Anyone starting 5:2 Diet Soon?

EddieEHitler Posts: 52 Member
edited October 2014 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm sure there are countless threads on this, well here's another ;-)

Is anyone thinking of starting the 5:2 diet plan? I'm going to start sometime over the next few days. If anyone else is in a similar situation then perhaps we can keep each other company as an extra motivational step. I've done it a few times but given up too quickly. Not because it wasn't working, but more likely to do with my very, very odd work shift pattern and a sudden loss of motivation; possibly as a result of extreme lethargy at times.

I am soon to be changing jobs into a standard Monday to Friday 9 to 5 and I really think this will make things so much easier for me. Anyway, if anyone else wants to join in, be my guest. The more the merrier!

Some stats:
Height - 6'1
Weight - 235.2lbs
Body Fat - 25.0%

Goal Weight - 195lbs
Goal Body Fat - <18%


  • GibbsGirl13072
    GibbsGirl13072 Posts: 156 Member
    There are several threads on this board that I've seen this morning already. Lots of info and people doing different versions of fasting and having successes with it. Good luck with it!
  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    Hey, I have been practicing IF for many years now. Best thing you can do for body composition, health and losing weight and simatenously building muscle. I'd recommend 1 or 2 36hr fasts, without the 500c option, a true fast is one without food or ingestion of any caloric liquids. You will gain the most benefit anyhow. I have done 5:2, make sure you still count your calories on feeding days, at the end of it all it still is only math, cals in vs cals out. Anywho, fasting offers internal cleaning, which all our acidic bodies need frequently. 3 reminders I tell people who fast are :
    1. Daily Hunger pangs is not true hunger. It's your body house-sweeping. It's ok to feel like that.
    2. You can eat whatever you want, tomorrow.
    3. Always read about fasting, while fasting. ( beneficial, affirming and supportive)

    GL Mate. IFing is the bomb!!!!!! Owe it to yourself. Cheers <3
  • EddieEHitler
    EddieEHitler Posts: 52 Member
    There are several threads on this board that I've seen this morning already. Lots of info and people doing different versions of fasting and having successes with it. Good luck with it!

    Thank you Gibbs! :-)
  • EddieEHitler
    EddieEHitler Posts: 52 Member
    daynerz wrote: »
    Hey, I have been practicing IF for many years now. Best thing you can do for body composition, health and losing weight and simatenously building muscle. I'd recommend 1 or 2 36hr fasts, without the 500c option, a true fast is one without food or ingestion of any caloric liquids. You will gain the most benefit anyhow. I have done 5:2, make sure you still count your calories on feeding days, at the end of it all it still is only math, cals in vs cals out. Anywho, fasting offers internal cleaning, which all our acidic bodies need frequently. 3 reminders I tell people who fast are :
    1. Daily Hunger pangs is not true hunger. It's your body house-sweeping. It's ok to feel like that.
    2. You can eat whatever you want, tomorrow.
    3. Always read about fasting, while fasting. ( beneficial, affirming and supportive)

    GL Mate. IFing is the bomb!!!!!! Owe it to yourself. Cheers <3

    I really like that approach actually. As I'm only starting out I'm going to go with the 600 calorie per fasting day recommendation but I have every intention to do a complete fast over a 24 hour period. I would definitely like to progress to this stage. A few of my friends do this regularly and they say it's something anyone can adapt to quite easily. Thanks for that ;-)

    P.S - I've completed one day and I'm down 1.2lbs so it's a positive start. I know one day doesn't really mean a lot taking weight fluctuation etc but at least it's fluctuating the right way! On-wards and upwards we go then!
  • prendlin
    prendlin Posts: 1 Member
    I have just started the 5:2 diet. The funny thing is I have more hunger pangs when I eat normally. When I consume juts 500cals it's easier than you think. Apart from feeling more cold than normal.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Here's a link to the 5:2 group.....lots of info there. This thread is new (the bigger one was lost during the last upgrade).

    This is another version.....answers lots of questions

    I'm fairly new myself. Give this diet time. It's not for everyone, but making adjustments will make it more practical. I wished I started sooner.
  • EddieEHitler
    EddieEHitler Posts: 52 Member
    prendlin wrote: »
    I have just started the 5:2 diet. The funny thing is I have more hunger pangs when I eat normally. When I consume juts 500cals it's easier than you think. Apart from feeling more cold than normal.

    Best of luck prendlin! I honestly think 500/600 calories is pretty generous as it's only two days a week. I had a tuna sandwich this afternoon and I'm still feeling stuffed after it. I started my fast at 8pm last night so it ends at 8pm this evening which means I can have a fairly decent dinner after this time as it will be within a 'normal' eating day. I find this approach much easier. Thanks for your input!

  • EddieEHitler
    EddieEHitler Posts: 52 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Here's a link to the 5:2 group.....lots of info there. This thread is new (the bigger one was lost during the last upgrade).

    This is another version.....answers lots of questions

    I'm fairly new myself. Give this diet time. It's not for everyone, but making adjustments will make it more practical. I wished I started sooner.

    Thanks TeaBea. Those links are incredibly helpful. Much appreciated!