How Do You Drink Your Coffee?



  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    lol, whelp that takes my answer away. if you actually like coffee a lot, BLACK is the way to go. there are so many different kinds that if you find at least one you like and drink it black, you will be better off. i can't drink Starbucks black b/c it's way too bitter, but i can drink anyone's medium roast black and i'm fine. it has a really distinct flavor and you don't feel like you have to have anything in it,

    but if not drinking black, i want my coffee to taste good, so my drinks are 100+ calories, i;ll break the caloric bank for specialty
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    12oz brewed coffee, 2 measured tsp sugar, 1 measured TBSP whole milk = 43cals

    Now that's good coffee, and I'm not willing to give it up.
  • moglovesshoez
    moglovesshoez Posts: 83 Member
    I have a coconut milk latte, made with kara coconut milk. Its already sweet so you don't need to add anything, has added vit D and calcium and comes in at approx 67 cals for a 250ml cup.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    In excess!

    Wait. That's not what you were looking for..

    I usually drink it with a tsp of sugar and a bit of milk . If I have a brand of almond milk in the house that blends into coffee- Like silk true almond- I'll use that.

    Edit: I also drink a buttload of extra large one and ones from Tim Hortons- But there's no calorie break there.
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    I've been monitoring my diary and always hate the sugar calories from my creamer. I know I have to make some changes. I do love almond milk so that might be a try.

    Besides, I'd rather save the sugar calories for my wine. :ohwell:
  • BioMechHeretic
    BioMechHeretic Posts: 128 Member
    Saying you want coffee to have flavor is completely redundant lol. Coffee black tastes like coffee. Saying there needs to be half a cup of other stuff in there for "flavor" to mask the coffee just means you don't actually like coffee all that much, you like milk or other drinks that have a hint of coffee in there. Which is fine, just can't insult delicious coffee by saying it needs "flavor" when in fact it has plenty of flavor and you just don't fancy it.

    I drink it with one single real sugar packet and one dash of either powdered creamer or milk or whatever is around.

    20 cals and deliciously pure.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    Honestly, my 2 tbsp of 18% cream are SO worth it, and it's certainly enough for a full morning mug.

    I weaned myself off of sugar in my coffee, and truth be told I don't miss it one bit. I don't think I could ever nix the cream, though!

    My coffee + two cream are the best 70 calories of my whole day!!
  • ragingpanda
    My breakfast every morning:

    8oz black coffee
    8-10oz cold water
    1 scoop chocolate whey
    1 scoop banana whey
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I find that higher quality coffee, made properly, needs less cream/sugar for me. I usually grind and cold brew my own because that keeps it super non-bitter. And it's really cheap/easy. Because you don't heat it, it also lasts about a week in the fridge instead of going quickly rancid. I'm also from New England so it's always iced coffee season.

    I tend to put whole milk and sugar in mine. From what I've read, agave is no healthier than any other commercial, processed sugar so I stick to cheap white sugar or I use raw sugar (not sure if that's any better, I just like the taste). I've switched to local maple syrup and honey for sweetening many things but still use sugar for my coffee and usually my tea.
  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    I USED to drink it with creamer and sugar, or flavored creamer... for a while I was slightly addicted to the Italian Creme flavored. Now, though, I drink it black. After drinking it black for a while I don't care for cream and sugar. Especially powdered creamer...just can't do it anymore!

    On weekends I make espresso and mix it with strong hot chocolate to make mochas. Not low-calorie but damn tasty!
  • dontgobacktosleep
    dontgobacktosleep Posts: 144 Member
    Sorry but I drink it black for the coffee flavour. So many varieties its honestly like wine.

    Go out on a limb and try it :)
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    I don't drink coffee, and I drink my tea black, BUT- something someone said here gave me an idea.

    Protein powder doesn't mix with hot liquids. First, you need to mix it with a cool/room temperature liquid. During the fall, I mix almond protein powder with water to make a paste, and then brew an apple cider k-cup into it. So why not do that with coffee? You could mix it with water, or the almond milk everyone keeps mentioning. I use Designer Whey, which is 100 calories a scoop. And then you essentially have breakfast in a cup. Throw in a yogurt or orange and you are good to go!
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
    Fat free milk, no sugar
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Keurigs save the day. You can get any flavor coffee imaginable. I use 1 teaspoon of flavored creamer for 16oz of flavored coffee and it's amazing.
  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    Also regarding good coffee... if you can afford it, I highly recommend checking out .....they ship anywhere and either send you whole beans or grind it fresh right before shipping. If I could still afford it I would be getting it....the Fool's House American is awesome for a good light-medium roast blend and for pure the Malawi is so nutty and delicious!! Oh I miss it LOL

    If you don't mind paying a little extra it is SO worth it!! And if you do an auto-ship (you choose how often) and send them praising emails they'll give little discounts :)
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I actually make my protein shakes with coffee :)
  • fitnesslovergirl
    Just a teeny bit of almond milk and Stevia, which comes to around 20calories a cup:)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I drink my coffee with 1 or 2% milk. I usually have two cups of coffee a day.
  • Hodgenska
    Hodgenska Posts: 55 Member
    I just made some last night with a tad bit of milk, a packet of trivia, and some (maybe a tbsp) Hershey's Cocoa unsweetened powder. It was pretty good, and kicked my chocolate craving. :)
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I find that higher quality coffee, made properly, needs less cream/sugar for me. I usually grind and cold brew my own because that keeps it super non-bitter. And it's really cheap/easy. Because you don't heat it, it also lasts about a week in the fridge instead of going quickly rancid. I'm also from New England so it's always iced coffee season.

    I tend to put whole milk and sugar in mine. From what I've read, agave is no healthier than any other commercial, processed sugar so I stick to cheap white sugar or I use raw sugar (not sure if that's any better, I just like the taste). I've switched to local maple syrup and honey for sweetening many things but still use sugar for my coffee and usually my tea.

    I've only started using the cold brew method, but have read that medium roast is best. I've read conflicting directions about whether the coffee should be coarsely or finely ground. I've been using finely ground coffee.