ruined metabolism by starving? ?



  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited November 2014
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    50sFit wrote: »
    BriarBelle wrote: »
    I have seen a doctor they dont care because im not underweight so they say just eat 2000 cals a day and all will be fine. I went 7 days eating normally and gained 9pounds in 7 days.

    I just want to be healthy again and be able to eat normally I never planned to starve myself or anything. I dont know whether slowly increasing my calories would work or not I dont know much about how the body works apart from iv messed mine up

    So what's wrong with having gained 9lbs?
    You may need to suck up some weight gain until your metabolism stabilizes.
    My neighbor - God love her - is in the same boat.
    She runs 8 miles per day and eats less than 1000 calories. She's big as can be at 5'5" all pear shaped and probably rolling around 220 lbs. It's sad for somebody to work so hard and not get the desired results.
    And it only gets harder the longer she keeps this up. At some point, it's going to crater.
    You have a chance to escape this fate.
    Good Luck!

    Sorry but how do you eat that little and not lose when she is working out that much? I know that sounds mean, but I would wager that she is either consuming more than she thinks or isn't burning what she thinks.

    I'm losing at 2,000 calories/day and spin classes 4 - 5 days/week - I'm 5'9 and 250 lbs approx and definitely, definitely pear shaped (which has nothing to do with it, by the way - that's just where we carry our weight).

    Large deficits or netting negative calories can slow down RMR.

    No - starvation mode doesn't work like that. You've seen the pictures of people being liberated from camps after WWII right? Which is what the post below references - and were they jolly and round? No, they looked like skeletons and they were starved, way below a healthy caloric intake for a day, day in and day out for months and even years. Starvation mode simply doesn't work that way and it's not likely her case. If you eat less than you burn (TDEE) you lose weight, it's calories in vs. calories out.

    In the long run, it can cause to gain weight quicker and have it harder to lose (IE - what the OP is going through) but short-term, you need to burn more than you consume to lose. This whole "you're not eating enough" to validate what people are doing isn't great - if you eat around 1,200/day and you're a 4'8 bedridden woman, you will probably be ok but for people who are active this can serious damage to your body and cause organ failure, hair and nail loss and issues with reproduction down the road.

    There's a very small chance she has a medical condition where you're correct and her BMR/TDEE is way out of wack, but bottom line she's probably eating more than she thinks or isn't burning as much as she thinks.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    edited November 2014
    Essentially you have to reverse diet and realize that it could take a while to get back to a happy medium. Slowly increase calories and exercise. In terms of exercise, I would definitely lift heavy. If you do a progressive compound lifting program, you might be able to achieve some muscle gains. Additionally, realize that when you eat more calories, you also eat more carbs which will replenished depleted glycogen, which will cause increases in water weight.

    Having said that, the few people I have worked with that did HCG for a year or so, took over a year of eating around maintenance and lifting heavy to get back to a point where their saw enough increases to lose weight again.

    But definitely see a doctor or even use the below link for additional resources for eating disorders:
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    50sFit wrote: »
    BriarBelle wrote: »
    I have seen a doctor they dont care because im not underweight so they say just eat 2000 cals a day and all will be fine. I went 7 days eating normally and gained 9pounds in 7 days.

    I just want to be healthy again and be able to eat normally I never planned to starve myself or anything. I dont know whether slowly increasing my calories would work or not I dont know much about how the body works apart from iv messed mine up

    So what's wrong with having gained 9lbs?
    You may need to suck up some weight gain until your metabolism stabilizes.
    My neighbor - God love her - is in the same boat.
    She runs 8 miles per day and eats less than 1000 calories. She's big as can be at 5'5" all pear shaped and probably rolling around 220 lbs. It's sad for somebody to work so hard and not get the desired results.
    And it only gets harder the longer she keeps this up. At some point, it's going to crater.
    You have a chance to escape this fate.
    Good Luck!

    Sorry but how do you eat that little and not lose when she is working out that much? I know that sounds mean, but I would wager that she is either consuming more than she thinks or isn't burning what she thinks.

    I'm losing at 2,000 calories/day and spin classes 4 - 5 days/week - I'm 5'9 and 250 lbs approx and definitely, definitely pear shaped (which has nothing to do with it, by the way - that's just where we carry our weight).

    Large deficits or netting negative calories can slow down RMR.

    No - starvation mode doesn't work like that. You've seen the pictures of people being liberated from camps after WWII right? Which is what the post below references - and were they jolly and round? No, they looked like skeletons and they were starved, way below a healthy caloric intake for a day, day in and day out for months and even years. Starvation mode simply doesn't work that way and it's not likely her case. If you eat less than you burn (TDEE) you lose weight, it's calories in vs. calories out.

    Starvation mode =/= RMR slow down.

  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    Where do you people find these doctors who do tests for vitamin or mineral deficiencies? I'm amazed at what people think doctors do.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    djhnd wrote: »
    Where do you people find these doctors who do tests for vitamin or mineral deficiencies? I'm amazed at what people think doctors do.

    We are amazed about your sugar is evil thread.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited November 2014
    MrM27 wrote: »
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    50sFit wrote: »
    BriarBelle wrote: »
    I have seen a doctor they dont care because im not underweight so they say just eat 2000 cals a day and all will be fine. I went 7 days eating normally and gained 9pounds in 7 days.

    I just want to be healthy again and be able to eat normally I never planned to starve myself or anything. I dont know whether slowly increasing my calories would work or not I dont know much about how the body works apart from iv messed mine up

    So what's wrong with having gained 9lbs?
    You may need to suck up some weight gain until your metabolism stabilizes.
    My neighbor - God love her - is in the same boat.
    She runs 8 miles per day and eats less than 1000 calories. She's big as can be at 5'5" all pear shaped and probably rolling around 220 lbs. It's sad for somebody to work so hard and not get the desired results.
    And it only gets harder the longer she keeps this up. At some point, it's going to crater.
    You have a chance to escape this fate.
    Good Luck!

    Sorry but how do you eat that little and not lose when she is working out that much? I know that sounds mean, but I would wager that she is either consuming more than she thinks or isn't burning what she thinks.

    I'm losing at 2,000 calories/day and spin classes 4 - 5 days/week - I'm 5'9 and 250 lbs approx and definitely, definitely pear shaped (which has nothing to do with it, by the way - that's just where we carry our weight).

    Large deficits or netting negative calories can slow down RMR.

    No - starvation mode doesn't work like that. You've seen the pictures of people being liberated from camps after WWII right? Which is what the post below references - and were they jolly and round? No, they looked like skeletons and they were starved, way below a healthy caloric intake for a day, day in and day out for months and even years. Starvation mode simply doesn't work that way and it's not likely her case. If you eat less than you burn (TDEE) you lose weight, it's calories in vs. calories out.

    If I'm not mistaken, yoyopeeps is talking about metabolic adaptation, which we all will experience to certain degrees.

    We do - especially with massive cuts in our diet but she would have had to be eating 3,500+ (or more) calories to experience it to this kind of rate.

    I'm not a doctor, but I did a lot of research because I started at 320lbs at 5'9 so I've had to figure a lot out since I've had a lot to lose and it just is more likely that there's other factors playing into this.

    Also, if she's running 8+ miles/day her body should be burning - she'd produce cortisol because of the stress that running that much puts on a 5'5 woman at 220lbs but I don't know it'd be enough to really counteract the kind of burn she'd get from that kind of run every single day.
  • Ainevethe
    Ainevethe Posts: 209 Member
    I would increase, very slowly. Add even 100 calories a day at first. It will take a while to get your calories up but this should be a way to sneak it in. That said, your weight will be up and down all the time if you weigh daily. Once a week will see changes too, but average it over a couple months and then you can see trends.

    Also, it wouldn't hurt for you to be seeing a doctor to deal with the underlying reasons you were eating 500 calories in the first place because you probably know that is not healthy, not only in terms of energy input but also in terms of the nutrition you need -- you probably have vit/min deficiencies that would be good to seek out and solve, plus a dietitian would be able to help you increase your calories safely getting you the "most bang for the buck" nutrition wise. And by safely that also means in a way that won't trigger you to overly restrict again by seeing huge jumps on the scale. Find out what a healthy weight RANGE is for you, and then work with a dietitian weekly for a while to find a way to get and stay there with a more moderate calorie range. Normalizing your calories is possible, but it won't happen overnight.

    You have to get your head on board also, it is hard to break unhealthy habits, which is why I would consider speaking with your doctor about it. Get people on your team to help you get there. Good luck :)
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    edited November 2014
    BriarBelle wrote: »
    I have seen a doctor they dont care because im not underweight so they say just eat 2000 cals a day and all will be fine. I went 7 days eating normally and gained 9pounds in 7 days.

    I just want to be healthy again and be able to eat normally I never planned to starve myself or anything. I dont know whether slowly increasing my calories would work or not I dont know much about how the body works apart from iv messed mine up

    Aside from seeing a nutritionist, please seek a therapist. At your height, 103lbs. is underweight (did I do the math right?). If it is this case, your body will hold on to anything that it can get (nutrition-wise) because it is truly in starvation mode and doesn't know when you will feed it next. So gaining the weight is probably going to happen as you up your calories because your body should be a little heavier, but this is HEALTHY. You should look at the Eating Disorder forums to discuss this further. But definitely seek professional help. Good luck in your recovery!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    djhnd wrote: »
    Where do you people find these doctors who do tests for vitamin or mineral deficiencies? I'm amazed at what people think doctors do.
    When you go for your physical (or if someone enters a hospital or crisis clinic for eating disorders), they run your blood for that stuff.

    If you're low, they'll start you on supplements.

    It's extremely common, very routine and ho-hum. Blood tests are an all day, every day kind of thing for doctors to order.

    If you are responsible about keeping yourself healthy (and have your physicals) and your doctor never runs blood, it's time to get a new doctor. That's pretty basic, health-wise.
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 477 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    djhnd wrote: »
    Where do you people find these doctors who do tests for vitamin or mineral deficiencies? I'm amazed at what people think doctors do.

    We are amazed about your sugar is evil thread.

    Lol...I was thinking the same thing!

  • Jennacita
    Jennacita Posts: 116 Member
    You need to reset your metabolism. Find your BRM and start eating that amount of calories and increase daily and slowly from there. A reset can take anywhere from 8 weeks on. There is a group on here that is called Eat More To Weigh Less. You might be interested in reading what they have to say on the subject. Your body thinks its starving so gaining weight is going to happen but will then level off.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    edited November 2014
    Not possible to gain 2-3 pounds of fat or muscle overnight. What you are seeing is the effects of actually having food/food waste in your stomach and intestines. At 500 calories a day for such long time, you simply didn't have much there previously.

    I suggest getting a second opinion from a physician who specializes in eating disorders. Because, although you state that you are not underweight, whether you like it or not, limiting yourself to 500 calories a day for a year and a half is disordered eating.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    BriarBelle wrote: »
    500 cals a day approximately for about 1.5 years now if eat over 500 a day I gain 2-3 pounds overnight

    We all make mistakes OP. You did that I did excessive amounts of exercising before and lost a lot of muscle. Your RMR has slowed down a lot. You are going to have to gain weight to fix your metabolism.
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    some people have made some great points. i also wanted to say an additional resource would be researching 'reverse dieting'... but I would talk to an ED specialist and a nutritionist first x
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    50sFit wrote: »
    BriarBelle wrote: »
    I have seen a doctor they dont care because im not underweight so they say just eat 2000 cals a day and all will be fine. I went 7 days eating normally and gained 9pounds in 7 days.

    I just want to be healthy again and be able to eat normally I never planned to starve myself or anything. I dont know whether slowly increasing my calories would work or not I dont know much about how the body works apart from iv messed mine up

    So what's wrong with having gained 9lbs?
    You may need to suck up some weight gain until your metabolism stabilizes.
    My neighbor - God love her - is in the same boat.
    She runs 8 miles per day and eats less than 1000 calories. She's big as can be at 5'5" all pear shaped and probably rolling around 220 lbs. It's sad for somebody to work so hard and not get the desired results.
    And it only gets harder the longer she keeps this up. At some point, it's going to crater.
    You have a chance to escape this fate.
    Good Luck!

    Sorry but how do you eat that little and not lose when she is working out that much? I know that sounds mean, but I would wager that she is either consuming more than she thinks or isn't burning what she thinks.

    I'm losing at 2,000 calories/day and spin classes 4 - 5 days/week - I'm 5'9 and 250 lbs approx and definitely, definitely pear shaped (which has nothing to do with it, by the way - that's just where we carry our weight).

    Large deficits or netting negative calories can slow down RMR.

    No - starvation mode doesn't work like that. You've seen the pictures of people being liberated from camps after WWII right? Which is what the post below references - and were they jolly and round? No, they looked like skeletons and they were starved, way below a healthy caloric intake for a day, day in and day out for months and even years. Starvation mode simply doesn't work that way and it's not likely her case. If you eat less than you burn (TDEE) you lose weight, it's calories in vs. calories out.

    If I'm not mistaken, yoyopeeps is talking about metabolic adaptation, which we all will experience to certain degrees.

    We do - especially with massive cuts in our diet but she would have had to be eating 3,500+ (or more) calories to experience it to this kind of rate.

    I'm not a doctor, but I did a lot of research because I started at 320lbs at 5'9 so I've had to figure a lot out since I've had a lot to lose and it just is more likely that there's other factors playing into this.

    Also, if she's running 8+ miles/day her body should be burning - she'd produce cortisol because of the stress that running that much puts on a 5'5 woman at 220lbs but I don't know it'd be enough to really counteract the kind of burn she'd get from that kind of run every single day.

    Of course there are, like increased glycogen, undigested food, miscalculation of intake etc.

    And that's all I was saying - there's something either the neighbour isn't saying or doesn't even know is an underlying issue potentially.
  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    You've haulted
    your body has been in deprivation too long, it has adapted to such a major deficit
    now slowly, you must introduce a small sum of calories in each week, add 75 calories a week, slowly eat up and get the stroke of the fire in the metabolism back up again
    What is happening is your body is holding on to all food and storing it in fear the circumstances will keep remaining in deficit
    You need to you tube Layne Norton - Metabolic Damage (video)
    - watch that video, layne is a bodybuilder and a doctor, he explains the process of very low calorie and the damage it does to the metabolism, he also speaks in depth of how to build it back up again, this will take time. GL
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    daynerz wrote: »
    You've haulted
    your body has been in deprivation too long, it has adapted to such a major deficit
    now slowly, you must introduce a small sum of calories in each week, add 75 calories a week, slowly eat up and get the stroke of the fire in the metabolism back up again
    What is happening is your body is holding on to all food and storing it in fear the circumstances will keep remaining in deficit
    You need to you tube Layne Norton - Metabolic Damage (video)
    - watch that video, layne is a bodybuilder and a doctor, he explains the process of very low calorie and the damage it does to the metabolism, he also speaks in depth of how to build it back up again, this will take time. GL

    No she hasn't. She's still alive.

    You love diagnosing people with metabolic damage. It's reckless.

    If OP did really eat that little for over a year I think there is some damage inside the body that needs to be address with a doctor who knows what they are talking about.