What I hate about being fat



  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    @OP - I hate all of those things too.

    I can't change the past, but I can change the present and the future. I can't change what I see in the mirror today, but I can use it as motivation to make the right decisions.

    Along the way I've stumbled. I've fallen. I've even stayed down for a while to enjoy some Chinese food and beer, but I get back up. Sometimes I feel like I can't keep doing this. Actually most of the time I feel like I can't do this, but I am doing it.

    It's not wrong to feel the way you do, since it's how you feel. Lot's of us have felt that way at some point. All that I can tell you is how great I feel today and how great I know I will feel tomorrow.

  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    Thanks to everyone who tried to help, who related, and who engaged with me on my down day.

    I feel better today and I know I am losing. I am glad that I am not alone.
  • barnettchicks
    barnettchicks Posts: 11 Member
    I have found a trick that helped keep me focused. I live very far away from family (I am a mother of two). My mom came to visit and saw that my oldest daughter (18) and I were not pushing ourselves very hard to be active. She posted small sheets of paper with a different single goal on each of them. And she put them EVERYWHERE. On my fridge she put eat a salad and more veggies. In the closet she put take walk. On my bedroom mirror she put run 1/4 a mile farther today then yesterday. In the bathroom she put make a plan. You get the idea. At first it made me smile because she put thought into simple things she thought would help us. But as I met those goals I added my own sheets of paper to replace hers.

    So why not scatter some small goals and reminders throughout your home. You have made a wonderful accomplishment 35lbs is GREAT!! I have only lost 7lbs and my goal is to lose 50lbs. It is very hard not to get discouraged and only you know the changes you made to your life to lose those 35lbs but whatever you are doing is working. Give yourself a pat on the back because well....you deserve it! Give yourself some encouragement because lets face it we ALL need encouragement.

    So here is some for you. You are beating yourself up for choices you made in the past but you can't go back and change the past so the best you can do is say I will change my actions for today. You said you feel like people are judging you and some probably are but you can't control what they are saying or thinking. As long you remember you are fan-freaking-tanstic and you are an original there is not a single person made that compares to you. No one can match what you bring to the table, to this life because there is only one you! You can build yourself up or tear yourself down but the only opinion that matters is yours.

    I love chocolate too. I don't beat myself up on the days I indulge, it makes me happy. I just don't let myself have it everyday. Like you said in moderation and if it makes you happy then go for it.
  • kristimason3
    kristimason3 Posts: 131 Member
    When I read that post my first thoughts were: I bet she is a really compassionate, caring type of person. Struggles teach us compassion and the world needs more of that. And, wow, someone is actually being real. Again, the world needs more of that. You are exactly where you are supposed to be at this very moment. You'll get there. Chin up buttercup!
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    The longer you keep thinking this way, the more it will drag you down and will stop you from reaching your goals. All you focus on is the negative and the self hatred. Start thinking what you can do to change all these things you hate.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    1st it starts wigh loving you.
    2nd I hated being fat and had those excuses too. Thats what stopped me from putting 100% in. Make sure they aren't turning into reasons why you can't.
    3rd I thinknyou should let these thjngs motivate you. Make smaller goals that aren't scale related you are awesome, know that. Its a hard process but its worth it. Stay strong!!
  • seniorbug2003
    seniorbug2003 Posts: 67 Member
    Your post is so true, at least for me. It took deciding to get heathly for me to realize that I hated where I was. You are already ahead of the curve in my eyes. You know what you dont like about where you are. You can turn each one of those I hate statements into action plans. Then there are other I hate statements are for you to learn to overlook and to start to love yourself where you are and where you want to be.

    I hate that they are right, that I can't hide my vices. *I Can overcome my vices*
    I hate the lethargy. *I can start something today*
    I hate wanting food when I've eaten enough. *I Can control my food today*
    I hate that it doesn't matter what clothes I wear, I look fat in them all. *I can find clothes that fit me and work hard to lose wait*
    I hate that there is no point trying to look pretty because I can't. *I can look pretty no matter what I look like. I am worth it*
    I hate that the lack of pointless effort into my appearance only looks to others as more confirmation that I am a fat lazy slob. *I can put in effort to how I look*
    I hate that my house isn't clean enough because I lack the energy. *I will clean my living room today, ect*
    I hate that it will take me years more to lose all the rest of my weight, and it's already been half a year. *I will look forward to my future smaller self then be weighed down by where I am now*
    I hate that if I make it, get to a normal weight, I will have to keep counting calories for the rest of my life, but not get to see the numbers keep going down. *I have control over how I look for the rest of my life*
    I hate knowing I will not ever be normal in my 20s. *I can control how I am in my 30's and I will rock it with a great body*

    These are just my takes on some of them. I dont like doing myself but I have had to in this process. To stop and look at the emotion behind my actions, why I do what I do. More importanly why you dont do what you know needs to be done.

    This is a long process and there is nothing wrong with that. It is about your mindset. I am been doing this almost 18 month and have lost 55lbs. Which I wish was higher, but I have lost 55lbs. That is amazing. I went trick or treating for 2 hours and did not get winded once. That is something my old self would not have been able to do. Celebrate the changes you have made.

    I wish you luck, I know you can do this.