Paleolithic (Caveman) Diet



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Diets work by eliminating certain foods. Stop the diet and watch what happens.

    When I lost my 75 pounds I did Atkins, weight watchers, and counting calories. All of them worked pretty well...Guess what...3 years after reaching my goal weight, I still count calories. It works because it is sustainable for a lifetime. Atkins (low carb) and weight watchers (low fat) were not a good long-term choice for me.

    I will NOT give up my bourbon! I just count the calories in it and adjust my food intake or exercise accordingly.

    You don't have to eliminate anything if you want to lose weight...please just stop.

    The assumption being that the only goal is a lower number on the scale.