Keep Failing



  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Educate yourself. prepare and plan well. If you wnat it enough then when you come to the crunch points you will make the right choices that lead closer to target than away from it. A good plan will be sustainable and let you feel in control. Then its just a case of doing more of the same for x weeks.

    You say 49lbs so @1lb a week thats 49 weeks as a rough estimate assuming weight loss was linear(it isnt) and you had a plan that enable you to lose 1lb a week. being realistic about whats involved will help you understand what you have to do to reach target.
    In addition to good planning set yourself small targets and set babysteps at first.

    I would also ask myself what was making this attempt ifferent from the others and think about what caused you to abandon previous attempts and what your different strategy will be this time.
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    Why give up? If something isn't working, change it, learn from the results. If the results are positive, keep doing it; if they are not desired, change.