How can I tell my co worker to back off?



  • kcerrillo
    kcerrillo Posts: 103 Member
    By the way that's harassment I'd talk to ur boss
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    I think I'd tell her "I can't take one more day of your constant criticism. Let's go talk to the supervisor right now."
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    man you guys are missing a prime oppertunity to get free stuff!!!!

    tell her if it bothers her so much she is more than welcome to go spend her money on you (the chairty case) and purchse you a new purse to match your whatever outfit.

    and make up

    and brushes.

    tell her you want XXX brand brushes that can be purchased at X,Y or Z store- and nothing less than MAC cosmetics.

  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Please, document EVERYTHING. Times/dates and comments made. If you have not done so already, begin doing this immediately and try to recall as much as you can from the past. This will help you, and your manager. If it is not documented - it did not happen.

    Sit down with her in a private room and tell her directly that you do not appreciate her comments and that you find them offensive and inappropriate for work. Tell her that if she continues, it will be brought up to the manager and/or HR.

    Document this entire sit down.

    If it happens once more - go straight to your manager.

    Do not be a push-over, or allow yourself to be bullied at work.
  • sexymonicat
    Theres nothing wrong with being modest. After being an exotic dancer for years I gave up wearing make up now that im married. And I look so much better without it! I take good care of my skin and curl my eyelashes to open up my eyes and I wear chapstick to plump up my lips . I have bangs that I have to blow dry but everything else gets thrown on top of my head which I think makes a women look more attractive than a back pony tail . So id just ignore her and when she says something dont let her get to you. And ya id record her and some day file a report agianst her. Its illegal to record someone if theyre not doing anything illegal . So In this case it would be okay.because her behavior can and will get her in trouble.

    Just take care of your skin and tell her you want to look younger. Dont be afraid of face mask or scissors. I look horrible with make up on. So theres been times ive went to nigh clubs here in southern California with no make up and I felt so hot. Lol and I was because I didnt have to cover my face with make up .
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    So, you said in your OP that you are getting crap about the dress code. What are you wearing/doing that is in violation of the dress code, and why don't you just follow the company policy?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    also- you can ask her wear exactly in the companies HR/Dress Code handbook/guidelines it requires you to wear make up?

    if she can point it out then well- I'd be on my way to Sephora- other wise "oh stuff it" is an acceptable response.