Remaining calories



  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    carmenbeau wrote: »
    G'day...........I've just realised that this post is ancient but maybe I'll get a response......I'm totally confused about the cal remaining too....I eat about 1800 cal,brisk walk daily for 1 hour,walk the dog daily 30 mins,do standing cardio 3 times a week for 30 mins,daily steps between 18,00 and 20,000........I am 59 fem wanting to lose .5 pound per calories in/out reads food - 1676 active +1568 remaining cal 1,412.........I am hoping I'm on the right track

    *IF* you have selected an appropriate activity level, and *IF* your exercise estimates are close to accurate, and *IF* you are weighing your food on a scale and selecting appropriate entries in the database, *THEN* you should eat until your "Calories Remaining" is very close to zero.

    Alternatively, you could look at what your weight is doing over a period of time (for women, generally a period of time that is longer than a full month - especially if you have periods) and adjust your intake based on your results.

    I don't think most people will be concerned with your 1800 daily intake - it is not terribly likely to be drastically too low. (Unless you are very tall, or very overweight.) If you are not losing your hoped for 0.5 lb/week, you might need to consider making an adjustment to your intake. It is not generally advised, in these circumstances, to make a drastic change, however. Perhaps 100 calories per day - and follow that for another month to see how much of a difference it makes to your weight loss.

    As an example, I am 45, female, 5'3", 145 lbs., eating 1900 calories, about 4 hours vigorous cardio per week, daily steps between 14,000 and 19,000 - losing about 1 lb per week. I have manually set my goal and do not enter my exercise, as it has been accounted for already. If I wanted to add exercise calories on the days that I work out, I might set my goal for 1600 calories, instead. But you'd better believe I'd eat every single exercise calorie that I earned - because I use this app not only to ensure that I am not eating too much, but also to be certain that I am not under-fueling myself.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    edited February 2021
    18 to 20k steps per day not logged as a separate exercise come in at above mfps very active setting.

    Apple watch did not use to transfer total calories correctly to mfp and in fact more exercise would result in a worse adjustment.

    Calories don't have virtue. All calories spent whether from being alive or running for gold in the Olympics are calories that have been spent. And both kale and Twinkie calories could accumulate in one's body and count when they come in!

    Your active calories are not your total calories.

    You need to eat -250 from your total calories spent for the day.

    You're undereating for your stated goals..

    For both Garmin and apple u should be able to search engine finding out your TDEE for the day,

    Weight trend app to smooth weight changes and better see long term weight level change as 250 is very small deficit