


  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    The whole "p u s s y pass" thing kills me. Women always get off much lighter, if punished at all for the exact same crimes as a man. If you play, you should pay regardless of what's between your legs. Man up ffs.
  • _JustDG_
    _JustDG_ Posts: 1,584
    edited November 2014
    I hate people that have too white of teeth. I mean seriously, how can I trust someone who's teeth are so naturally white?!
  • _JustDG_
    _JustDG_ Posts: 1,584
    And women that wear underwear under yoga pants... :s
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    _JustDG_ wrote: »
    And women that wear underwear under yoga pants... :s

  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Got something to rant about? Put it here.

    This morning's rant is people who don't know how to use turning lanes. It's not rocket science.

    I use them for passing and turning.

  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    After I discovered the affair, I offered counseling-she chose divorce. Immediately I was restrained from my home, without cause, while I still was making the payments. During that time, she and her new boyfriend took everything that wasn't nailed down. Then, with the divorce finalized, she began meddling in my relationship with my kids, denying visitation, alleging all sorts of distasteful things without provocation. Fast forward 12 years, and I no longer see my kids, but I pay dearly for the right to be their estranged father. She spends the child support on clothes and cars, while her new man makes more than I do. She, of course, is unemployed since 1987, and has no income. That is the only thing the courts are interested in, HER income. I've tried fighting all of this, any usually it ends up with me paying her costs and fees, because she has no income, and the child suport goes up almost every time. Lose, Lose. If I could offer any advice, it would be to identify early on that she is one of these: never wrong, always knows best, narcissistic, etc. Then, get as far away as possible. It's hard, but eventually, you are able to move on and get over it without acting on your anger and indignation. They are out there, guys, so be on the lookout when things begin to go horribly wrong in your relationship. And make your divorce attorney address this behavior in the original documents, not after it is already happening, because by then it will be far too late.


  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Look you as*hat. When I slow down to let you walk in front of me you better put just a little tiny pep in your step. I'm not saying to sprint but God forbid you acknowledge that someone is stopping for you to cross and you continue to meander. Don't *kitten* wave at me, just hurry the ef up!
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Basilin wrote: »
    People who drive 5 mph BELOW the speed limit but just simply MUST be in the left lane......especially when they see a speeding vehicle coming up behind them. IMO it should be totally legal to wipe these fools off the face of the earth! I know what you are thinking.....why do you need to drive so fast? Well to that I say, because i want to. I'm not asking the other drivers to speed up or slow down. All I am asking is that they get the FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF out of the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :#:#>:):#:#

    To play devil's advocate(get it?), if you are going well over the speed limit and riding someone's butt, you should slow down. Speed limit signs are their for a reason along with slow lanes.

    See, now the part that really gets me is these same slow left lane drivers that have a trail of people behind them that can't pass because of too many right lane drivers, will then get over into the right lane after traffic clears and go 15 mph OVER the speed limit in the right lane.

    mbcaldwell123, once I was watching a slow left lane driver going 5 mph under when a cop was trying to pass, and he got pulled over. It was sweet revenge.

    My Brother-In-Law is a State Trooper and I made him SWEAR to me that he would pull over slow drivers impeding the flow of traffic!!!! He swears he does but oh how I would LOVE to witness such a thing. Every morning we have digital signs that say to drive friendly and maintain a safe following distance. Just ONCE it would do my heart good to see the sign say "Look in your rear view mirror. Now get the F out of the way B!!!!!!!"

    Just saying.......

    There's a YouTube video of a Jersey Trooper doing just that. We also have digital signs that remind drivers to "Keep Right, Pass Left" and "Slower Traffic Keep Right." We take our driving seriously in Dirty Jerz.
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    Why is my toddler so obsessed with doing things that either involve possibly killing herself or breaking horribly expensive things? If she's not trying to jump from the back of the sofa onto the windowsill she is trying to jump up and down on my laptop or using my iphone to batter the screen. She is such a witch.

    I feel our kids would get along well.
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    People in front of me who slam on their breaks at YIELD when no one is coming. People who don't "use both lanes to merge point." instructions are written on road signs.
  • _JustDG_
    _JustDG_ Posts: 1,584
    _JustDG_ wrote: »
    I hate people that have too white of teeth. I mean seriously, how can I trust someone who's teeth are so naturally white?!


  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    Affirmative Action, racial double-standards, racial quotas... then, the sense of entitlement and the race card, reverse discrimination, and race batters, and racist morons of any color. Why does race have to be a consideration on the job application, school application, etc.? Since when is racism okay? Well, right now, it seems like it is perfectly okay to throw certain people right under the bus in the name of diversity quotas and such... why is race more important than if someone is the best candidate for a job or a college program, i.e., they tested higher? Why is race more important than keeping higher educational standards? Ughhh! I'm probably labeled as a bigot for not agreeing with the racism against a certain group of people in the name of more diversity. Oh well.
  • richardositosanchez
    Co-workers with learned helplessness syndrome. Rather than taking the extra minute to do the work themselves, they always run to someone else to do it for them, playing the stupid card. These people get on my damn nerves.