Help! What's the best workout?



  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Esco5556 wrote: »
    My main goal is to continue to drop weight. I would like to lose another 50 lbs. then I will dial it back and go I to maintenance mode.

    So I was thinking I could start light at home and go from there.

    Even though I think you're kind of a twerp, I'll give my two cents. If your goals are to continue to lose weight, I would recommend the higher rep ranges for all of your workouts. by high rep ranges, I mean, stick to the 8-12 reps for everything but legs, on legs stick to 12-20. Compound lifts are key for your goals (lifts designed to target more then one muscle group). You want to fire multiple muscles at once to both burn more calories, and get you out of the gym faster. Below are a few examples of compound lifts that would hit your target goals.

    BW-Pull Ups
    Bent Over BB Rows
    Military Press
    Bench Press

    hmm that look like it could be one complex workout all those exercises.

    It's not a routine, just a listing of workouts that I believe are the best benchmark in building any solid routine. I overlooked the OP was looking for a whole routine, I thought he just wanted ideas for lifts. For a routine, I would suggest something of the sort below. If you're on a caloric deficit, isolate movements are mostly pointless, I skip them for everything but legs, but this is just my preference.

    Day 1:
    20 Min Cardio
    Deadlifts 4X8
    Bent Over Rows 3X12
    Pull Ups 4XFail or Dropset
    20 Min Cardio

    Day 2:
    20 Min Cardio
    Flat DB Bench Press (Tucked elbows) 4X12
    Incline DB Bench 3X12
    Dips 4XFail or Dropset
    20 Min Cardio

    Day 3:
    Squats 5X5
    Lunges 4X50
    Leg Curls 4X16
    Leg Extensions 4X12
    Calf Extensions 3X16

    2 Days of HIIT and 2 days of rest... Mix these up in there however your schedule allows.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    Starting Strength
    Stronglifts 5x5

    This is a good primer to read:

    You didn't say you wanted to be given specific program names, came across like you had already done that most basic of homework and still had no clue what you could do. The above list of course is assuming you want strength. Hypertrophy is something else. Endurance is something else. Once you figure out what your goals are, you can start there.

    This. I've never understood why people want to mess about with Special Snowflake programs if they're a beginner.

    Well, because he's lost 70 pounds, so he knows how to work out, duh.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    You know, more that I think about it, OP might like the nerdfitness stuff. It's basically hand holding + kid gloves.