Don't feel like staying in my calorie goal every day--do I need tough love?



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Hi guys,

    I think I know the answer to this, but here goes. I gained 10 lbs over the past 6 months, mostly over the past 2 months when I ate whatever I wanted and didn't exercise. At. All. I'm now trying to lose those 10lbs by exercising a minimum of 4 days a week (at fairly intense levels, like spin and hot yoga) and eating healthy. I don't feel like staying within my calorie goal (whine) and I really don't care if 10lbs comes off in 2 months or 6 months (hey, it's gonna be winter anyway). Anyone have experience losing weight painfully slow? On purpose? I just don't feel like being quite as rigid as I have been in the past, especially with the holidays coming up. I don't plan to binge, but if I want a treat, in my view a few bites won't kill me as long as I don't let it spiral or do that every day. If I'm over 100-200 calories 2-3 days a week, so be it. Is this crazy and/or is this anyone else's philosophy?

    Trust me, you're not alone.

    There are plenty of fat people who enjoy food more than they value aesthetics or comfort.

    OP is hardly fat with 10 pounds to lose, probably way within the normal BMI range.

    I want to lose 3-5 pounds and I set my goal to maintenance a few months back. My goal is to try and keep a deficit when possible. If I can't, I don't sweat it. I've only lost 1 pound since doing that but it's not a huge deal at this point, it's just vanity pounds anyway.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    If you only have 10 lbs to lose you should have your deficit set up to lose 0.5 lbs/week and 1380 sounds more like a 500 cal (1lb/wk) deficit. If you have a realistic goal you may not feel so restricted and won't need to go over. I also concur with the suggestions of finding your TDEE and working from there as well as the idea of looking at the weekly totals not individual days.

    I lost about 25 lbs on MFP in just about a year. It was slow but completely sustainable and now maintenance is pretty simple since I wasn't too restrictive while losing.
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Hi guys,

    I think I know the answer to this, but here goes. I gained 10 lbs over the past 6 months, mostly over the past 2 months when I ate whatever I wanted and didn't exercise. At. All. I'm now trying to lose those 10lbs by exercising a minimum of 4 days a week (at fairly intense levels, like spin and hot yoga) and eating healthy. I don't feel like staying within my calorie goal (whine) and I really don't care if 10lbs comes off in 2 months or 6 months (hey, it's gonna be winter anyway). Anyone have experience losing weight painfully slow? On purpose? I just don't feel like being quite as rigid as I have been in the past, especially with the holidays coming up. I don't plan to binge, but if I want a treat, in my view a few bites won't kill me as long as I don't let it spiral or do that every day. If I'm over 100-200 calories 2-3 days a week, so be it. Is this crazy and/or is this anyone else's philosophy?

    Trust me, you're not alone.

    There are plenty of fat people who enjoy food more than they value aesthetics or comfort.

    OP is hardly fat with 10 pounds to lose, probably way within the normal BMI range.

    I want to lose 3-5 pounds and I set my goal to maintenance a few months back. My goal is to try and keep a deficit when possible. If I can't, I don't sweat it. I've only lost 1 pound since doing that but it's not a huge deal at this point, it's just vanity pounds anyway.

    Yes, I think the last 5 of the 10 I want to lose are vanity pounds too! And thanks for saying I am not fat haha :)
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    If you only have 10 lbs to lose you should have your deficit set up to lose 0.5 lbs/week and 1380 sounds more like a 500 cal (1lb/wk) deficit. If you have a realistic goal you may not feel so restricted and won't need to go over. I also concur with the suggestions of finding your TDEE and working from there as well as the idea of looking at the weekly totals not individual days.

    I lost about 25 lbs on MFP in just about a year. It was slow but completely sustainable and now maintenance is pretty simple since I wasn't too restrictive while losing.

    Congrats! Slow and steady wins the race.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Hi guys,

    There are plenty of fat people who enjoy food more than they value aesthetics or comfort.

    OP is 5'6", 136lbs, 33 years old. Hardly fat. Probably actually a bit slender. She is only a couple pounds more than me at the same height.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Hi guys,

    I think I know the answer to this, but here goes. I gained 10 lbs over the past 6 months, mostly over the past 2 months when I ate whatever I wanted and didn't exercise. At. All. I'm now trying to lose those 10lbs by exercising a minimum of 4 days a week (at fairly intense levels, like spin and hot yoga) and eating healthy. I don't feel like staying within my calorie goal (whine) and I really don't care if 10lbs comes off in 2 months or 6 months (hey, it's gonna be winter anyway). Anyone have experience losing weight painfully slow? On purpose? I just don't feel like being quite as rigid as I have been in the past, especially with the holidays coming up. I don't plan to binge, but if I want a treat, in my view a few bites won't kill me as long as I don't let it spiral or do that every day. If I'm over 100-200 calories 2-3 days a week, so be it. Is this crazy and/or is this anyone else's philosophy?

    Trust me, you're not alone.

    There are plenty of fat people who enjoy food more than they value aesthetics or comfort.

    OP is hardly fat with 10 pounds to lose, probably way within the normal BMI range.

    I want to lose 3-5 pounds and I set my goal to maintenance a few months back. My goal is to try and keep a deficit when possible. If I can't, I don't sweat it. I've only lost 1 pound since doing that but it's not a huge deal at this point, it's just vanity pounds anyway.

    Yes, I think the last 5 of the 10 I want to lose are vanity pounds too! And thanks for saying I am not fat haha :)

    Lol I'm 5'5" and 132, want to go down to 130, we're not that far off.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi guys,

    There are plenty of fat people who enjoy food more than they value aesthetics or comfort.

    OP is 5'6", 136lbs, 33 years old. Hardly fat. Probably actually a bit slender. She is only a couple pounds more than me at the same height.

    Oh well if that is the case (didn't see this), then OP I wouldn't rush it either if I were you. You probably look great. As long as you are under maintenance it will come off. Even if its a slight deficit.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Since you're down to only 10 pounds to lose, why not switch to maintenance calories for your goal weight right away?

    Over time, those 10 pounds'll come off. It may take a while. But in the meantime, you'll be training your body to eat the calories that you'll require at maintenance, forever.

    It's a different mindset: Instead of "oh, I'll deprive myself for a short period of time, lose the weight, and then go back to eating whatever I want (and gain it back)" it's "okay, this is what my body needs to eat at the size I want to be".

  • free1220
    free1220 Posts: 416 Member
    I have lost a total of 50 lbs but it took 5 years to do it.Just light dieting and watching my intake.I would reach a point and stall for a spell but 10 or 15 lbs at a time has worked for me.Right now I am stalled again but maintaining.