppose, not craving sugar has worked to my advantage. If I do foresee having a big meal coming up, such as a family gathering late on in the week, I'll create a calorie deficit throughout the week, and then eat what I want, until I'm full (not until I hate myself) during the big occasion. I've learned so much over the years, like how the plateau you hit when you have extremely low-calorie diets could be the cause of water retention, and theories like "whoosh" days, the starvation myth and unfounded "detox cleanses" really opened my eyes, because such things went against everything gym and health fanatics have been standing by. That said, I'm not against exercise or certain diet trends. Everyone should follow a healthy lifestyle according to their own standards.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    I started on MFP in August 2013 and lost 27 pounds in the first three and a half months (so 14 or 15 weeks, for just under 2 lbs a week) before I joined a gym. During those first months, my exercise consisted mainly of walking (my daily work commute already included about 40 minutes of walking, so I started walking to a further subway station when I had the energy and time, and occasionally adding a short evening walk, and trying to walk for at least one errand on the weekend, like going to the library, which was about a 50 minute roundtrip), taking the stairs at work once or twice a day (nine flights), and turning on music and dancing in my living room now and then. After about 10 weeks I did pick up a Pilates DVD on one of my walks to the library, and tried to do 10 or 15 minutes of that several times a week. So, I didn't do it completely without exercise, but it wasn't much more than I had been doing before counting calories. And I really didn't feel like I was denying myself food along the way; I mostly focused on getting enough protein and fiber, and making sure I was below maintenance for the week (I didn't expect to be at or below the MFP net calorie goal every day).

    Since joining the gym--where I take dance classes once or twice a week, do a variety of cardio activities (treadmill, swimming, the occasional Zumba or other class), and initially used the weight machines, before switching to free weights a few weeks ago--I've lost another 17 pounds in 11 months (so about one and a half pounds a month--much slower). I think that's partly a factor of the early weight being easier to lose, and being more comfortable with having a smaller deficit and sometimes going over, rather than evidence that going to the gym impedes weight loss :D I've been mostly happy with my progress -- even when it felt like months were going by without losing anything more, I could tell that I was getting fitter and clothes were getting looser, and various health markers (BP, blood glucose, cholesterol panel) improved substantially. Plus, even without much loss, I was happy that I wasn't gaining the weight back, which is such a common thing to happen.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,568 Member
    edited October 2014
    I've lost dang near 90 lbs without exercise. I have only recently (last week or so) even started going for dedicated walks. in an attempt to boost my daily step count.

    Calorie deficit = weight loss
    Exercise = fitness
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Lots of people lose without exercise. Hell, tons of anorexics don't exercise and if there is one thing they're good at, it's losing weight.

    I have a very tough time losing and exercise is my godsend. I'd lose very little without it, even on 1200 calories.

  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Diet is for weightloss. Exercise is for fitness. I think that I don't understand why I would want to be skinny without being fit, so I'm doing both, but it's clearly possible to do just one or the other.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I've lost 56 pounds since April. I do yoga a few times a week, and I walk a lot - but I do zero cardio or high intensity stuff.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I've lost 18 pounds in 2 months on very little exercise. I wanted to focus on one aspect first that I know is the biggest problem for me and that's food. Eating properly is not my strong suit. I can get out and walk, and do, but that would be totally negated if I came home and ate half a pizza for dinner. So getting my eating habits solidly in check is first. Hopefully in the very near future DH and I will be able to invest in a bar and weights to set up a "gym" in the garage.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    Diet is for weightloss. Exercise is for fitness. I think that I don't understand why I would want to be skinny without being fit, so I'm doing both, but it's clearly possible to do just one or the other.

    It's also possible to be big, and fit (enough). I am. I can go all day. I would say I'm a fair bit fitter than some of my "thin" friends. It's perfectly feasable to lose weight and remain the same fitness you were when you were bigger.
  • MachiavelliNZ
    MachiavelliNZ Posts: 36 Member
    I have been on a 75 day streak and so far have lost about 6kg. Most of that is with no exercise whatsoever. And I mean no exercise, when I got a Fitbit Flex I discovered that I had very low generic activity unless I was intentional about getting up and doing it.

    I have only recently begun to exercise by walking to work. The added exercise calories is brilliant because, from a least-path-of-resistance perspective, it's a pretty trivial way to earn the right to fill out my meals.

    I enjoy the fact that I have the power to drop my weight through willpower alone. Exercise is better when it's a beneficial option rather than perceived as some kind of necessary slavery.
  • southernbuttercup
    southernbuttercup Posts: 61 Member
    Beginning in January, I lost my first 18 without exercising. I was healing from a broken ankle. When I was able to I started doing 30 minute light workouts and reached 27 lbs lost. As my fitness grew I wanted the challenge of a good workout and completed a round of Insanity and just started lifting. Now I'm down 41 lbs. As I lost weight my goals changed from just losing weight to shaping my body and building my fitness up.
  • Jesslan_Rose
    Jesslan_Rose Posts: 137 Member
    I lost 70 lbs over the past two years just by not eating after 7pm. It was only this year that I started taking my weight loss more seriously and am eating better and started walking a few times a week.
  • LadyLots2Lose
    LadyLots2Lose Posts: 110 Member
    I lost close to 15kg by changing my eating habits (I was on Weight Watchers) without much exercise but, it took me almost 2 years to do that and there were a number of gains along the way. Losing the last 16kg or so has been down to diet and exercise and that's taken just over a year.
    Losing weight without doing the exercise is certainly possible but, the results were much faster for me when I increased my fitness training. I'm currently doing two crossfit style sessions, two boxing sessions and three swimming sessions a week (45-60 minute sessions)
  • bokaba
    bokaba Posts: 171 Member
    If I don't exercise, I don't lose anything no matter how low my calories are.
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    Me, 33lbs but I've recently gotten off my bum and started to be more active... and it's taken a year of mostly just small changes.
  • JourneyingJessica
    JourneyingJessica Posts: 261 Member
    I lost 50lbs in 6 months by diet alone (278 -> 221). I believe i needed to get my eating under control & lose weight so that I could start to exercise. Focusing on food and cooking correctly first was the best thing for me.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    bokaba wrote: »
    If I don't exercise, I don't lose anything no matter how low my calories are.

    based on your plateau thread, this is most likely due to inaccurate logging. Which we unfortunately cannot confirm because you got offended at us asking you to make your diary public.
  • havalynd
    havalynd Posts: 54 Member
    I lost 25-30 lbs with no exercise out of the ordinary. I walk for 30 minutes a day at minimum, but I also love walking so I'll go to the store, the mall, etc. You don't notice it pass by if you're doing something interesting.
  • ScottDowell
    ScottDowell Posts: 95 Member
    Yes, I do agree with your post buddy, nowadays every folk is very much busy with their regular work and due that issue they can't be able to do some effective process for making them self fit and attractive.
    So, for that persons, who is having that much of busy schedule, if they can take a balanced healthy diet including with fibers then they will also maintain their body fit and attractive.