How do you deal with being the fat friend?



  • summerhaze71
    summerhaze71 Posts: 1,204 Member
    The same way I did as when I was "the skinny friend". I just be myself and if I start getting discouraged, I just remind myself that my body shape does not define me as a person.
  • whitewolf1200
    whitewolf1200 Posts: 31 Member
    I have never cared much about my aesthetic appeal. I'm glad to have been the "fat friend" for the majority of my life, because I never questioned why people would want to be friends with me, other than for my personality. That felt reassuring to me, because I knew most people probably hung out with me, because they genuinely liked me as a person. I didn't have any nagging thoughts along the lines of, "Are people friends with me, because of my face?", or "Are my friends spending time with me, because of my family's income", et cetera. So yeah. Being the fat friend with only myself to offer? Totally boosted my morale and self-esteem my whole life, because I still got plenty of friends, while being overweight. And now that I'm no longer overweight, my friends are still my friends, so there you go. :)

    I think this is my favorite response actually, thanks!

  • ems212
    ems212 Posts: 135 Member
    While being "the fat friend" isn't ideal (and definitely something I'm working on changing), I'm glad it was me. It gave me the ability to be more compassionate than those of my friends that weren't. They didn't understand the struggle, nor did they understand the psychological aspect of it. As I gained weight, I started to see how other people felt more clearly. I realized how stupid I was to judge people for any reason. We're all different, and we all have our own struggles. My entire life changed, and I know that I changed the lives of those around me. My best friend is tiny. She's always been skinny, and has an extremely high metabolism. We'd go out, and she'd eat 3 times as much as I did, but I was the one gaining weight - not her. She's part of my journey to get healthy, and she sees my struggles now. We talk about this frequently, and she always mentions how she didn't realize what it truly takes for some people to lose weight.