Food Sabotage At Work

It is so difficult to eat healthy at my office. Someone is always bringing in fresh homebaked goods, leftover halloween candy, birthday cake, etcetera. What are some ways that you've successfully navigated healthy eating while at work?


  • Annabear3
    Annabear3 Posts: 92 Member
    I have my own snack drawer in my desk. When I see everyone snacking away, I'll grab one of my healthier alternatives and join them. Though, I don't deny myself everything. If you bring in brownies, I'll find a way to fit that into my goals for the day.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Just say no. Simple but true.

    Our receptionist keeps a bowl of chocolates and a bowl of mints on her desk. I love chocolate so I've told myself that I just can't have any. I'll have an occasional mint when I'm wanting something sweet because I don't like them very much and I know I won't go back for more.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    You just hafta learn to say no. Pack a cooler, include your own version of healthy treats, meals and drinks. You can also save a specific number of calories for an office treat. Only use that special allotment if the treat is one of your faves. Be stingy with your calories.
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    Congratulate yourself every time you say no to snack you want but don't need. It can feel very satisfying. Pack lots in your lunch so you aren't hungry when you're offered the goodies. If it's something you really want, indulge a bit. Take a small serving and fit it into your daily goals. Good luck!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    In....for sabotage.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    By not eating them?

    This (for any situation). Or if I really do want it and I have the macros/cals for it, I eat it and log it, and move on. i had 2 Lindt balls on Saturday. So worth it, although I actually felt nauseous after the 2nd one - I don't eat nearly as much chocolate as I used to lol.
  • corinic91
    corinic91 Posts: 148 Member
    The biggest thing that's helped me with this is someone on here told me to think of calories as an expense. Just because it's "free food" doesn't make it FREE food. Do you have the calories to spend? If not, walk away. It is worth spending those extra calories? Is this your only chance to "purchase" this item or will you likely see it again in a little while, the next time someone brings in the same treat. You'll often find that these treats are just overpriced junk that isn't worth your time, or your calories.

    Also, as someone said here, pack your own snacks! I LOVE keeping some apples with caramel dip in the fridge at work. Low cal, ("cheap") and delicious!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    kbc7288 wrote: »
    It is so difficult to eat healthy at my office. Someone is always bringing in fresh homebaked goods, leftover halloween candy, birthday cake, etcetera. What are some ways that you've successfully navigated healthy eating while at work?
    That's not sabotage. That's just folks living their own lives.

    Bring snack foods that you like and enjoy them.
  • dashaclaire
    dashaclaire Posts: 127 Member
    corinic91 wrote: »
    The biggest thing that's helped me with this is someone on here told me to think of calories as an expense. Just because it's "free food" doesn't make it FREE food. Do you have the calories to spend? If not, walk away. It is worth spending those extra calories? Is this your only chance to "purchase" this item or will you likely see it again in a little while, the next time someone brings in the same treat. You'll often find that these treats are just overpriced junk that isn't worth your time, or your calories.

    Also, as someone said here, pack your own snacks! I LOVE keeping some apples with caramel dip in the fridge at work. Low cal, ("cheap") and delicious!

    Love this! I talk myself out of all kinds of stuff that isn't worth it!
  • parasshelawala
    parasshelawala Posts: 29 Member
    I keep a pile of fruit on my desk so its visible and easier to eat than the cookies and cakes outside my office.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Just say no!

    ....or make it fit
  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    kbc7288 wrote: »
    It is so difficult to eat healthy at my office. Someone is always bringing in fresh homebaked goods, leftover halloween candy, birthday cake, etcetera. What are some ways that you've successfully navigated healthy eating while at work?

    All those things can be incorporated into a healthy diet. I don't understand the question.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    sseqwnp wrote: »
    kbc7288 wrote: »
    It is so difficult to eat healthy at my office. Someone is always bringing in fresh homebaked goods, leftover halloween candy, birthday cake, etcetera. What are some ways that you've successfully navigated healthy eating while at work?

    All those things can be incorporated into a healthy diet. I don't understand the question.
    I keep picturing "part of this nutritious breakfast" commercials from my childhood...
  • slomo22
    slomo22 Posts: 125 Member
    I "accidentally" trip and knock the cake on the floor so that no one can eat it
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    sseqwnp wrote: »
    kbc7288 wrote: »
    It is so difficult to eat healthy at my office. Someone is always bringing in fresh homebaked goods, leftover halloween candy, birthday cake, etcetera. What are some ways that you've successfully navigated healthy eating while at work?

    All those things can be incorporated into a healthy diet. I don't understand the question.

    For some people, unhealthy treats can be trigger foods. Speaking for myself, if I start nibbling on our receptionists' bowl of chocolates (mentioned above), I'll end up buying Oreos and Snickers from the vending machine.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    sseqwnp wrote: »
    kbc7288 wrote: »
    It is so difficult to eat healthy at my office. Someone is always bringing in fresh homebaked goods, leftover halloween candy, birthday cake, etcetera. What are some ways that you've successfully navigated healthy eating while at work?

    All those things can be incorporated into a healthy diet. I don't understand the question.

    For some people, unhealthy treats can be trigger foods. Speaking for myself, if I start nibbling on our receptionists' bowl of chocolates (mentioned above), I'll end up buying Oreos and Snickers from the vending machine.
    And for some folks: we just don't want to eat unhealthy foods. :smile:
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    sseqwnp wrote: »
    kbc7288 wrote: »
    It is so difficult to eat healthy at my office. Someone is always bringing in fresh homebaked goods, leftover halloween candy, birthday cake, etcetera. What are some ways that you've successfully navigated healthy eating while at work?

    All those things can be incorporated into a healthy diet. I don't understand the question.

    For some people, unhealthy treats can be trigger foods. Speaking for myself, if I start nibbling on our receptionists' bowl of chocolates (mentioned above), I'll end up buying Oreos and Snickers from the vending machine.

    This is true for some people. In those cases, I think it's ok if you need to cut it out, at least until you can learn to incorporate it in a healthy way. So, to answer the question: don't eat it. But please also consider that the person who brought it in, is not trying to "sabotage" you.
  • Myrmilt
    Myrmilt Posts: 124 Member
    kbc7288 wrote: »
    It is so difficult to eat healthy at my office. Someone is always bringing in fresh homebaked goods, leftover halloween candy, birthday cake, etcetera. What are some ways that you've successfully navigated healthy eating while at work?

    I feel lucky - I work with all women who are relatively conscious of calories and treats, thus my office doesn't have that many. We have a bowl of candy up front that we all try to avoid to varying degrees of success.

    So, beyond feeling happy about my office situation - advice wound be, avoid the break room like the plague, pretend the food from other peoples homes is contaminated, bring plenty of your own treats.

    In the end, if you really want it, have it, but then really think about the flavor, texture, nutrient factors and decide if it is worth it the next time. Most the time if I do indulge, I am really picky, it has to be worth either the workout, the upset stomach, not eating something later. I love rich foods, but most the time I can't stomach them. If it's baked goods, I love those too, but most the office goodies are dry, over done, or just the run of the mill cookie. Meh, if I want a baked treat, it had better be awesome, fresh, buttery, and an existence. Candy is fine, but is it the really good stuff? If it's just the normal everyday candy, I will pass so I can have Belgian chocolate at a later date.
  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    sseqwnp wrote: »
    kbc7288 wrote: »
    It is so difficult to eat healthy at my office. Someone is always bringing in fresh homebaked goods, leftover halloween candy, birthday cake, etcetera. What are some ways that you've successfully navigated healthy eating while at work?

    All those things can be incorporated into a healthy diet. I don't understand the question.

    For some people, unhealthy treats can be trigger foods. Speaking for myself, if I start nibbling on our receptionists' bowl of chocolates (mentioned above), I'll end up buying Oreos and Snickers from the vending machine.
    And for some folks: we just don't want to eat unhealthy foods. :smile:

    Yeah, but those folks don't have to worry about eating things they don't eat ...
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    edited November 2014
    There are only two people in my office, including myself and not counting our two maintenance men. My Director loves to order pizza, bring in candy and other sweets. Our vendors love to bribe up with donuts and Starbucks and other yummy breakfast foods. Some of our residents love to bring us frozen pizzas and ice cream. It is a terrible situation and was extremely hard to get used I type this there is a bowl of candy staring at me from across my desk. I had to change my habits and ways to get around it.

    I started preparing snacks ahead of time. Sometimes I will bring in bags of vegetables (One per day) and keep them in the crisper in the office fridge. I have a huge desk with a lot of drawers so when I get ready for work I make portioned baggies and plan when they will be eaten and keep them in my drawers. I make sure I have what I'll be craving (Sweet or savory) and that it fits into my calories for the day. That way if I get a craving beyond my normal eating times I have a snack there.

    Oh and a larger breakfast has helped cut the cravings down! Good luck!