-TMI ALERT- Excruciating BMs



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    __drmerc__ wrote: »
    Don't dig it out with your finger it'll only get worse

    I'm so glad you warned him about this. I'm sure it was just what he was about to try.

    thanks for this visual, guys. B)
    ur welcome...i do what i can.
  • wmcmurray61
    wmcmurray61 Posts: 192 Member
    Whether you find temporary relief or not, I strongly suggest that you see your doc. ANY changes in bowel habits can be symptoms of a very serious condition. Not trying to scare you. In this situation it is MUCh better to be safe than sorry.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Any anal bleeding should mean a visit to the doctor. Bowel cancer is a killer.

    The 'redder' the blood the closer to the *kitten* in the tract the bleeding is. Usually the doctors will worry more if the bleeding occurs further up the digestive tract.

    My GP sent me to get a colonoscopy, which didn't find the issue with the bleeding but did identify an unrelated issue. When the bleeding happened again a few months later the GP sent me to an anal surgeon and he told me I spend too long on the toilet and that I need to sort out my dietry fibre.

    Sure enough it only happens when I'm not regular and when I go 3+ times in a day (usually after a bag of prunes >_<)

    But yes, SEE A DOCTOR! Bleeding from there is no joke!
  • nuvimi
    nuvimi Posts: 103 Member
    Doctor. Go see a doctor.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Having a GI disease I've had many poop talks with my doctor (he even showed DH the pictures of my colon, how kind of him). Fiber is your friend, and you should get lots of it. I take 4 tablespoons of psyllium husk every day because I don't get enough fiber usually. I've had the best poop of my life using that stuff.

    Also, pushing too hard will cause you all sorts of hell, so don't do that either.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    EricMurano wrote: »
    Any anal bleeding should mean a visit to the doctor. Bowel cancer is a killer.

    The 'redder' the blood the closer to the *kitten* in the tract the bleeding is. Usually the doctors will worry more if the bleeding occurs further up the digestive tract.

    My GP sent me to get a colonoscopy, which didn't find the issue with the bleeding but did identify an unrelated issue. When the bleeding happened again a few months later the GP sent me to an anal surgeon and he told me I spend too long on the toilet and that I need to sort out my dietry fibre.

    Sure enough it only happens when I'm not regular and when I go 3+ times in a day (usually after a bag of prunes >_<)

    But yes, SEE A DOCTOR! Bleeding from there is no joke!

    I asked a doctor once about the bleeding. She said if you're too constipated the stool becomes very dense, making it not only harder to pass but can also rupture tissue when forcing. If the blood is red and fresh looking, there was no need to worry albeit painful. If the blood was darker/blacker, she advised me to emergency room immediately.

    Taking measures to soften and bulking up your stool will help you. Don't overdo it.

    Go to doc, to calm down:)
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    +1 on seeing the doc. This sounds like it might be one of those things that the doc can diagnose immediately and help you with. And if not, further testing is definitely worth getting.

    For me everything moving smoothly depends on fiber (especially beans) + water + fat. And the fat doesn't seem to count if it comes from cheese, which is REALLY unfair.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    If you have a history of hemorrhoids, it's quite possible that upping the fiber without increasing the water intake has re-aggravated the problem. They don't really go away so much as the swelling goes down, and straining/pushing can make them swell and bleed.

    You *can* have too much fiber in the sense that if you don't drink enough water, you will get constipated because the BMs will be too bulky and firm. Step up both gradually and you'll have less issues.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    After my babies (esp my first), I had horrible fissures. Nothing the Dr gave me helped. I basically had to take Miralax for a couple of weeks so that I passed no solid stools which gave it a chance to heal. I suffered for 4 months before being able to actually sit without horrible discomfort.
  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    edited November 2014
    I eat Weet-bix daily too (I go through 10 biscuits for lunch). I've found that the thing which works for me is upping my fat intake, which on most days, is unintentionally low. It makes a whole lot of difference. Papayas and plain black coffee help too.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    The only time that I've experienced this myself was immediately after the birth of my son, and they gave me Colace to help move things along.

    But--having had a toddler who pooped bricks regularly, I cannot undersell the power of prunes (natures candy!) or prune juice in being even more effective.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    FYI - Colace isn't a laxative. It won't make you go. It just softens the poop so that when you do go (naturally), the poop is easier to pass.

    Generic is as good as name brand, too. :)
  • Dayiscoming
    Dayiscoming Posts: 13 Member
    Too much to read to be sure it wasn't mentioned, but just in case. Taking magnesium can help soften your bowel movements. I don't know about fissures, looks like the others got you covered there. I take at least 500mg of magnesium a day or I end up constipated even when I'm eating better. Probably lack of magnesium in my diet?
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    I've started on the stool softeners and changing my fibre/vegetables accordingly but I will take the advice most of you are giving and will see my doctor. I have an appointment on the 24th, that'll be a riot...
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Foamroller wrote: »
    EricMurano wrote: »
    Any anal bleeding should mean a visit to the doctor. Bowel cancer is a killer.

    The 'redder' the blood the closer to the *kitten* in the tract the bleeding is. Usually the doctors will worry more if the bleeding occurs further up the digestive tract.

    My GP sent me to get a colonoscopy, which didn't find the issue with the bleeding but did identify an unrelated issue. When the bleeding happened again a few months later the GP sent me to an anal surgeon and he told me I spend too long on the toilet and that I need to sort out my dietry fibre.

    Sure enough it only happens when I'm not regular and when I go 3+ times in a day (usually after a bag of prunes >_<)

    But yes, SEE A DOCTOR! Bleeding from there is no joke!

    I asked a doctor once about the bleeding. She said if you're too constipated the stool becomes very dense, making it not only harder to pass but can also rupture tissue when forcing. If the blood is red and fresh looking, there was no need to worry albeit painful. If the blood was darker/blacker, she advised me to emergency room immediately.

    Taking measures to soften and bulking up your stool will help you. Don't overdo it.

    Go to doc, to calm down:)
    Yes and no. Yes to the source vs color...darker is generally from further up the GI tract, however, just because blood is bright and fresh does not mean there is no reason to worry. My GI bleeding was bright red, and it turned out to be the result of a stage 3 rectal tumor. Found on colonoscopy, but close enough to the outside world that my surgeon was able to touch it, and he has small hands, lol! Hence the bright red bleeding. ANY GI bleeding is cause for concern, hopefully OP can get this quickly and easily and painlessly sorted out!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    lewispwest wrote: »
    I've started on the stool softeners and changing my fibre/vegetables accordingly but I will take the advice most of you are giving and will see my doctor. I have an appointment on the 24th, that'll be a riot...
    So happy to hear you're going to the doctor. Good luck.
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Unless it's tested, there is no way to know if there is blood in the stool until it's tested. That's why doctors test poop.

    Doctors can figure out all kinds of things, but they have to see you to do it.

    If you don't want to go, don't go. It's your health! It probably is nothing and maybe you eat lots of fiber and take Colace and it gets all better.

    But if it is something and you don't go, you'll be one of the ones who regrets it.

    I know a guy who blew it off and spent three weeks in the hospital. Another blew it off, then called after he got some abdominal pain, but before his appointment, it progressed and he spent two months in the hospital, much of it on a ventilator.

    That's why I suggest calling the doctor. Because there is no way in hell I could know what is wrong with you. Better to go in and find out it's nothing than just assume it and be wrong.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

    Doctors don't test stool with visible blood in it for blood. It's wasteful and unnecessary - if you can see blood, then there's blood there.

    The rest of your post is kind of unjustly anxiety-provoking though. You know a guy who blew "it" off - blew what off? And how was a 2 week ICU stay on a ventilator related to anal fissures?

    I agree that OP should see a doctor. Bleeding can come from a variety of sources and 99% of the time it's completely benign, but in the 1% of cases timeliness of treatment has drastic implications on the outcomes and sooner is always better.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Zedeff wrote: »
    The rest of your post is kind of unjustly anxiety-provoking though. You know a guy who blew "it" off - blew what off? And how was a 2 week ICU stay on a ventilator related to anal fissures?
    We call that FUD. It runs deep round these parts.

    OP - try ZMA, the magnesium will aid, it also has some nice benefits if you're sustaining a good exercise load.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    ckmama wrote: »
    Rectal Fissure can sometimes heal on their own, but i had to have mine "helped by a doctor" a few years ago. They even have a nitro glycerin type gel you put back there to help it heal. Take some sits baths after every BM if you can and use some hemorrhoid cream will help relieve some of the pain. Drink plenty of water. Sometimes if it is a bad enough Fissure you will have to get the rectum stretched, which is a day surgery. Good luck it is very painful.

    I don't have anything useful to add, but that statement just about made me faint... although I think a saw a similar porno once!

    Seriously, go see a doctor - don't rely on the internet for medical advice. The psyllium seed husks sound like a serious no-no, tho. From what I know about them they absorb a ton of water and swell. If overused without enough water that sounds like a disaster.

  • Beploveshomer
    Beploveshomer Posts: 283 Member
    lkbrummett wrote: »
    I had the same problem. I started taking a magnesium supplement and it has helped tremendously! It says its for the muscles and bones but I read somewhere it helped with this problem and it most certainly did!

    I was looking for this before I commented. Fiber supplements did nothing for me.
    MAGNESIUM will cure this problem!
    The capsules helped but not as much as the powder you mix into water, you can find it at health food stores. Mine is called Natural Calm magnesium supplement. I had hard stools for most of my adult life. ONE DAY after taking 2 doses of the stuff and the problem is gone and has been for 2 years. Try it!