


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    There isn't any need to get upset. The questions you are asked are in an effort for us to give you the best advice. We can't do that unless we have as much detail as possible. Try eating only half of your exercise calories back.
  • Dentice143
    Dentice143 Posts: 42 Member
    Branstin wrote: »
    There isn't any need to get upset. The questions you are asked are in an effort for us to give you the best advice. We can't do that unless we have as much detail as possible. Try eating only half of your exercise calories back.

    I agree with this. Try only eating half of your calories back.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    I'm not upset at any of the help, I'm just upset nothing is working. Sorry if I was rude, I'm just annoyed at myself, not at anyone else.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    edited November 2014
    Yes, I eat back all the exercise calories. And yeah, I tried for less than 24 hours. So what. It is the day before shopping day, we have hardly anything healthy in the house, and when we do, it is the same old stuff. All this judgement and question asking, is not helping. If I eat 1700 that's enough for me to maintain. 1615 is probably enough to maintain. I tried all day to eat healthy and I was getting nowhere, I still had heaps of fat to eat, protein, I thought I'd give up. Of which I have. And I've gone back to my unhealthy ways now. No calorie amount is making me lose weight. I'm always gaining water weight. It's making me want to not even bother anymore. How hard is it to lose 14 effing pounds?! It's driving me nuts.
    Again you tried this for ONLY ONE DAY. You have to give it time. You gave up right away. How are you supposed to know if it will even work for you if you do not give it a try for at least 2 weeks. Okay so yesterday was a bad day for you. Make it better today. If you are trying to stick to your macros, then you know to eat the right amount of protein, fats and carbs. Add more oil, larger meat servings, peanut butter, rice, veggies, eggs or hell candy (carbs).

    Honestly you sound like you just don't care to try it. If you are getting upset like this and giving up, then how is anyone going to help you? It starts with you and only you can do it for yourself. Instead of wasting energy here, spend some time trying to reassess your situation.

    You are not going to lose the last 14 lbs as fast as you would like to. It does not work like that. Set your goal to lose .5 lbs a week and stick to that. Do not go over. I mean why make it more difficult then it really is?

  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I'm not upset at any of the help, I'm just upset nothing is working. Sorry if I was rude, I'm just annoyed at myself, not at anyone else.
    Do not be upset with yourself. Just believe in what you can do and accomplish. Find a plan and what works for you. It may be easier said than done, but how will you know without putting it into action and giving it some time to work.

  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Honestly, I've been losing weight for two years, I did try for hours today, I honestly don't have the patience for it. I already measure food. I have a small stomach, if I ate all of the healthy food within my macro's, and I was checking my macro's diligently, I would still be eating at 3 in the morning. I did the peanut butter thing, didn't help much, this was before I saw your comment about it. I literally cannot be bothered anymore. I try hard normally and it just doesn't work. My protein is too high, sat fat, trans fat too low, etc. I give up with it all. I want to be thinner asap, I don't want to be UK size 12 anymore. I want to be thinner. I'll probably even go down to 120lb. Who knows, I don't. But half a lb to me, is nothing at all. It shouldn't take two weeks to lose a lb. As I said, it's been weeks since I lose any weight.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Honestly, I've been losing weight for two years, I did try for hours today, I honestly don't have the patience for it. I already measure food. I have a small stomach, if I ate all of the healthy food within my macro's, and I was checking my macro's diligently, I would still be eating at 3 in the morning. I did the peanut butter thing, didn't help much, this was before I saw your comment about it. I literally cannot be bothered anymore. I try hard normally and it just doesn't work. My protein is too high, sat fat, trans fat too low, etc. I give up with it all. I want to be thinner asap, I don't want to be UK size 12 anymore. I want to be thinner. I'll probably even go down to 120lb. Who knows, I don't. But half a lb to me, is nothing at all. It shouldn't take two weeks to lose a lb. As I said, it's been weeks since I lose any weight.

    You tried what for hours?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    You may need to adjust what you consider to be healthy food.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    it doesnt have to be low-calorie to be healthy.

    And the best wway to go into this is to say - You know what - Imma give this a good 60% effort everyday. cause at least that is sustainable. Going hard every day down to the calorie, just isn't sustainable for everyone.

    It's probably gonna take at least a year, so this is a great time to teach yourself patience and to go slow.

    Half pounds add up.

    They are easy to gain and hard to lose and that is the truth.

    So now figure out how much you want it.

    Enough to do a year of hard work at moderate effort?


    Enough to try and give up after a few weeks?

    The power is entirely in your control.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Patience is a virtue. And anything worth achieving, including weight loss, is worth the effort. Become willing to put in the effort and you might be surprised by the results

  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    You said you were measuring your food, should only be weighing unless it's a liquid. Measuring cups aren't accurate for solids. You need to give this more time. We understand it can be frustrating, a lot of us have been there. But the weight isn't coming off because of the calories you are consuming. Weight loss is nothing but a deficit, your body needs to burn more calories then you are giving it. If you are using MFP to estimate your calorie burns then don't eat all those calories back, the site has been known to overestimate. If macros are too difficult to meet right now maybe put those off till later and handle one thing at a time.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    edited November 2014
    Oh will you and stop being trolls @KylaDenay and @TavistockToad. All you do is judge people. You don't help people. I have low self esteem and confidence, and you just make it lower, honestly. This is why there are some people literally afraid to post in the forums.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Yeah I will keep eating at 1615 calories, but I can't guarantee that will make me lose anything. Because that is very close to my maintenance calories. But I'm not going to eat healthy. I don't have the patience to eat multiple healthy things to get to 1615 calories. I'd rather just have a few highly calorific meals, and be done for the day.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Patience is a virtue. And anything worth achieving, including weight loss, is worth the effort. Become willing to put in the effort and you might be surprised by the results

    I've lost 30lb in two years. Not all from MFP either. When you get to where I am at right now, and the pressure I put myself under, you will probably understand how frustrating it is to lose 15lb, and your body is doing nothing at all to help. I was eating at 1200 for quite a while. That takes patience, having to work out each day.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    pander101 wrote: »
    You said you were measuring your food, should only be weighing unless it's a liquid. Measuring cups aren't accurate for solids. You need to give this more time. We understand it can be frustrating, a lot of us have been there. But the weight isn't coming off because of the calories you are consuming. Weight loss is nothing but a deficit, your body needs to burn more calories then you are giving it. If you are using MFP to estimate your calorie burns then don't eat all those calories back, the site has been known to overestimate. If macros are too difficult to meet right now maybe put those off till later and handle one thing at a time.

    When I measure things, I measure them correctly. With a food scale, with a measuring jug. I'm not dumb like everyone thinks. Please don't take things so literal. I always make sure to eat back all the calories, weigh, measure food correctly, all that stuff. I've literally done nowt wrong with the 1200 calories. Sometimes I'd go slightly over, like 30 cal over, because I did not want to undereat, I would have an odd amount of calories left for the day. I don't use MFP to calculate the calories burnt, I've been here nearly a year, I know they are too high. Weight loss stresses me out big time. I am a perfectionist when it comes to it, always want to be losing- not maintaining or gaining waterweight.

  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Maybe, just maybe, you are at a healthy weight. But if you are determined to be smaller than a UK size 12, go for it. Have fun!!
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Stop looking at how much longer it is going to take because the time is going to come and go regardless. Just focus on sticking to the goal MFP set for you. Think about adding some weight or resistant training into your plan. Above all, stop stressing! Figure out a way to make this fun and enjoyable.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Hon, you need to calm down! Stressing out about losing weight is counter-productive and is that last thing you should be doing.

    First, 14 pounds isn't a lot, so it's going to be slow. 1/2 pound a week is perfectly respectable when you're only trying to lose that much.

    Second, your body isn't a machine. You can't expect it to react in a 100% predictable way, and you can't expect it to react to changes that quickly. You're looking at two factors (calories in, calories out), and they're the biggest factors in weight, but your body is dealing with and responding to a million other factors (sodium, hydration, stress, sleep, etc.) every day. You can't control your body to the degree that it seems you want to.

    Third, everyone makes logging errors. Everyone. They're the most common mistake people make, and everyone can improve their logging. Don't get so defensive -- nobody is calling you a liar or saying you're stupid.

    Finally, nobody has a static weight -- you have a weight range. You will never "always be losing." Some days you'll be the same weight, some days you'll be up. That's how your body works. If you're waiting for perfection, it's never going to happen. As long as the overall trend line is going down, you're doing as well as anyone.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Honestly, a Uk size 12 is not even actually large, imo (I am Uk also. My mum is a size 12-14 and she is not fat. She just decided that given the choice between face and body, she would rather keep a younger face and remain slightly larger size going into her 60s, lol). Please don't come to base your esteem on the size you are in clothing, that can really be detrimental. I am fairly sure that if you eat at the 1600, and give it time, you will find you are still losing weight. Just make little changes, cook with more oil, add a little butter to things, have a few milky drinks, add cheese, a handful of nuts here and there, some avocado. Eating a higher amount will also make it a bit easier to slip into maintenance. You just need to give it time as your body needs to adjust to the higher calories as you have eaten at 1200 for sometime.

  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    edited November 2014
    Oh will you and stop being trolls @KylaDenay and @TavistockToad. All you do is judge people. You don't help people. I have low self esteem and confidence, and you just make it lower, honestly. This is why there are some people literally afraid to post in the forums.

    this is why some knowledgeable people have stopped posting on the forums. People are trying to help you because you asked, and you're getting salty.